Check your BMI

  What does your number mean ? What does your number mean ?

What does your number mean?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults.

BMI values are age-independent and the same for both sexes.
The health risks associated with increasing BMI are continuous and the interpretation of BMI gradings in relation to risk may differ for different populations.

As of today if your BMI is at least 35 to 39.9 and you have an associated medical condition such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure or if your BMI is 40 or greater, you may qualify for a bariatric operation.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Claros.

< 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal Weight
25 – 29.9 Overweight
30 – 34.9 Class I Obesity
35 – 39.9 Class II Obesity
≥ 40 Class III Obesity (Morbid)

What does your number mean?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults.

BMI values are age-independent and the same for both sexes.
The health risks associated with increasing BMI are continuous and the interpretation of BMI gradings in relation to risk may differ for different populations.

As of today if your BMI is at least 35 to 39.9 and you have an associated medical condition such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure or if your BMI is 40 or greater, you may qualify for a bariatric operation.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Claros.

< 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal Weight
25 – 29.9 Overweight
30 – 34.9 Class I Obesity
35 – 39.9 Class II Obesity
≥ 40 Class III Obesity (Morbid)

investment calculator excel formula

I am hoping that you can assist with the following:-. I have been unable to find such a calculator on the Internet, as all the formulas do not allow for annual donation changes by donation percentage, as I have stated above. if the initial investment is 1,000,000 for ten years with 200% accumulated interest ( 2,000,000 ). please explain this with formula. Although intuitive to use, each calculator also contains helpful information within the cell comments, and additional resources and references are provided on the individual download pages. sir please send me DDA calculator daily deposit scheme interest calculator suppose any per giveing 50/ rs daily for 90 days @ 7% per annum for 90 days. pmt - an additional payment that is made each period, represented as a, pv (optional) - the present value of the investment (principle investment), which is also a. type (optional) - specifies when additional payments are due: 0 or omitted - at the end of the period, and 1 - at the beginning of the period. trying to calculate interest for 1 year assuming 27 periods where the first period earns the full rate of interest 10%, each period decreases the amount of interest by 2/27 the last period earns 1/27 of the full amount of interest. Assume: 360,000 expense for 1st year and will increase with annually compounded rise of expense at 7.25% Mathematically, it is represented as, Expense Ratio = Management Fees / Total Investment in the Fund Example of … Format column A as a date (Home tab > Number format), Copy it down the column by drag-and-dropping. This will help us provide a quick and relevant solution to your query. Each cell down is +7 days from the previous cell, except when it gets less then 7 days then it is the last day of the month and next cell after the the end of month is +7 days from the previous 2 cells, 14/7/17 (start date, can be any date of the month) ", Looks like minus is missing in your formula. Aug L5 0.85% to "How to calculate compound interest in Excel - formula for daily, monthly, yearly compounding", How to calculate compound interest in Excel, Compound interest formula for Excel (daily, monthly, weekly compounding). There are non-periodic deposits and withdraws within the period. Trying to get an excel formula. This increased amount becomes the principal for the next time period (compounding period) and also earns interest. The tutorial explains the compound interest formula for Excel and provides examples of how to calculate the future value of the investment at annual, monthly or daily compounding interest rate. We cannot guarantee that we will answer every question, but we'll do our best :), 60+ professional tools for Microsoft Excel. Solution in excel please. where U is the fraction of the year the invoices was paid late (days late/365). I have an investment that compounds weekly, but at no set rate (trading currencies, some weeks are better than others). A CD is a low risk investment. This may seem low to you if you've read that the stock market averages much higher returns over the course of decades. The date of the end of the period and the balance on that date.In the example you can download here, we want to calculate the investment returns from Jan. 1, 2009 to Sept. 30, 2010. As an investor you may always wonder how much your investment return is. What compound interest rate would be required? In U.S., most banks are insured by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), a U.S. government agency. Is it possible? Questions: 1)compute the payout(payback) point for undiscounted cash. What Is in the GuruFocus Premium Membership? sir plz send daily deposit scheme (dds) formula. What I want to do now is to calculate the number of repayments if I increase the calculated monthly Repayment by a constant amount, say $50.00 per month. Example. I believe its the most comprehensive on the internet for calculating CI using Excel. Suppose you invest Rs.10000 in a business each December 31 (at the end of each year) for the next 10 years. It will easy to figure out what your investment returns are if you never add or withdraw from your accounts. Not sure what you mean by 'Increase Deposit Annually by (Percentage) but if this is considered a rollover where 0 dividends are paid to you, the next year's starting principal will be the previous years Future value. (A1*(1+A2/360*30)^INT(A3/30))-A1+IF(INT(A3/30)=A3/30,0,(A1*(1+A2/360*30)^(INT(A3/30)-1))*(A2/360*((A3/30-INT(A3/30))*30))) Excel contains an internal rate of return formula that calculates your annual portfolio return rate. It is also called initial investment outlay or simply initial outlay. 11/01/19 2050.410959 10/04/19 50.55807844 2100.969037 90 They spent more than 70% of the time preparing Excel Models, formulating Assumptions, Valuations, Calculations, Graphs, etc.It is safe to assume that Investment bankers are masters in excel shortcuts and formulas. B9 - additional contributions type. interest? If you are getting interest of 12%, compounded semiannually, how much will you have after 10 years? I.e. Please clarify what you mean by escalation of 3% every 3 years. from August 01, 2015 through today's date. For this info first, enter all these things in excel worksheet to conduct the ROI calculation. "How do I calculate the Term of a loan when the Monthly Repayment Value, The Annual Interest Rate and the Original Loan Amount are all known? Thank you so much for your kind words, Naveed! sir please send me DDA calculator daily deposit scheme interest calculator suppose any per giveing 100/ rs daily for 180 days @ 7% per annum for 180 days. © 2004-2021, LLC. for this case the compound interest is 11.6123174 %. 1. Borrow amount: 10,800.00 Annually Rate: 6.75% Principal amount + Interest amount is $5449.40. RATE Function Overview. As you remember, you are investing $10 at the annual interest rate of 7% and want to know how yearly compounding increases your savings. When adjusted for the compound interest calculator shown in the screenshot above, the formula takes the following shape: The numbers look rather familiar? This is compounded the next year and so forth. 1st Semiannual rate=4.80% 29/9/17 Let us explain. I want to build a tool to calculate required monthly instalments, when interest rate is fixed, future value is known/changeable, duration is known/ changeable and interest is compound daily. Time period= 1 year (P*(1 + r/360*30)^m - P) + (P*(1 + r/360*30)^(m-1))*r/360*d That's because it has 2 tricks, the interest rate is changing each month and also because the problem is asking for the interest amount at the end of a specific period of which the last date is actually at the middle of a month, not at the end of it, meaning the last 15 days of the period is not eligible for compounded interest. Please solve this question Suppose, you invest $2,000 at 8% interest rate compounded monthly and you want to know the value of your investment after 5 years. $24,000 investment B5 - the number of compounding periods per year. If The loan amount partially with 100000. Also, the variable of compounding intervals for daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly would be nice). Current formula gives First, we will calculate the ROI value. The RATE function in MS Excel allows you to calculate SIP returns easily. I have been searching the internet high and low and cannot find anyone who has this. It equals capital expenditures plus working capital requirement plus after-tax proceeds from assets disposed off or available for use elsewhere.y. I've got one that I downloaded from gummystuff. Please make sure you use this one: The following formula expresses interest compounded at 4.5% quarterly on a debt of £1,000.00: how we calculate compund intrest for me all the monthly calculation for this. Have you tried this free Property Investment Calculator - a simple and useful can I afford an investment property calculator? Do not waste your time on typing the same replies to repetitive emails. it is very help full formula please send more formula, How do I begin to solve this problem or set up a formula in exel. $20,000 in five years time @5% annual interest By hovering over a certain bar in the graph, you can see the summary info for that particular year. The aim of this article is to make it easy : ) You will also learn how to use a compound interest formula in Excel and create a universal compound interest calculator for your own worksheets. Incredible product, even better tech support…AbleBits totally delivers! the present value of the investment (rounded to 2 decimal places) is $12,328.91. The answer is $11.45 and you can calculate it in several ways, as demonstrated below. $1,000 9-Nov-15 10-Mar-16 5.20% Monthly ? Oct N5 -1.27% Investment analysis: Example: I have deposited $.2,000 on 11th Oct 2018 @ annual rate of 10% with quarterly compounding. The Excel FV function is a financial function that returns the future value of an investment. I'm trying to calculate the future value of a 1 year investment using excel but I am having issues because I have two differing semiannual interest rates. So my question is:- ROI Calculator Excel Template. Note: the compound interest formula reduces to =100* (1+0.08/1)^ (1*5), =100* (1.08)^5 6. .please calculate the compounding interest of 4000 bd after 3 years of paying at 130 bd per month. XIRR returns the internal rate of return for a schedule of cash flows that is not necessarily periodic. Can you help me devise a formulae to reduced monthly interest charged against a loan as additional funds were added to Initial loan. 11/07/19 2153.349361 08/09/19 35.39752375 2188.746885 60, I have a loan that I will make monthly payment,but interest compound daily. Apply the above-mentioned formula to calculate investment return in excel. In case of compound interest, the principal in each time period is different. loan 500000 The first version of the ROI formula (net income divided by the cost of an investment) is the most commonly used ratio. My request, Now the total principal is 548767. the interest must calculate on this figure. Calculate the Present Value. You need to use a VBA code or a macro. You will also find the detailed steps to create your Annuity investment calculator. I want to know the formula for the following calculation. The best news is that you don't have to re-invent the wheel. 97 Comments. Interest rate is 5.2% calculated monthly but there have been no payments. So, in effort to resolve the 15 days trick first, I assumed the interest is fixed thru out the period and I reached the following concept formula that calculates the monthly compounding interest at the end of any given period whether the period ends at the end of a month or at any day within a month: Your new formula ......(based on any incremental number and weekend rule), we've adjusted the formula for you that includes the weekend rule: Members Only. through today's date. (ie. Sep M5 0.39% This worksheet template calculates the monthly value of an annuity investment. But If I have series of deposit to hundreds of people how I can get in once coloum with future value, Say : Start Date End Date Principal Amount Interest rate Result as well as the future values with a corresponding compounding. In the meantime, if you are not a Premium Member of ours, we invite you for a 7-day Free Trial. Ex 25.02.2017 loan taken Hello, is there an excel function that will be able to predict values for 25 years with an escalation rate of X% and frequency of every n years. Unable to open Outlook window" error, Outlook Quick Parts and AutoText: how to create, edit and use, Merge data from duplicate rows based on a unique column, How to compare data in two Google sheets or columns. Therefore, the present value formula in … Earn affiliate commissions by embedding GuruFocus Charts. I am trying to calculate the amount owing on a loan of $6,600 taken out 1/01/1990 which went for 2.5 years (no interest was paid), and then $4,150 was paid back but the remaining $2,450 still outstanding. it means if interest not paid, the accrued interest of 48767 must capitalized HI, need some help. $1200 in Year 1), and assume a 7% annual return; and increase his monthly contribution by 3% each successive year (i.e. The return on investment formula is calculated by subtracting the cost from the total income and dividing it by the total cost.As you can see, the ROI formula is very simplistic and broadly defined. A third debt from January 01, 2017 with a principle of $6500 and an interest rate of 18% through today's date. This tutorial demonstrates how to use the Excel RATE Function in Excel to calculate the interest rate of an investment. 35+ handy options to make your text cells perfect. then settled accrued interest i.e. VLOOKUP in Excel - which formula is the fastest? Next stage formulas: The answer is $11.45 and you can get it by copying the same formula to column D. To calculate how much money you will find in your bank account at the end of 3 years, simply copy the same formula to column E and you will get $12.25. To understand the idea of compound interest better, let's begin with a very simple example discussed at the beginning of this tutorial and write a formula to calculate annual compound interest in Excel. I want to work out each week, what the effective compound interest rate has been since starting the investment, and then use that rate to work out a "what if" scenario..... what if this investment continues to perform at the current level till the end of the financial year? $5,000 26-Nov-15 10-Mar-16 5.20% Monthly ? A2 = The annual interest rate Can this be done? The information on this site, and in its related newsletters, is not intended to be, nor does it constitute, investment advice or recommendations. It is like having an expert at my shoulder helping me…, Your software really helps make my job easier. compute the present value of an $1,850 payment made in 8 years when the discount rate is 10%. 4/8/17 (Here needs to be 28/7/17 + 7days) I sure could use your help. As you see, with daily compounding interest, the future value of the same investment is a bit higher than with monthly compounding. If you want to know how much your investment will be worth at an 8% annual interest rate compounded quarterly, simply enter 4 in cell B5: To calculate the future value of your investment with semi-annual compounding, enter 2 as the Compounding periods per year value. The best, quicker and easier, option would be a macro or VBA code. For example, one begins at age 20, contributes each year for 10 years then stops contributing but all funds compound annually for 45 years. Naturally, you can directly calculate the balance after 3 years using this formula: Another way to make an annual compound interest formula is to calculate the earned interest for each year and then add it to the initial deposit. It pays a fixed interest rate for a specified amount of time, giving an easy-to-determine rate of return and investment length. I suspect that Kailua was seeking a similar formula. Ablebits is a fantastic product - easy to use and so efficient. pv is -2000 since the syntax of the FV function requires using a negative number in this argument. To use the RATE Excel Worksheet Function, select a cell and type: (Notice how the formula inputs appear) RATE Function Syntax and Inputs: A doubt , suppose I bought a land 5 year ago at price 25000/- and sold this year at 35000/-, then what compound interest I am getting per year,when interest is compouding every day. Any help would be appreciated! how we calculate daily interest and total amount i have to pay, How do you write excel formula to give below dates in a column How can I create a table that responds to the number of years as an input for the compound interest? May I5 0.96% =-PV(0,11;5;0;1000000), Here is one to perform a reverse check: Keeping this in mind, you can verify the result returned by the formula by performing a simple calculation of 10*(1+0.07) or 10*1.07 and make sure that your balance after 1 year will be $10.70 indeed. please explain me how to calculate per day interest rate in excel, how to calculate per day interest rate in exel example i deposite 5000 daily and i got 2000000 after 365 days. What would be my compound interest per anum, I was wondering if anyone could help me with this problem. So, our Excel compound interest formula goes as follows: If you need some explanation of the parameters, here you go: As demonstrated in the following screenshot, the FV formula returns the same result as the compound interest calculator that we created in the previous example. For Year 2 (B6) and all subsequent years, change the formula to: i = 8% per year, compounded monthly (0.08/12= 006666667), i = 8% per year, compounded daily (0.08/365 = 0.000219178), number of compounding periods per year (A5). Hi Svetlana - Thank you for your great article. Let's use Excel FV formula with the same values as in monthly compound interest examples and see whether we get the same result. July Rent is $8000.00 per month payable on 5th of the month. I know there has to be a Excel formula to do this for each month on the calendar reflecting the different number of days in each month, but it just isn't coming to me. (if interest not paid) For example, every month I am paying a particular amount for 20 months. I'm trying to find the annual return for a string of 12 monthly returns, any chance someone knows what the formula would be? How do I do an amortization table? To make your own financial calculator in Excel, start a new file or sheet and label fields for Rate, Nper, PMT, PV, and Type, and add some sample values. no payment have been made on this loan. Total loan - 548767 I would appreciate ant help as soon as possible,. Financial modeling best practices require calculations to be transparent and auditable. Someone taked loan 1000$ and he have to pay 2% interest every month. and if repay the the loan first settled capitalized interest, then remaining interest and then principal. $1,000 loaned November 9, 2015 Thanks a lot, exactly what I needed. For example, you put $10 into a bank account. How can I show it in Excel? So, how much will your $10 deposit be worth after 2 years at the annual interest rate of 7%? Microsoft and the Office logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. monthly amount = 75. After 365 days the accrued interest should automatically capitalized. Thanks in advance! I have a client that experienced embezzlement from a former employee. re above query Interest compounded quarterly. Eddie. 29/9/17 I want a formula for the following. Regards be changed so that if the end of the month falls on a weekend then it gives the date of the last working business day. rate of int.11.5%p.a, In line with Kailua's request above, I am seeking an excel formula for compounding interest with a STARTING monthly deposit of $100 invested at 7% per year (compounded annually), and increasing the monthly deposit by 3% per year (i.e. Please reply me. Anyone who works with Excel is sure to find their work made easier. $6,700 1-Dec-15 10-Mar-16 5.20% Monthly ? Interest is 6% per annum I need an excel spreadsheet that can show the court the amount currently owed on each debt seperatly and how that amount has grown. 11/10/18 2000.00000 10/01/19 50.4109589 2050.410959 92 example.....principal My question is Now we are getting to the most interesting part - building your own powerful and versatile compound interest calculator in Excel. Can anyone tell me how to calculate the interest that i am paying if: I have an amount of principal that i am paying interest on and the amount increases every period and i know what the total amount of interest i am paying at the end is? I want excel correct calculation or excel template, along with finanical year interest between 1st April year to 31st March next year(say 01-04-2018 to 31-03-2019) for income tax purpose. Another contributes annually for 35 years but begins after the first individual stops making contributions. our statement shows: 5.Suppose John could change investment plans at E-Trade and earn an additional 1% per annum beginning in year 2 and an additional 1% beginning in year 4. Hello, Past performance is a poor indicator of future performance. GOPINATH. Thanks. How do I amend the formula such that interest is calculated not with reference to the quarters BUT with reference to the annual quarter days found in many leases namely: 25 March, 24 June, 29 September and 25 December annually? Can I continue to add new amounts as they happen and continue to calculate interest on the entire amount. Now let's see how you can use the above formulas on real data to make your own NPV calculator in Excel. Monthly deposit = 1000 min.deposit:200 How would I calculate this? Those of you who have some experience with Excel formulas have probably figured out that what the above formula actually does is multiplying the initial deposit of $10 by 1.07 three times: Round it to two decimal places and you will get the same number as you see in cell E2 in the screenshot above - $12.25. i could use some help.I am drowning in a on line fin 301 class. No of Payments = 5 As you do this, the estimated total is displayed on top and immediately reflected in the graph below: Clicking the View Report button generates a "Summary Report" as well as "Savings Balance" that provides the detailed info on the amount of additional contributions, earned interest and balance for each year. This is a link to an Excel file which you can download (linked again later) and modify to calculate your own investment returns. It might be easier to start with simple interest that is calculated only on the principal amount. Jul K5 1.22% You can fix this by modifying your formula; Business could not complete planned renovations that cost the business additional sales. Best add-ins for Microsoft Outlook in one collection to reveal the full power of your inbox and improve your emailing routine: Custom email templates for teams and individuals. I don't know how to thank you enough for your Excel add-ins. P = the principal amount (the $1000) It pulls in your tickers for you automatically too. Excel's FV function returns the future value of an investment based on factors similar to what we have just discussed, though its syntax is a bit different: In the function, the first 3 arguments are obligatory and the last 2 are optional. I have the future value. So unless I have erred then NPER is not what I want. question. In summary, I am planning to see what the final savings amount will be if I advise my grandchild to contribute $100 per month to his investment portfolio (i.e. Since the investments are made every month over an extended period of time, the usual metrics like point-to-point or CAGR returns are of no use. An investor purchased a share at a price of $5 and he had purchased 1,000 shared in year 2017 after one year he decides to sell them at a price of $ You should see the earned interest's growth like in the screenshot below that reveals the real power of compound interest. Simply enter the present value, interest rate, term, and contribution of reinvested interest each month, and interest and balances are calculated automatically. This gave me a result of 129.41 whereas I was expecting 25years X 12 = 300months. Well, let's take a step forward and create a universal compound interest formula for Excel that can calculate how much money you will earn with yearly, quarterly, monthly, weekly or daily compounding. amount $5000 invested for 1 year. $24,000 investment If you are curious to try this advanced compound interest calculator for Excel to compute your savings, you can download it at the end of this post. The balance on Sept. 30, 2010 is $68,654. You will also find the detailed steps to create your own Excel compound interest calculator. In the above formula the value1 would be the initial investment (Period 0 with negative cash flow) followed by cash flows from all other periods. I have deposited fixed deposits on cummulative basis(drawn on maturity) in various banks, various rate of interest, starting and ending dates. The periods of each fixed deposit and the interest rate could be different. I just wanted to say a BIG Thank You for creating this "learn-and-do-it-yourself" website. 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