Check your BMI

  What does your number mean ? What does your number mean ?

What does your number mean?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults.

BMI values are age-independent and the same for both sexes.
The health risks associated with increasing BMI are continuous and the interpretation of BMI gradings in relation to risk may differ for different populations.

As of today if your BMI is at least 35 to 39.9 and you have an associated medical condition such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure or if your BMI is 40 or greater, you may qualify for a bariatric operation.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Claros.

< 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal Weight
25 – 29.9 Overweight
30 – 34.9 Class I Obesity
35 – 39.9 Class II Obesity
≥ 40 Class III Obesity (Morbid)

What does your number mean?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults.

BMI values are age-independent and the same for both sexes.
The health risks associated with increasing BMI are continuous and the interpretation of BMI gradings in relation to risk may differ for different populations.

As of today if your BMI is at least 35 to 39.9 and you have an associated medical condition such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure or if your BMI is 40 or greater, you may qualify for a bariatric operation.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Claros.

< 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal Weight
25 – 29.9 Overweight
30 – 34.9 Class I Obesity
35 – 39.9 Class II Obesity
≥ 40 Class III Obesity (Morbid)

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Think about what messages you want to lead with. What does detail mean? . Found inside Page 113Nothing will display your lack of attention to detail more than a rsum that contains grammar and spelling errors. Avoid pronoun use (i.e., I, my, me) whenever possible. Have you used complete sentences or fragmented sentences? Found inside Page 62You will want to be sure to include in your resume the primary ones that are applicable to you. acceptable driving record Active Listening Adaptable / Flexible Attention to Detail Attention to Detail Control Precision Cooperation One that I remember quite well involved a . Your resume summary is the first part of your resume employers see. Proof of a valid Alaska Driver's License. What jobs require Detail-oriented skills on resume. You may need to ask yourself the following questions before you do this: Did your attention to detail benefit the company in terms of higher profits? Find out how you have showcased your skills & optimize your resume, Enhancv > Resume Skills > Attention To Detail Skills. There's no worse way to show inattentiveness than to send in a resume speckled with grammar and spelling errors. I'm not detail oriented / picky enough to be a regular FAC reviewer. You need to show your employer that you are detail-oriented and possess some of the topmost skills required for your job position. . Home Resume Attention to Detail in a Sentence for Resume. . Tap Into the Power of Words to Help Your Resume Stand Out. you can claim to be that person. Positioning. Managers dont want to waste time fixing their employees mistakes- they want employees with the attention to detail to avoid mistakes entirely. Found inside Page 471The advantage of the cover letter over the rsum is that the applicant can include more expression in it; the rsum tends to be more factual. Much attention to detail must occur to create a cover letter that will fulfill its role. His attention to detail has inextricably tied some novels to the past. Now, let's see some good examples of objective sentences that you can learn from to write a compelling one for your resume/CV: 20 Best Objective Sentence Examples for Resumes. But if you hand the hiring manager a resume that shows how you have repeatedly been trusted with complicated and sensitive tasks, they are likely to sit up and pay attention to you as a candidate. About this report:Data reflects analysis made on over 1 000 000 resumes over the last 2 years from As many employers seek this skill, it is not surprising to see many students list on their resume that they have 'strong attention to detail'. This works best if you know someone on the inside or have a networking appointment and want to have the flexibility to change your approach if other opportunities open up. Such skills increase productivity in the workplace and the effectiveness of any process. And all the difference comes down to job performance. A personal assistant who doesnt spell a customers name or write down a message correctly might offend an important customer. It is an analytical skill that's fast . If your options are few, try some out-of-the-box thinking and try something entirely unique. By the way, did you know that attention to detail is truly trainable? In simple terms, your future boss wants to know they can trust you to complete your work accurately and notice small details when they are important. As many employers seek this skill, it is not surprising to see many students list on their resume that they have 'strong attention to detail'. 10 Answers, 36 Data Processor Interview Questions and Answers. They notify the reader that two or more elements in a sentence are linked. What you should do instead: Saying that you have great attention to detail in an application is fatal; you're bound to make a mistake after writing it. Found insideCarry a neat, updated resume and talk about your achievements. Your rsum is a concise work history, list of accomplishments, and education that you present to Writing a resume takes time and attention to detail. Found inside Page 57The overall appearance of your resume matters a great deal. Misaligned indentations If your resume isn't visually perfect, it says that you either have no attention to detail or that you simply don't care. If your resume looks like If you overlook details and make mistakes, you won't last long as a reporter, an auditor, a wedding planner or a tombstone. Found insideIt serves as your tool to attract attention, get the interview and/or get a job. A great resume will make you do not have attention to detail, that you don't take time to double Check your work, and that you are a poor Communicator. Sentence examples for a keen attention to detail from inspiring English sources. If getting the details of a task wrong would cost the company money or embarrassment, they will probably ask for strong attention to detail. Identify the necessary qualifications for the position and make a list of those requirements. Found insideAdept at managing details with ability to plan, schedule, analyse needs and develop priorities in order to carry Excellent organizational and administrative ability with superior strengths in planning and attention to detail. No spam, just information that will help you build a resume that makes you feel relevant and well represented. However, saying it verbatim may not be the right thing to do, especially when you are writing a resume. Found inside Page 34One person had August 2005 in the cover letter and May 2005 in the resume. Go figure! That demonstrates lack of attention to detail. Pay attention to detail and be consistent in everything you do. Job Objective In the Objective, in a hundred page contract can cost the company millions of dollars! Try to keep your writing concise, meaning you convey significant meaning using relatively few words. The LinkedIn headline and the first two to three sentences of your LinkedIn summary are critical to making connections and securing opportunities from recruiters and hiring managers. Consider the skills, experience, training and education the employer's seeking. But in a stack of resumes that all list attention to detail, how do you set yourself apart? Creative Thinking. 2. 3. In the simplest terms, a hyphen's main purpose is to glue words together. attention to detail. A billing clerk entering the invoice as a $5000 charge rather than a $500 charge could cause countless hours of drama when the customer realizes their bill is wrong. For example, respond to a senior pricing role with a resume featuring deep pricing experience, pricing leadership roles, analytics, and pricing IT systems. Sure, writing might not be . INTERVIEWEE: Well, there are a couple of situations that come to mind. Above all, you are trustworthy: you can be relied upon to follow orders and complete your work within the expected time. It is also important to note that you also need to show attention to detail when creating a resume. Because you had all your paperwork in order, perhaps bills got paid faster and with fewer deductions by the customer. The ability to manipulate small pieces of data with accuracy and focus is a crucial skill in a broad range of job fields. All our writers are degreed experts in many fields of study, How Many Words Should A Sentence Have In Essays thus it will be easy to handpick a professional How Many Words Should A Sentence Have In Essays who will provide the best homework assistance possible. Proofread your resume, sleep on it, and then proofread it again. He is a detail-oriented person. Error while subscribing! Since your resume highlights your planning skills and attention to detail among others, well, expect the recruiter to be interested in these organizational skills in particular. Make your resume immaculate. The nice thing about awards is most of them are generic enough you can spin them however you want on a resume, to showcase the skills you want to promote for that job. Resume phrases for customer service may not be the same as resume phrases for client services. 1. Found inside Page 31Form , spelling , grammar , and attention to detail : Many resumes are passed over due to spelling errors , grammatical errors and typographical errors , even if the applicant seemed to have the right type of experience or background . Make a list of the required skills and experience listed and begin to compile notes on the parts of your experience that align with those requirements. These days, I'd say most of them include this phrase somewhere in the summary or body of text. Describe accomplishments in bullet points. Attention to detail is the ability you have to efficiently and accurately allocate your cognitive abilities to focus on a specific task or number of tasks. In an office or retail environment, this skill may be required for people who manage money, important documents, and sensitive relationships with important customers and public officials. Found inside Page 54CURRICULUM VITAE PAMELA COREL focused , think about the most irate customer you have had to deal with , what you did and During interviews candidates mention that they have good attention to detail yet their CV is full of typos . I will explain the details of this assignment and your objectives just as a preceptor would in real life. They were fascinated by the similar shapes used to design buildings like gasometers and water towers and . Professional 3 Page Resume by Responsive Resumes, $2.29. Optimize Your Resume Build a New Resume. Get help in creating quality JDs and resumes from experts today. Give close attention to monitoring budget variances and plans appropriate adjustment Strive for maximum return on investment Excel in profit-oriented decisions Demonstrate a strong ability to strengthen cost-profit ratios Demonstrate sound cost effectiveness Develop strong cost control measures to ensure However, when you list a skill such as attention to detail, you need to provide supporting evidence to show how you've used this ability in the workplace. Performed weekly analysis on business results and financial statements. 10. Reflect on a moment in your life where you predicted and avoided a big problem, and have the story prepared for your interview. Speaks to your intended audience In some cases, you may need to shamelessly cater to stereotypes about your role or education. Found inside Page 85Advanced on the basis of technical proficiency, natural aptitude, and attention to detail as a DATA PROCESSING TECHNICIAN in the U.S. Navy: SHIFT SUPERVISOR. The USS Guam, Norfolk, VA (1997-99). Was promoted to supervise operation of Use resume phrases relevant to the job. This attention to detail will quickly position this property as the go to destination for visitors who want the true Baton Rouge experience whether on business or pleasure. Use every tool at your disposal to perfect, check and proofread your resume. These are the kind of things that can reassure a hiring manager. Found inside Page 162Including Real Resumes Used to Change Careers and Transfer Skills to Other Industries Anne McKinney. SECURITY POLICEMAN Dear Mr. Smith: Formal performance evaluations have praised my "tireless dedication and attention to detail. Understanding how to highlight skills on your resume correctly can help you stand out to potential employers. I saw on your job description that this role involves a lot of detail-oriented work, which is one reason I applied." We'll cover many more answer samples in the next section of this article. Speaks to your intended audience Pay close attention to this information as it will help guide your exam. To grab a recruiter's attention, stick to sentences with a maximum of 2 lines and 2 clauses that relate to one core competency. That is a very convincing indicator of being trusted. Found inside Page 23 To offer a reputation as a highly knowledgeable and dedicated manager with expertise in finance and accounting to an organization which can benefit from my attention to detail, initiative, enthusiasm, and dedication to excellence. Attention to Detail in a Sentence for Resume. Were you entrusted with a difficult task because of your ability to work with tiny details? Some authorities say resume objective statements are essential, while others say they are optional, and still others make the case that they are unnecessary. It will list off characteristics such as: We can boil all this down to a couple of key ideas. How do you describe attention to detail in a resume? Required fields are marked *. The ability to manipulate small pieces of data with accuracy and focus is a crucial skill in a broad range of job fields. When it comes to soft skills on resumes, show, rather than tell principle, is your best friend. Im Preceptor Diana. from inspiring English sources. Read through Detail-oriented skills keywords and build a job-winning resume. That explains why they're so sought-after. It will be tossed in the trash for anything else. By following our helpful strategies, youll write an incredible resume, and your attention to detail will win you any job you apply for. Other concepts here to ponder as we go deeper into how to sell attention to detail. If you do want to use it, you must consider what else you can say in order to augment this information. Found insideattention to detail by using this account, you have missed a detail so please pay attention; This is on the Top Ten List of Most Used Resume Phrases. We see these tired word words day in and day out. Here are some replacement Write your profile. Detail-oriented is a skill you can include on a resume that tells employers that you pay attention to details, notice small mistakes, and are able to deliver high quality, accurate work. Found inside Page 155 meticulous computer-aided drafting professional with excellent communication and organizational skills who offers a background in medical, surgical, and logistics environments requiring careful attention to detail. I've always been detail-oriented in my work, and it's something I enjoy. Honestly, it probably hurts you everyone does this and thus, it doesnt really mean anything anymore. Handled regular quality assessments on incoming materials from company dealers and suppliers. To increase your chances of landing a job, you need to show what makes you different. Found inside Page 104As mentioned, your resume and cover letter are good places to start demonstrating an attention to detail. There is no reason why these documents shouldn't be perfect. You don't want your career to be put on hold because you tripped over Consider following these steps to write an effective objective for your student resume: 1. Review the job posting. Detail-oriented skill set in 2021. Highlight your achievements, attitude, and personality, so you can tell your story with confidence, GET EXPERT INSTANT FEEDBACK ON YOUR RESUME. Your professional summary section will be 1-3 sentences in length. Check for Consistency. Your email address will not be published. The definition of detail is to describe or give information about something, or to clean and shine all parts of an autom. Most recruiters won't pursue a resume that has a few mistakes in the copy, let alone a hiring manager for whom attention to detail is at the top of their hiring priorities. 5. But then, how does one get it across to the hiring manager that one can pay great attention to detail? Now The only thing you need to do is to connect these skills to the achievements in your job description and structure your answer according to the STAR method. Being successful required two things: organizing the list of things you had to check into a process and being disciplined enough to consistently follow that process. How to Write a Cover Letter with No Experience. This is the first section hiring managers will be reading, so it is important to draw their attention using bold and large lettering. Found inside Page 71 (910)483-6611 OBJECTIVE To contribute to an organization that can use a highly motivated young professional with strong sales and public relations skills along with a style of "attention to detail" in all areas. Attention to detail is a common requirement for jobs where the consequences of a mistake are particularly drastic or difficult to fix. Read through Detail-oriented skills keywords and build a job-winning resume. Heres how to do it for different job titles. Found inside Page 893Always keep the rsum to one page, unless you have been in the workforce for multiple years. Then use an additional page, but your content Much attention to detail must occur to create a cover letter that will fulfill its role. The fit in resume is softer, covering the broader set of your soft and hard skills. Found inside Page 1226Always keep the rsum to one page, unless you have been in the workforce for multiple years. Then use an additional page, but your content Much attention to detail must occur to create a cover letter that will fulfill its role. Attention to detail is especially useful when applying for a job and preparing for interviews. That's why they're able to accomplish great results. Focus on showing rather than telling future bosses you have good attention to detail. (adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({}); It may seem as if writing this will help the hiring manager focus on you as a possible candidate for the job, but it can as easily backfire. You can also mention that you are observant mention experiences that show this. Found inside Page 184For applicants with little experience, the cover letter can be their op- portunity to convince the hiring manager they The cover letter should be written with the same level of attention to detail as the rsum, because it will also You probably will never have a complete sentence on your undergraduate resume, and should rely on (technical) nouns and verb phrases only, often formatted with bullets. Make sure your email is correct, HR Operations Supervisor & Lead Recruiter. in a sentence. Individual areas are addressed generically, describing roles vs. narrow accomplishments. "My greatest strength is attention to detail. I am very attentive to details and will not allow anything to go unresolved. Did your attention to detail improve profits? Richly detailed. The recruiter and HR manager are probably referring back to a job competency sheet. First, talk about the complexity of the assignment. Attention to detail takes multiple forms that you can include on your resume. It may seem as if writing this will help the hiring manager focus on you as a possible candidate for the job, but it can as easily . Found inside Page 82And while you read, you should pay attention to sentence and paragraph length and makeup. The essence of this form of proofreading is that it forces you to pay attention to detail. To elaborate on the points given above, Talented individual seeking to work with Wellstar Health System as a Health Coach with 2 years of experience delivering wellness coaching in a hospital environment. Ever noticed how attention to detail skills are required in every job application? This is a suprisingly tricky skill to describe on a resume. This works really well if you know the hiring manager is a). Someone who's detail-oriented isn't likely to forget an important instruction, overlook an issue, or adopt a "good enough" mindset. Tailoring your resume to each position is a crucial step to create a bot-proof job application. Attention to Details Examples. Add strong verbs and compelling adjectives. Attention to detail is your ability to efficiently allocate your cognitive resources to achieve thoroughness and accuracy when accomplishing tasks, no matter how small or large. Education on a Probation Officer Resume. The answer: it depends. detail oriented. If your attention to detail is outstanding, . And second, youve got plenty of space to show what you bring to the table. So, here's how to do that on your resume for different spheres of work. Demonstrated a pattern of reliable behaviors on the job. Found inside Page 353Successful real-estate sales individual with the ability to follow through while applying a keen attention to detail. Willing to put to use transferable skills in most an interest and challenging position and business environment. Build in relevant stories and anecdotes gives your resume a more personal flavor than just the facts, as well as captures hiring manager's attention through stories crafted to resonate with their needs. Get your personalized plan for a resume that stands out and lands you your dream job! Paying close attention to details is an extremely valuable skill, and you will have no trouble finding a job thats looking for it. 3 Do your research - find details about the company or the position to focus on during your interview. Found inside Page 2462 Core competencies include efficiency, organization, working well under pressure and deadlines and attention to detail. Professional demeanor, with excellent interpersonal and communications skills. Typing speed: 75 wpm. That makes a big difference when it comes to the quality of their work. But if you dont do it right, your resume WILL be tossed in the trash. Secondly, it gives you a chance to prove that skill- both right there on the resume, and in the interview. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. The following are illustrative examples. Holistically, you can show off your soft skills throughout the resume. Making sure that it is devoid of grammatical and syntax errors is imperative., Your email address will not be published. For example, instead of writing this monster: All this will help you in writing sentences that say that you possess great attention to detail, without actually writing it down. Found inside Page 74As you will see from my resume, I offer an unusually strong combination of an outgoing personality and strong customer service skills combined with excellent accounting knowledge and an attitude of attention to detail. Found inside Page 142This is someone who can attend to all the necessary details, and leave the founders to focus on their precious new baby. No one sees the arrival of a pathogenic vector or harmful toxin, but rather of the means for developing order from At the top of your resume, directly below your name, write your job title along with the three most relevant skills you have as a candidate. Each sentence that you write, which is required to show attention to detail, must be carefully worded. However when asked how they can demonstrate this skill, many are unable to answer. Receptionist Resume Examples, Skills, and Keywords. Attention to Detail in a Sentence for Resume. Attention To Detail Every sentence in a job description or a resume is important. Take a look at these examples: Note the key points here of a good proof of skill bullet for your resume. Spotting subtle insights in data is very common in fraud investigation and financial analysis. The little touches you add can help your resume and cover letter to really shine. It's more than just having an error-free resume. Simply claiming the fact that you have attention to detail does not send out a strong message. Employers may look at a resume for just 6 seconds before deciding whether to give a candidate further consideration. The best way to prepare for an interview for a job where attention to detail is important is to think about several stories you can tell the interviewer which feature this skill. Make it count! You may begin by looking closely at the job posting. Now that we have established that job applicants need to show attention to detail, and not merely write it, let us see how this can be done. Attention to Detail Interview Questions and Answers, Psychology Research Assistant Cover Letter Sample, 10 Merchandising Assistant Interview Questions and Answers, Do You Have any Questions About the Job Description? "Attention to detail" is an important resume skill to include. Follow this formula, and youll prove more than a single soft skill in your resume. Does Your Job or Title Naturally Suggest It? When I worked as a fraud investigator, most of my colleagues had very high attention to detail. By dividing your resume into clearly defined sections and using words and phrases designed for rapid comprehension, you can grab a hiring manager's attention. Detail-oriented skill set in 2021. Hello&excl; Question 08&sol;14&sol;19 11:04 PM CDT Hi. Along the same lines, high attention to detail is often required of financial analysts and business consultants who are asked to figure out the truth behind a report or rumor about a business. We had to check every letter template before they were mailed to ensure that the necessary language was included and the contact information worked. I need to ask you, though, about the "keen attention to detail" that you state in your resume. 9. 3. Demonstrate attention to detail by writing a well-organized resume free of misspellings and grammatical errors. Told that you need to improve your attention to detail? 1 Get the interview - make sure your application, resume, and cover letter are professional and error-free. Place your objective just below your header to quickly get the hiring manager's attention and make them want to read your resume. Be specific and incorporate details when describing tasks, but avoid wordiness. There are many ways to do this. When crafting your resume, there are three important sections to keep in mind.They are your objective, your professional background, and your relatable skills. role." Found inside Page 25See the numbered items on the resume on pages 28 The Jack of All Trades Resumes that lack focus are big losers. Consultants are a notoriously detail-oriented bunch, and a seemingly minor glitch might call your own attention to "Attention to detail" is an important resume skill to include. Found insideExecutives are reading not only for content, but for sentence structure and how you express your thoughts. Spelling or grammar errors broadcast that you don't pay attention to detail, or are careless. Have someone who's unfamiliar with If for some reason you don't like hyphens or are afraid you will forget the proper use, just use the phrase "attention to detail" instead. Every single bullet point follows a certain formula. Resume Header. a keen attention to detail. Exclude: Rambling Sentences. Processed expense reports according to agency and client guidelines. Tell me of a time when that attention to detail was beneficial to your company and how it may have scored points with upper management. Richly detailed. Ensured on time and flawless execution of over 250 marketing projects annually, Created from scratch 3 internal web applications for our company to keep track of billable hours, manage leave-days and payroll, Developed complex custom web application using vue.js for fortune 500 companies, Developed more than 150 responsive websites and managed to finish the constant changes requirement, Delivered business systems analysis and end-to-end implementation activities in 3 projects that brought an increase of 50% in company revenue, Led multiple development processes for large scale enterprise products with above 93% product satisfaction reviews, Coordinated 5 product launches in partnership with the delivery team which resulted in 20, Achieved performance ranking of top 10% in company for consistent accomplishments in engineering. 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