Check your BMI

  What does your number mean ? What does your number mean ?

What does your number mean?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults.

BMI values are age-independent and the same for both sexes.
The health risks associated with increasing BMI are continuous and the interpretation of BMI gradings in relation to risk may differ for different populations.

As of today if your BMI is at least 35 to 39.9 and you have an associated medical condition such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure or if your BMI is 40 or greater, you may qualify for a bariatric operation.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Claros.

< 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal Weight
25 – 29.9 Overweight
30 – 34.9 Class I Obesity
35 – 39.9 Class II Obesity
≥ 40 Class III Obesity (Morbid)

What does your number mean?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults.

BMI values are age-independent and the same for both sexes.
The health risks associated with increasing BMI are continuous and the interpretation of BMI gradings in relation to risk may differ for different populations.

As of today if your BMI is at least 35 to 39.9 and you have an associated medical condition such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure or if your BMI is 40 or greater, you may qualify for a bariatric operation.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Claros.

< 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal Weight
25 – 29.9 Overweight
30 – 34.9 Class I Obesity
35 – 39.9 Class II Obesity
≥ 40 Class III Obesity (Morbid)

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Just before I sprayed my new St. Augustine roses for the first time to control chilli thrips, I had pruned the ligustrum hedge along the west side of the house. Cut off all damaged parts of the plants. Photo by Yan Chen. The latter is more commonly seen in garden plants and prefers pollen and nectar. To control insect problems, regular inspection is again the key to success. To visually examine these thrips, tap an infested sprig of new growth on a piece of white paper, or swish it in alcohol. The Disease mainly affects yields by reducing the photosynthetic area in the early stages and infestation … Scroll down to the subheading: “January 2015 CLUE Webinar — Sustainable Roses: Chili Thrips Research (Part 4 of 4-part Series).” There you find links to the webinar video, a pdf of the slides, and the UF/IFAS EDIS publication about chilli thrips. A species profile for Chilli Thrips. You may have to spray as often as every two weeks, rotating chemicals by MOA. The American Rose Society exists to promote the culture, preservation and appreciation of the Rose, and to improve its standard of excellence for all people, through education and research. Any small specks like pepper on the paper or in the alcohol could be chilli thrips; confirm by looking with a strong magnifying glass or jeweler’s loupe. Rosarians in Houston, TX, have been able to control chilli thrips with SuffOil-X (a spray oil emulsion insec- ticide), but Florida researchers found it to be only marginally effective. Different thrips species feed mostly on plants by puncturing and sucking up the contents, although a few are predators. Shaking branches to remove the thrips and catching them on a cloth underneath is one easy way to quickly remove the thrips from your plants. Chilli plant flowering time starts from around 45 days after planting seedlings on the main field. Both adults and the wingless larvae are attracted to white, yellow and other light colored blossoms and are responsible for spreading tomato spotted wilt virus and impatiens necrotic spot virus. Bag and dispose of damaged plant material to reduce breeding populations. Pre-pupa 6. Chilli thrips are very small, only 0.016 to 0.024 of an inch in length, which is about one-quarter the size of western flower thrips. 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Treasure Trail: The Charm of a Modern Moss Rose, 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Severe infestations will also result in horrifying ugly bloom damage. Hang hole-punched, rectangular adhesive cards around your garden or greenhouse. Flea beetles, cutworms, hornworms, thrips, spider mites and leafminers are less common. 2008) This series of photos shows the use of a paint palette used to sample for thrips. Spinosad, Imidacloprid, Dinotefuran, Abamectin). These streaks of damage on roses come from chilli thrips. Of 308 accessions of chilli germplasm, only 17 were found to be promising in providing resistance to leaf curl resulting from thrips feeding damage (Babu et al., 2002). For more information go to: (Chilli Thrips). It typically has 4 - 8 generations per year. This species has dark gray eyes and the antennae are smokey gray beyound the base. Immature chilli thrips are also pale in color and resemble the immatures of many other thrips species. The following is about Chilli Pests and Diseases, Symptoms, Control Measures. In contrast to most other thrips species, chilli thrips complete their entire life cycle on the plant. However, most of the time thrip treatments can be accomplished using non-chemical techniques. Chilli thrips feed on dozens of plants, including roses, citrus, plumbago, and Indian hawthorne. Master Rosarian, Jacksonville Rose Society. You have to learn to recognize them from the damage on your plants. (a) Western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (b) Common blossom thrips, Frankliniella schultzei (c) Chilli thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis. Deformed, crinkly new shoots and leaves as well as brown or gray scars, especially on the bot- tom sides of mature foliage are key evidence. ars2016.html. If you suspect that chilli thrips are in your garden: Cut samples of leaves, buds and stems from symptomatic plants; Put the samples in a gallon zip lock bag with a folded piece of dry paper towel; Label the bag with (1) your name, (2) your contact information, (3) the city, county, state where the sample was taken, (4) date the sample was taken and (5) specie of the host plant (e.g. The chilli thrips [derivation 1] or yellow tea thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood, is an extremely successful invasive species of pest-thrips which has expanded rapidly from Asia over the last twenty years, and is gradually achieving a global distribution. In 2009 through 2011 I successfully prevented major chilli damage in my garden for three years by applying granular Merit (imidacloprid) in late March. Some are Amblyseius swirskii (predatory mite) and Orius insidiosus (insidious flower bug). The habanero chilli comes in many different colours although some growers consider the orange habanero to be the only real habanero. Left unsprayed, chilli thrips killed my ‘Knock Out’ roses within three years. Chilli thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis, are about the size of our native flower thrips (1.2 mm or about 1 / 16 inch long), but are pale cream rather than amber. The chili thrips will kill the entire host rose bush or plant quickly if not treated immediately upon noticing the earliest stages of an attack upon the rose bushes or plants in the gardens. Entomologists have described approximately 6,000 species. Chilli Thrips Damage. Any small specks like pepper on the paper or in the alcohol could be chilli thrips; confirm by looking with a strong magnifying glass or jeweler’s loupe. Or watch the 2015 CLUE webinar by Dr. Stephen Arthurs, a UF/IFAS entomologist “Sustainable Roses: Chilli Thrip Research”, at https://gardeningsolutions. The amount of damage they can do in a very short time is astounding! Through the multi-agency coordinated efforts of Dr. Lance Osborne and Dr. Vivek Kumar of the University of Florida, Dr. Cindy McKenzie with the USDA-ARS, Thomas Skarlinsky, USDA- APHIS, Thysanoptera Spec… Control and Prevention. Click on the above slideshow to enlarge the images and read about each one. American Rose Society. Systemic insecticides, such as Merit (imidacloprid), Conserve (spinosad), or Orthene (acephate), provided effective control in UF/IFAS trials. An untreated chilli thrips infestation kills most varieties of rose bushes, or weakens them so much that they die from black spot and heat stress or are permanently stunted. The pictures can be helpful because these thrips are so small that they can’t be identified by the naked eye. University of Florida research found that on susceptible rose varieties, cultural and biological control measures could not control chilli thrips; therefore, to control them requires spraying and/or drenching with a systemic insecticide rated for thrips. The adult chilli thrips is approximately 1⁄2 the length of the western flower thrip. chillipusley = photos taken of damage to Brazil Pusley or tropical Mexican clover (Richardia brasiliensis Gomes) found in a greenhouse. Nursery professionals also report Monterrey Horticultural Oil and Suffoil-X are effective suffocants. 4. If you spray for chilli thrips, avoid the middle of the day. Due to its diverse vegetation and subtropical climate, Florida is extremely suitable for the establishment of invasive alien flora and fauna (Ferriter et al. Click on the above slideshow to enlarge the images and read about each one. Photos and article by OCRS Master Rosarian Kathy Monge Chilli Thrips have arrived in Southern California. American Rose Society. To avoid infestation of root grub, only well rotten farmyard manure should be applied in the field. Do not compost infected plant material. The non-native, exotic chilli thrips (Scirtothrips dorsalis) has been recently confirmed from two samples of damaged Hydrangea spp. My Kordes hybrid teas ‘Beverly’ and ‘Wedding Bells’ also seem resistant. Chilli thrips are polyphagous. Around midday, the adults fly in swarms and spraying would miss many of them. Browse Thrips pictures, photos, images, GIFs, and videos on Photobucket These sites have lots of pictures of the critters as well as pictures of their damage on roses and other plants. Their reproduction and damage may also be slowed by spraying with a water wand as you would for spider mites, but remember that the greatest concentrations of chilli thrips will be near the top of the plant while spider mites proliferate from the ground up. Second instar nymph 5. In my own gardens, certain varieties seem less susceptible. The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) also lists several systemic chemicals that are effective against chilli thrips. Thrips (order Thysanoptera) are minute (mostly 1 mm long or less), slender insects with fringed wings and unique asymmetrical mouthparts. Comments . Feeding cau… They attack all above-ground growth, but prefer young leaves, buds, and fruits. Attacks and causes significant damage to over 100 vegetable, ornamental, and fruit crops, particularly peppers, eggplant, and tomatoes (Nietschke et al. Infested plants decline over time, and severe infestations can cause total leaf loss. Extremely active, thrips feed in large groups. The chili thrips will attack the foliage and basically the entire host plant. Some examples of non-chemical treatments your pest management professional may employ or recommend include removing infested plants, excluding thrips from getting inside the st… If chilli thrips are causing unacceptable damage to your roses, you will not be able to eradicate them— only suppress and control them. The chilli thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalisHood, is an important pest of various vegetable, ornamental and fruit crops in southern and eastern Asia, Africa, and Oceania (Ananthakrishnan 1993, CABI/EPPO 1997, CAB 2003). For more information about chilli thrips, review the information on the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) chilli thrips web site at Rose blooms will be deformed and discolored, and the outer petals will be darkened. Most habanero chillies come from the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. To keep thrips populations under control, try using yellow or blue sticky traps. PHOTO LEGEND. 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University of Florida scientists have identified over 100 economically significant plant species that they will eat. So if they are on your roses, they are also established on other plants in your landscape. You will know you have chilli thrips in the garden only when the new foliage and blooms on your roses are already damaged. Only a few pesticides work on chilli thrips. And this crop is cross-pollinated with having 50 % of the natural crossing in it. The chili peppers growing in your backyard garden are potentially under attack from a variety of insects, including aphids, slugs, thrips, nematodes and spider mites. For more information about chilli thrips, review the information on the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) chilli thrips web site at How to Get Rid of Thrips. First instar nymph. Without control in one Texas season a chilli thrips population can increase from 40 to 419 Quadrillion. 2006). These three chemi- cals have different Modes of Action (MOAs). Sometimes chemical treatments for thrips are necessary when populations in lawns, grassy areas or on ornamental and landscaping plants are large. In the United States, the chilli thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalisHood, is a relatively new, introduced insect pest in Florida and Texas. 2. Although it has not been confirmed by scientific research, another valuable observation from Geoff Coolidge of Cool Roses is that he suspects hot nights are more important than hot days to increasing the reproduction rates of chilli thrips. 2006). This chilli is named after Havana (La Habana), the capital city of Cuba. Chilli Pests and Diseases and their control methods:. Due to its diverse vegetation and subtropical climate, Florida is extremely suitable for the establishment of invasive alien flora and fauna (Ferriter et al. In the United States, the chilli thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalisHood, is a relatively new, introduced insect pest in Florida and Texas. Dr. Arthurs’ webinar has slides that show the most effective chemicals and which are least harmful to beneficials. Chilli thrips are opportunistic feeders. Diseases in chilli plants are less common, but often more dangerous to plants. All Rights Reserved. It can complete a life cycle in 14 - 20 days and is capable of reproducing both sexually and asexually (parthenogenesis). Chilli thrips attack more than 100 crops, including chili peppers, tea, strawberries, tomatoes and tobacco which can lead to significant crop loss. Spray when pests are not swarming (best times before 10:00 a.m. and after 2:00 p.m.), Biological controls are important in chilli thrips management. If you see unusual scarring, stunting, or damage on other plants, check the website for the list of 100+ common Florida plants that suffer from them. Install blue sticky traps to attract and catch thrips. Copyright 2019. The chilli thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalisHood, is an important pest of various vegetable, ornamental and fruit crops in southern and eastern Asia, Africa, and Oceania (Ananthakrishnan 1993, CABI/EPPO 1997, CAB 2003). Without control in one Texas season a chilli thrips population can increase from 40 to 419 Quadrillion. Unlike flower thrips, that feed primarily on pollen, chilli thrips feed on various plant tissues. ‘Napoleon’, ‘Smith’s Parish’, Rosa rugosa alba, ‘Mrs B. R. Cant’, and most of my Hybrid Musks show little chilli thrips when others must be sprayed or die. Chilli thrips attack more than 130 different types of plants that grow in Texas. The webinar is 49 minutes long, but the pdf and EDIS pamphlet cover the basics. Spray very early or very late to minimize danger to pollinators. The insects most likely to 'enjoy' your chile plants are slugs & snails, aphids (greenfly/blackfly), pepper maggots,whitefly and nematodes. However, in 2012 and 2013 I lost many more bushes to chilli thrips. Continue treatment until symptoms disappear. Original files are available on request. If it grows here … it is on the chilli thrips buffet. Males are slightly smaller and paler than females. Common symptoms include bronzed, curled, or stunted leaves. It is a very hot chilli, with a Scoville rating of 100 000 to 350 000 SHU. Dr. Vivek Kumar, a thrips researcher who worked under contract for the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Florida IFAS, believes that drenching the soil around roses with imidacloprid or cyantraniliprole is effective and would be less damaging to thrips’ predators and pollinators than foliar sprays. Thrips - General Life Cycle . Chilli thrips are now all over Southern California in public gardens as well as private gardens. After going to the home page of the chilli thrips site, click on the “Management” link to see the list of chemicals. This photo demonstrates the relative size of a Chilli thrips adult (left) compared to a flower thrips adult (right). ); Complete the attached sample submission form and send the sample by overnight delivery it to: Schedule the delivery so that samples arrive Monday through Thursday. ars2016.html. Chilli thrips can cause serious damage to plants, as they have piercing mouthparts that extract the contents of epidermal cells, leading to necrosis of plant tissue. Drench- ing my rose beds with Flagship (thiamethoxam) pro- vided good control in 2014. Western flower thrips (WFT) are the most important insect pest … Find Thrips Mites Damage Chilli stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection. Chilli thrips (lower left) is a tiny insect, which is about one-quarter the size of the western flower thrips. The photos on this page are not edited. They will not go away on their own! Adults are pale with dark wings and less than 2 mm in length. For even better control, as UF/IFAS scientists determined, drench your rose beds with a systemic in addition to spraying. Growth, but the pdf and EDIS pamphlet cover the basics also pale in color and resemble immatures. Symptoms, control Measures ( Scirtothrips dorsalis ) has been recently confirmed from two samples damaged. 130 different types of plants that grow in Texas sticky traps already damaged plant material reduce. Small to see but do far greater damage to your roses, you will know have! Are already damaged the time thrip treatments can be accomplished using non-chemical techniques are on your plants says the is... The distinctive damage caused to the host plants include onions, beans, carrots, squash many. 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