Check your BMI

  What does your number mean ? What does your number mean ?

What does your number mean?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults.

BMI values are age-independent and the same for both sexes.
The health risks associated with increasing BMI are continuous and the interpretation of BMI gradings in relation to risk may differ for different populations.

As of today if your BMI is at least 35 to 39.9 and you have an associated medical condition such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure or if your BMI is 40 or greater, you may qualify for a bariatric operation.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Claros.

< 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal Weight
25 – 29.9 Overweight
30 – 34.9 Class I Obesity
35 – 39.9 Class II Obesity
≥ 40 Class III Obesity (Morbid)

What does your number mean?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults.

BMI values are age-independent and the same for both sexes.
The health risks associated with increasing BMI are continuous and the interpretation of BMI gradings in relation to risk may differ for different populations.

As of today if your BMI is at least 35 to 39.9 and you have an associated medical condition such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure or if your BMI is 40 or greater, you may qualify for a bariatric operation.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Claros.

< 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal Weight
25 – 29.9 Overweight
30 – 34.9 Class I Obesity
35 – 39.9 Class II Obesity
≥ 40 Class III Obesity (Morbid)

return on investment journal pdf

This can be attributed to the relative scarcity of human capital in the two types. The 2nd Editorial Board Gathering and Workshop of Publication in the International Journal; Tag: return on investment Sri Dwi Ari Ambarwati_Abstract_1832014 ... return on investment (Full Text.pdf) Tagged debt to equity ratio, free cash flow, insider ownership, return on investment Leave a comment Fadjar OP. stream completed schooling, have questioned the linear nature of the earnings function approach. Private Mincerian returns to education by gender. ict of interest was reported by the authors. Social and private returns at all levels generally decline by the level of a, education. This refers to the idea that higher levels of schooling are associated, ) found no support for the screening hypothes, ) made a distinction between the weak and the strong versions of the screening hypothesis. Private returns to schooling by region. Two recent publications in the International Journal of Human Resource Management have taken up the challenge of addressing the measurement of return on investment (ROI) in international assignments (IAs). over the full lifecycle in 23 countries to show a one-standard-deviation increase in numeracy skills is. The female advantage was just over one, nding lends credibility that, where productivity, ). Prior literature on slacks, on the one hand, and return on investment on the other is rather extensive. The private bene. Education and Private Versus Public Sector Pay. Yet, a close inspection of extant literature reveals that there is a limited theoretical or practical understanding of why returns in the region are so low. Rather, they are suggestive, and hopefully intriguing. It is a summary of the costs and bene, time, and it is expressed in an annual (percentage) yield, like, ernment bonds. Formal modeling did not take place, earnings by schooling has led to several empirical works testing hypotheses on a great variety of, social issues. *This article was originally published in American Journal of Medical Quality, Vol. (References to the database used in this compilation are found on-line in Annex 3.) Year of publication: 1970. Return on investment (ROI) and cost-benefit ratio (CBR) are two forms of economic evaluation that value the financial return, or benefits, of an intervention against the total costs of its delivery. Explanations for the Volatility Effect: An Overview * Based on the CAPM Assumptions. a)a���R�bm�������4����N/~���(�q�竷���Lϛ�+�Lzη@�~X hnjGݴV��RHo#���՝7��_��_W�zSU��b��w�/��~���.k�Y_,��])7v!��si�kӸ2�7��|��3"��ke|.���ݭS�_��O^$����������G�C This paper aims to begin filling that void by empirically examining the relationship between four salient features of Arab World political economy and returns to education. Returns to Investment in Education: A Global Update, . Recent research shows that skills - ability and learning outcomes - matter for earnings attainment. The labor literature documents a gender wage gap between the earnings of men and women in the developed countries but research on the gap in developing countries is less common and usually focuses on individual countries. The aim of the paper is to determine, on the basis of the data from the School to Work Transition Survey (SWTS) from 2015, a premium for the education of persons from 15 to 29 years old. The important role of education quality is motivated by education often being the prescribed remedy for automation (Brynjolfsson andMcAfee 2011, 2014;Golden and Katz 2008). As many pharmacists are not used to estimating an ROI, this short report proposes a simple methodology and a free practical tool to download. While South Asia exhibits relatively low returns. As seen in the fourth and fifth columns, small firms had lower responses for internal rate of return and net present value, which are considered by The returns for those working in the private sector of the economy are higher than for those working, tage for workers in the private sector (see, Full discounting method and social returns, Based on 166 estimates using the full discounting method, the returns, there are fewer countries where this calculation can be made given the drive for universal primary, education. But the dominant appli-, cation that has used earnings by level of education is the estimation of the rate of return to invest-, The concept of the rate of return on investment in education is very similar to that for any other, investment. The private average global return to a year of schooling is 9% a year. Returns to Investment in Education: The Case of Turkey. It also aims to spread this work and stress the importance of The Mincer equation provides estimates of the average monetary returns of one additional year of education. Years of schooling and returns over time. and poor academic performance. Note: Returns are averages by decade from our compilation; enrolment rates come from the World Bank, Disaggregating further by world region, private returns to schooling are, and Sub-Saharan Africa and lowest in the Middle East and North Africa, and North Africa is an outlier, given the relatively low average level of schooling. Women continue to experience higher average returns to schooling, showing that girls’ education remains a priority. The Rate of Return on Investment in the Business of Insurance By William R. Gillam, FCAS VP/Actuary – National Council on Compensation Insurance Introduction There is much discussion today on the topic of rate of return, without a clear definition of its parameters. Annual Returns on Stock, T.Bonds and T.Bills: 1928, Schooling and Labor Market Consequences of School Construction in Indonesia: Evidence from an, Estimating the Returns to Education in Argentina Using Quantile, The Race between Education and Technology. The paper discusses the policy implications of the findings. Return on Investment in Knowledge Management In the projects of developing knowledge management systems, it is often required to calculate return on investment (ROI) of the projects based on objective data and measurable results. to organizational performance. Note: Regressing the overall Mincerian rate of return on the year of the estimate, gives: Return = 49.611-0.020Yea; R 2 = 0.003 (t = 1.4). Returns to schooling by sector of employment. Focusing on a single country is illustrative. The private returns to primary education. - Vol. The size of the private returns to education and di, calls for selective cost recovery in higher education. The gap has increased. All rights reserved. We are grateful to all those who over the years have shared with us their work on the returns to education and to Sean. Returns by income and educational level (%). This information is important for policymakers who must decide on education spending, prioritization of schooling levels, and education financing programs such as student loans. investment is “Return on Investment” (ROI). Does Overconfidence Affect Corporate Investment? Government, Semi-government, Corporation or Trust Securities, such as Shares, Bonds, Debentures, etc. The paper also estimates the function using a least squared regression for comparison. One such application involves explaining (and estimating) employment earnings as a function of schooling and labor market experience. We apply the classical Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition and combined with quantile regression and also use decomposition methods based on the recentered influence function to obtain distributional decomposition of the wage gap by covariates and by quantiles. In such case, we recommend using the full discounting method as it is more appro-. The most detailed measure of return is known as the Internal Rate of Return (IRR). Social returns to schooling remain high. There is also evidence, however, that investment has not always responded to sharp movements in stock prices. We review estimates from. He found that the bias is small or negative. In literature, there are many studies in which returns to education and experience were analyzed by utilizing Mincer equations. They are also important signals for policy makers. Risk Neglect in Equity Markets. Returns to Education: A Further International Update and Implications. To develop a Return on Investment (ROI) evaluative framework requires understanding the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) context. of countries. For the individual. Harmon, C., H. Oosterbeek, and I. Walker. MY�Z�Rua�C��X�֟�B���s����4��#�i����������hB ��m�_��aV�����gKV���d�Q�F6�( �:Bh�XG�l��Ҿ T�G�u� 0���a�k�3�~�g�k'b�� *#{�+ This, The subject of the paper is estimation of a rate of return to investment in education of youth in Serbia. more, due to ongoing and rapid technological progress, cross-sectional data based on observations, from many years in the past may produce biased estimates of the returns to schooling. 63. Social returns are lower than private because researcher, account for full social costs, but they do not include social bene, schooling are much higher, hence the lower returns (see, As a rule, returns are higher in lower-income countries, Primary Secondary Higher Primary Secondary Higher. 3 0 obj The Signaling Value of a High School Diploma. Schooling, Ability, and Earnings in Colombia, 1988. casting doubt on the pure signaling model. Research typically identifies a part of the wage gap that is due to observable characteristics, or endowments, and an unexplained part attributable to differences in gender wage equation coefficients sometimes interpreted as gender bias. The return can be measured as the total gain or loss to the holder over a given period of time and may be defined as a percentage return on the initial amount invested. return on investment analysis Dan Chisholm, Kim Sweeny, Peter Sheehan, Bruce Rasmussen, Filip Smit, Pim Cuijpers, Shekhar Saxena Summary Background Depression and anxiety disorders are highly prevalent and disabling disorders, which result not only in an enormous amount of human misery and lost health, but also lost economic output. It is a method for measuring the worth of an investment and has been primarily utilized for businesses purposes. The uses and limitations are analyzed. Such. My findings are not causal, nor are they exhaustive or conclusive. This was not an easy task, as many studies in fact report wage e, reported by the author, but no rates of return, we estimated the returns using the formulas in Psa-, When using Mincerian estimates from regression coe, the earnings function that included only years of schooling, years of labor market experience and its, square. Returns to Education in Developing Countries. For example, the mean years of schooling of the labor force in Sub-Saharan Africa is 5.1. compared with 10.2 in advanced economies. . ISSN 2141-6664 ©2012 Academic Journals Review The modern portfolio theory as an investment decision tool Iyiola Omisore1, ... investment. The empirical returns to schooling literature has proven to be a useful standard. ROI is an acronym for return on investment. Although there are many forms of private equity investing, it can be generally described as any investment strategy that includes the purchase of equity in a private company. Hence, we have been appraising the effect of the ROI on budgetary slacks in investment … endobj factors, variables, return on investment, ROI, grant, foundation funding, government funding, and external funding. It is confirmed that in the case of the assessment using the least squares method we get a biased assessment. Contrary to many findings in other countries, private returns to those working in the public sector are higher than those in the private sector, and private returns to those who followed the vocational track in secondary education are higher than those in the general academic track. Private, returns to higher education increased, raising issues of, equity. Adding more variables to the equation, will not solve the problem and might add other biases (Patrinos, The earnings premium associated with the level of education sugge, with higher earnings, not because they directly raise productivity, but because they certify that the, worker is likely to be productive. The purpose of this paper is to present the manner in which the ROI (Return … profitability and negatively with lagged differences between equity and investment returns. Measuring Investment Returns Now that we have established how critical it is that we get a reasonable estimate of the return earned on existing investments, we need to consider the alternatives. Jacob Mincer, Experience and the Distribution of Earnings. Advanced search. The returns to the academic secondary school track, since the unit cost of vocational education is much higher; and the returns for those who wo, private (competitive) sector of the economy are higher than in the public (noncompetitive) sector, The classic pattern of falling returns to education by level of economic development and level of, education is maintained. doi: 10.1177/1062860615608938. ... (Egedy, Földi, Balogi, & Kovács, 2009) assessed the magnitude of human capital spill-overs at the community level; his results were that 1 percent point increase in the supply of college graduates in an area raised the wages of high-school dropouts by 1.9%, of high-school graduates by 1.6%, and of college graduates by 0.4% which could affect the level and percentage of productivity of human capita; taking into consideration the countries' in differing economic contexts, the results suggested that low-income countries benefited most from investments to expand primary education, with a full rate of return of 47% at this level; Middle-income country investments to expand secondary education carried by the highest overall returns at 52%. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper. Note: Source of change in GDP per capita is World Bank World Development Indicators. Authors: Fisher, Lawrence; Lorie, James H: Published in: The Journal of Business. %PDF-1.5 Susan Higgins, in Managing Academic Libraries, 2017. In this paper, we investigate the determinants of the gender wage gap across 12 developing countries using data from the World Bank’s STEP (Skills Toward Employment and Productivity) Measurement survey that provides information on household demographic characteristics, education and training, employment, and job skills. FROST, ADAM SONFIELD, MIA R. ZOLNA, and LAWRENCE B. FINER Guttmacher Institute Policy Points: The US publicly supported family planning effort serves millions of women and men each year, and this analysis provides new estimates of its positive impact … the last update. Pradhan, E., E. M. Suzuki, S. M., M. Schäferho. Measuring Return on Investment (ROI) and Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) Introduction Your business plan must have some type of economic justification to provide your executives and elected officials with financial information. The private returns to higher education are substantial and have remained high since. A high ROI means the investment's gains compare favourably to its cost. going up. The study reveals that schooling has strong causal effects on wages. Earnings and Education in Argentina: An Analysis of the 1985. The global average rate of return to schooling, estimated at 10%, is used as a global benchmark. For Colombia, we have a record of 35, Note: Regressing the overall Mincerian rate of return on the year of the estimate, gives: Return = 49.611, year of schooling. Also, primary education continues to exhibit, s per capita income. Therefore, the government should give sufficient priority to education. returns are infected by sentiment, and if stock returns predict investment, then perhaps sentiment influences investment. Return on Investment Many studies have found evidence of large private sector productivity gains from public infrastructure investments, in many cases with higher returns than private capital investment. The debate is ongoing about the external validity and causality of rate of return estimates. Average investment may be calculated as the sum of the beginning and ending book value of the project divided by 2. ADVERTISEMENTS: Read this article to learn about the transactions relating to investment account with its treatment. More research is needed, however, on estimating the social benefits of schooling. We also found there is a large difference between post-secundary and pre-university returns, not only in their levels but also in their tendencies: pre-universitary education returns have been declining continously, while post-secondary returns seem to have stabilized themselves araund 20% since 1995. Based on 705 estimates, over the years 1950 to 2014, the private rate of return, to an additional year of schooling is 8.8% (see Annex 1; given the size of the database, only summar, statistics are reported here, while the rest can be found online in Annex 2, percentage point relative to our (Psacharopoulos and Patrinos, that the decline over time of the returns to education is very gradual and statistically insigni, cation fails to decline proportionately in the face of rapid supply. endobj This paper updates Psacharopoulos and Patrinos and reviews the latest trends and patterns based on 1120 estimates in 139 countries from 1950 to 2014. . Grilic, many years ago. Development and Operations Policy, Working Papers No. Finally, policy issues are discussed. Hence company switch to NPV from IRR (Brigham & Houston, 2009). The Mincer equation—arguably the most widely used in empirical work—can be used to explain a host of economic, and even non-economic, phenomena. Overall, the returns to female education are higher than those to male, ). For an investment to be economically justi. Returns by income and educational level (%). They have increased since the last update in both low- and high-income countries, falling only in middle-income countries. The analysis uses the 1997 education reform of increasing compulsory education by three years as an instrument. to Education: An International Comparison. Returns to education in the literature have been estima, counting method and the Mincerian earnings function. Return on Investment (ROI) is a way of measuring value and of communicating the value of educational institutions such as libraries to their governing and funding bodies. The data set has been useful for studying the linkages across countries between education and earnings, as well as for economic growth, competitiveness, health, inequality, democracy and institutions. , edited by P. Peterson, E. Baker, and B. McGaw, 305, Returns to Education in Developing Countries: Evidence from the Living, ects of Education Quantity and Quality on, Chapter 30 in Optimizing Education Outcomes: High-Return Investments in School Health for Increased, , edited by Donald A. P. Bundy, Nilanthi de Silva, Susan Horton, Dean. One such application involves explaining (and estimating) employment earnings as a function of schooling and labor market experience. ). investment in amount but IRR shows the amount in percentage. Psacharopoulos, G., A. M. Arriagada, and E. Velez. associated with an 18% wage increase among prime-age workers. The University of the Basque Country (Bilbao), 1/UPV 00032.321‐H‐13918/2001, provided financial support for this project. The social returns to higher education are part, but these are driven by returns in Africa, where the social returns to higher education are 35% in. 4 0 obj Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management. For an explanation of these methods see Psa-, preference to the Mincerian method because of its convenience (Mincer, The concept of rate of return to education, The rate of return to schooling equates the value of lifetime earnings of the individual to the net, present value of costs of education. Overall, private returns to secondary, high-income countries are high, at 13 and 12% (see, In terms of social returns, these are higher than any plausible social discount rate though lower, than private, across all income groups. Inv and a social return of 10%. Fire! Examining the possible economic benefits of using a library from the customer’s perspective, it is possible to consider three categories of benefits: 1. The social attribute of the estimated rate of retur, refers to the inclusion of the full resource cost of the investment, and the foregone earnings of students as they invest in their education, should be measured by including non-monetary and external bene, number of lives saved because of improved sanitation conditions followed by a woman because she, has received more education. the internal rate of return. growth. Estimating the Return to Schooling: Progress on Some Persistent Econometric Problems. Regressing the Mincerian overall return on the country, yields a very small but statistically signi, Nevertheless, there has been an increase in the returns to schooling since 2000. that private returns to higher education are even higher. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research. Juan Meng (Department of Advertising and Public Relations, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA) Return on Investment: A Fuller Assessment of the Benefits and Cost Savings of the US Publicly Funded Family Planning Program JENNIFER J. The Journal of Investment Strategies is dedicated to the rigorous treatment of modern investment strategies; going well beyond the “classical” approaches in both its subject instruments and methodologies. Social returns to education are universally lower than private retu, public subsidization of education. The di, private and the social rates of return re, The Mincerian earnings function has been the subject of controversy in the literature (Psacharop, mating returns to education is missing variables, e.g. 43.1970, 2, p. 99-134 Publisher: University of Chicago Press: Saved in: Check full text access | More access options. ). The race between higher education and technology. The focus of recent gender wage gap research has been on understanding how the gender gap varies along the earnings distribution. Direct Use Benefits – output and outcomes that can be measured directly. Several scholars and media outlets have identified the low rate of return to education in the Arab World as a root cause of unrest and upheaval (Fargues, 2011; Adams and Winthrop, 2011; Rhoads and Liu, 2009; Shafiq and Vignoles, 2015). Staying longer in education accounting rate of return includes the society, on the other rather... Investment and has been on understanding how the gender gap varies along the distribution... Income and educational level ( % ) the company a Fuller assessment of company! A Theoretical and empirical analysis with Special Reference to education and experience analyzed., S. M., M. Schäferho or type of education, and ).: Colombia estimates range from a new technology or service often create a financial.. 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