Check your BMI

  What does your number mean ? What does your number mean ?

What does your number mean?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults.

BMI values are age-independent and the same for both sexes.
The health risks associated with increasing BMI are continuous and the interpretation of BMI gradings in relation to risk may differ for different populations.

As of today if your BMI is at least 35 to 39.9 and you have an associated medical condition such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure or if your BMI is 40 or greater, you may qualify for a bariatric operation.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Claros.

< 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal Weight
25 – 29.9 Overweight
30 – 34.9 Class I Obesity
35 – 39.9 Class II Obesity
≥ 40 Class III Obesity (Morbid)

What does your number mean?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults.

BMI values are age-independent and the same for both sexes.
The health risks associated with increasing BMI are continuous and the interpretation of BMI gradings in relation to risk may differ for different populations.

As of today if your BMI is at least 35 to 39.9 and you have an associated medical condition such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure or if your BMI is 40 or greater, you may qualify for a bariatric operation.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Claros.

< 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal Weight
25 – 29.9 Overweight
30 – 34.9 Class I Obesity
35 – 39.9 Class II Obesity
≥ 40 Class III Obesity (Morbid)

personal selling examples

Salespeople often make the mistake of trying to sell to anyone and everyone; by focusing on good-fit leads, they’re much more likely to make the sale. The final stage of the personal selling process is the follow-up, which is when your sales team contacts the customer after a sale to ensure they're delighted and have had or are working through your effective onboarding. For this reason, real estate sellers and agents are responsible for finding good-fit prospects and helping educate them on how their property is right for them. There are many personal selling examples beyond the five listed below. Salespeople make critical prospect connections, communicate the value of your product or service, and directly impact your bottom line. Personal selling is one part of a company's promotion mix, along with advertising, sales promotion, and public relations. For this reason, your sales team should focus on mainly asking questions in this stage to know if and how your product or service can solve their challenges and pain points. This is when your sales team presents and potentially demonstrates your product or service. This might happen via a phone call, video call, email, or in-person. Because travel and touring services are not a physical product, there's arguably a greater sense of trust needed between the travel company, their salespeople, and each customer to close a deal. A prime example of personal selling for department-wide software is HubSpot. Your relationship with your customers doesn’t end once they buy your product or service. Download Full PDF Package. Personal selling involves a great deal of tailored communication and interactions with leads and prospects. Stay up to date with the latest marketing, sales, and service tips and news. Throughout the presentation, your sales team should focus on how your product or service benefits the prospect, using information gathered in the pre-approach and approach stages. It’s ... 2. The software salesperson can help customers understand how the software or tool can be tailored to their needs and articulate the features and benefits to others in their organization. Great examples include cars, office equipment (e.g. They won’t know how to help and sell to customers if they don’t know their questions or concerns. Travel services is another industry that often uses the personal selling method. Encourage your team to show empathy and share success stories of current customers to help with this. in this video i try to explain the concept of personal selling with the help of white board animations. Seller can see the person whom product is being sold. Non-­Personal Selling Seller is approached through a medium i.e. This way, reps can follow the customized sales process while approaching prospects, allocating resources, identifying gaps in the buyer's journey, and more. Provides a personal, one-on-one connection between your organization and potential customers. Free and premium plans, Content management system software. Other personal selling techniques that help with your closing include: Looking for body signals (i.e body language or comments made by the client that they want to place an order) For example, asking you clarify a point you mentioned, product availability, delivery date, and discounts. What is Personal Selling – Personal Selling System and Terms . In personal selling, there are two sides; Salesperson and … Pre-approach typically involves extensive online research about the prospect, the market, and his or her business. For example, many companies send their sales executives to make sales presentations at prospective customers’ homes or businesses on a face-to-face basis. Research and test various closing phrases to see what comes naturally to your sales team. Make sure reps don’t waste time explaining features that may or may not connect with prospects or be relevant to their pain points. Each of these steps allows your sales team to better understand and serve your prospects and customers — ultimately leading to higher close rates and customer satisfaction. Personal selling has a vital role in pushing sales of the company’s products. Allows for detailed and personalized communication between your business and potential customers. This requires the sales team to spend time prospecting for good-fit leads and educating prospects and customers about how these tools can help their business. It is the primary way to sell products and services in many industries and is particularly common in high value business-to-business sales. In contrast, personal selling uses personal contact with target markets to generate new sales. An important part of the prospecting stage is lead qualification. Discover the personal selling process and how it can benefit your organization and customers. Catering companies base their services on events — and because each event is different they must customize their offering based on what each customer needs. Prospects know your sales team is reaching out to them with the intention of making a deal — but, it’s always wise to ensure they pointedly ask for the sale. Personal selling is one of the five main aspects of the promotional mix within marketing communications. Real estate, for both individuals and businesses, is a significant purchase. Most software companies use the personal selling method. We chose these examples because they illustrate significant, sometimes complicated purchase decisions that often require a close relationship between a salesperson and prospect — which further illustrates the personal selling method in action. Editor's note: This post was originally published in October, 2019 and has been updated for comprehensiveness. This stage refers to settling any negotiations, payments, invoices, contracts, or paperwork that wraps up the deak. The following variables should be considered while formulating sales strategy. Just like a marketing plan executive summary, a personal sales plan can also serve as an overview of what you are up to. A short summary of this paper. Personal selling is the farmer's best choice in marketing because he can demonstrate his products. READ PAPER. � �}�v�����W��D$���7]I�|�[��x۱쓳���v�dK�w_D1�֚ߘ�y��8�2_2U��MR�%g��މظ� The Candid Close — Give Them a Reason Why. Focus on the customers needs and deliver the most value possibly. interests, dietary restrictions, scheduling, etc. Honestly there aren't many notable disadvantages that come with the process of personal selling — typically, it's a process that reaps more positive outcomes for businesses than not. Prevents reps from reaching a large pool of people at once because they're forced to identify good-fit — and therefore, more qualified — leads in the process. Gives your sales team the chance to individually address any questions, concerns, or objections potential customers may have to move them closer to purchase. This will ensure the presentation is relevant to the prospect and their needs. This stage is important because it allows your sales team to maintain customer relationships that hopefully renew or upgrade. These salespeople are also responsible for building a custom catering plan for customers, managing the execution of the service, and checking up on customers after the event(s) — all important parts of the personal selling process. As your team prospects and qualifies leads, ensure they remember your organization’s buyer personas (or target audience). For more information, check out our privacy policy. Now we'll review some strategies you can incorporate in your personal selling process to make the most of your efforts. Buyer has time to ask questions, get answers & examine evidence against or for theproduct. Salespeople match the benefits of their offering to the specific needs of a client. A good example of personal selling is found in department stores on the perfume and cosmetic counters. By Staff Writer Last Updated Apr 11, 2020 1:14:57 PM ET. Sales Promotion Sales promotion refers to the use of promotions, offers and incentives in the short term to bring about an increase in sales. The role of the sales force is crucial because it provides a direct, interpersonal link of marketing communication. Nothing’s worse than being invited to a meeting without an agenda that truly applies to us. personal selling is usually carried out for those products that are of a high value, for example, cars, high-value machinery, electronic items, cosmetics, etc. Using a personal sales plan can help you create an action plan that can do just that. There’s often a full suite of tools and a variety of solutions to consider, and customers will likely require buy-in across their company. While at college he worked at The North Face, and says his favorite customer interactions were always those where he’d recommend the customer go to another brand to find the … (Remember, happy customers are your best marketers!). Prospecting and qualifying: ‘Prospecting and qualifying’ are the first steps the personal selling … Products with relatively high prices, or with complex features, are often sold using personal selling. However, personal selling has become consultative selling where the seller … Although other marketing components are dedicated to increasing sales, their impact is often indirect. Download this free guide to arm your sales team with a compelling presentation that will help turn prospects into customers. A retail store salesperson at a big-box retail store selling a refrigerator to a walk-in consumer. Here are some personal selling strategies to help diversify the way your team approaches selling to various customers. Now, your team heads into the sales presentation stage. But no example of personal selling process would be complete without a mention of video – a powerful resource that allows you to level up your game and increase conversion rates exponentially. Advertising is any form of paid sales presentation that is not done face-to-face. Next is a critical step — your team's approach. Social Media Presence The ‘Share a Coke’ campaign was one of the most successful campaigns for Coca-Cola and resulted in a 2% rise in the sale of soft-drinks. Aside from the sheer cost of real estate, the purchase process involves detailed questions about the customer’s needs and wants as well as multiple property walkthroughs (which are synonymous to sales presentations). Personal selling can be a complicated job, especially when dealing with the unpredictability of human preference and behavior. advertising Advantages of Non-Personal Selling: Seller has time to discuss everything about the product. The ultimate goal of the approach stage is to better understand the prospect and know their wants, needs, and problems — anything that your product or service can help satisfy or solve. When customers buy software, especially for their department or company, there’s a lot involved. Personal selling occurs where an individual salesperson sells a product, service or solution to a client. After any objections and barriers to the sale have been removed, your team should try to finalize the sale — otherwise known as “closing” the deal. A salesperson making a prospecting phone call to another person. During the pre-approach stage, your sales team should prepare to make initial contact with any leads they’ve discovered while prospecting. A final strength of personal selling is the multiple tasks that the sales force can perform. The personal selling process is comprised of seven equally-important steps. ����"�j�)�����.�4Ș�>_ �Ҍo>gq���ooF'̜�š���[d\x.�i�Y�D�. Today, personal selling involves the development of longstanding client relationships. So this is the Five Stage Personal Selling Process. The purpose of this stage isn’t to change a prospect’s mind or force them to buy; it’s simply to learn more about how to best help the prospect reach a solution. Cold calling videos are a great way to start the prospecting process because they put a face to a name and personalize your message. Premium plans, Connect your favorite apps to HubSpot. Requires more time, effort, and thought due to the method's personalized nature. or. What should remain consistent, though, is how your sales team approaches, builds a relationship with, and serves a potential customer. Settling on a promotion mix involves many factors. It also provides a direct connection to your customer service team if a customer isn’t happy — and happy customers become brand advocates. Your team should listen more than they talk. 21 Benefits and Limitations of Personal Selling (Explain with Examples) Updated on: October 21, 2019 Leave a Comment. photocopiers) and many products that are sold by businesses to other industrial customers. Personal sales representatives sell products and services such as real estate, insurance and cars to consumers, as well as office equipment, supplies and resale goods to business buyers. This process typically requires personal rapport between the office equipment salesperson and the business. This is where personal selling comes into play. Personal selling... As you might already see, these drawbacks can actually be spun into advantages and positive outcomes. A prime example of personal selling for department-wide software is HubSpot. HubSpot offers a range of software solutions for marketing, sales, and customer service. For example – A real estate broker can use one sales presentation with a first time buyer and another with a person who has already bought a home. Here are 10 examples of websites with kickass unique selling propositions (numbered for your pleasure, but in no particular order): This post has become one of our most popular articles — so we updated it, added 10 more examples and turned it into a 28 page guide and cheatsheet. Personal selling involves direct communication between a salesperson and potential customer and typically happens in person or over email, phone, or video. For these reasons, personal selling in the software industry becomes necessary to best serve customers. In situations where these stereotypes are true, sales can actually hurt your business and brand. Not to mention, office equipment is a competitive space, with many reputable companies offering high-quality products. If prospects have any concerns or questions, they should do their best to personally address them. ), and often present multiple travel options before a customer makes a purchase. Personal selling is discussed by Kotler in Chapter 13 during which he describes the purpose of it as not only making sales but building customer relationships. U�P �>~�����E���?~��}��`b�X`~:�?z��4? Free and premium plans, Sales CRM software. For example, in addition to selling, a salesperson can collect payments, service or repair products, return products, and collect product and marketing information. Personal selling is simply customer focused selling…. Free and premium plans, Customer service software. Personal Selling Strategies Personal selling strategies should be derived from the marketing strategy and should be consistent with other elements of marketing mix. Another example is found in department stores on the perfume and cosmetic counters, wherein agents of the company try to sell their products. Lastly, let's look at some strong examples of personal selling in action to get you inspired. 5 Delightful Examples That Are Endorsed by Prospects. Personal Selling Examples An example of the importance of genuinely making your customer feel like you’re on their side and building trust comes from Andrew Peterson, CEO of Signal Sciences. Personal Selling: Scope• Personal Selling involves selling through a person-to-person communications process.• The emphasis placed on personal selling varies from firm to firm depending on a variety of factors, including the nature of the product or service being marketed, size of the organization, and type of the industry.• Personal Selling is also known as the door to door selling which is face to face communication between the buyer and the seller.In simple words, It is an art of persuasion in which the salesperson tries to win the confidence of the customer and also tries to know the importance of marketing strategies.. The first thing your sales reps are selling is themselves. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time. Marketing automation software. SAMSUNG COMPANY’S PERSONAL SELLING TECHNICS BY EMRE SARCAN. Selling can be through different ways for example direct selling, selling on the internet, selling on retail stores or personal selling. A few examples are: Insurance and other financial products High value consumer durables Time-sharing properties Cord blood banking (in some countries, not in others) Multi-level marketing Fragrances … 4 Full PDFs related to this paper. Now, let's review that personal selling process and what it entails. Also, encourage them not to forget to ask questions about what motivates prospects — this will tell them how to relate your product or service to the needs of prospects. For this reason, caterers often deploy salespeople to make initial contact with and talk to prospects to better understand how the company can serve them. We're committed to your privacy. Download with Google Download with Facebook. Following up with customers (via phone, email, or in-person) keeps the relationship alive, which not only gives you your sales team the opportunity for cross-selling and up-selling, but it also allows you to check in on their level of delight. Personal selling is the key to a well-balanced sales organization, and, in this guide, we’re going to explain why that’s the case. Personally address any customer concerns. In this section, we’re going to review a handful of industries that use the personal selling method to sell their products or services. Now have a go at it yourself by completing the lesson. An example of public relations is a company sponsoring a charity event. There are many ways to execute the personal selling method. Once your team learns about what your prospect needs and what motivates them, have reps focus on explaining how prospects will benefit from the product or service. It's most commonly used for business-to-business (B2B) selling, although it’s also used in retail and trade selling, too. Your team can do this after the sales presentation and after addressing any questions, concerns, or objections. Download these 101 questions to ask contacts when qualifying, closing, negotiating, and upselling. Encourage your sales team to use these strategies to build and maintain successful, authentic relationships with your customers, and hopefully help your customers become strong advocates for your brand. This stage also includes building and practicing a sales presentation tailored to the prospect. What Are Some Examples of Personal Selling? 1. This requires the sales team to spend time prospecting for good-fit leads and educating prospects and customers about how these tools can help their business. To Understand ‘‘Personal Selling’’ Personal selling shows up where an individual salesperson sells a product, service or solution to a client. It is the only method available to market some specific products and services. Remember, personal selling is all about finding solutions for your customers, but, naturally, not everyone is fit to be a customer or find a solution using your product or service. It’s the job of your sales team to correct any misconceptions, handle any objections, and answer any questions — without seeming pushy or losing the trust of the prospect. Personal Selling Examples For example, salesmen go to different societies to sell the products. Salespeople must explain each travel experience in detail, conduct more intimate conversations about what a customer’s wants (e.g. Below are few Personal Selling Strategies Call Rates If the intensity of competitive rivalry is high in the industry, salespersons involved in As your team works with potential customers, they should consider themselves personal advocates. The final component of the promotion mix is personal selling, in which a demonstration or presentation to a potential customer is performed in person. Prospecting can be done through inbound marketing, cold calling, in-person networking, or online research. UNIT I 1 Introduction to Personal Selling. The first step in the personal selling process is seeking out potential customers — also known as your prospects or leads. Personal selling centers around a genuine interest in helping customers solve their problems using your product or service — not pushing or forcing a sale for the sake of quotas or the bottom line. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(53, 'b91f6ffc-9ab7-4b84-ba51-e70672d7796e', {}); So, how can you leverage sales in a way that positively impacts your business? You should immediately state the following : In order to better “ Serve You “ lets sit down and talk about your needs and wants…. Personal selling is the use of a sales force to promote and sell a product using social interactions such as face-to-face and social media conversations. Companies often need to make office-wide equipment purchases — for chairs, computers, desks, and more — when they move into a new space or simply grow. This paper. This will allow them to build trust with prospects and move them closer to purchase. 2. A website visitor on a product sales-page who accepts a chat request from a live salesperson. If your prospect doesn't reach out with any questions, encourage your team to follow-up to see how they can help. Personal selling, when used with other promotional strategies, is a great way of selling the Coca-Cola brand. Not to mention, organizations can take action against these possible disadvantages before they ever become a real issue by detailing a specific sales process for their team. Personal selling Technics and Examples- Advertising- Business- Samsung Company--Emre Sarcan. Television and radio commercials, newspaper and magazine advertisements, and direct mail inserts are well-known forms of advertising. Check out our free Sales Enablement course on how to develop a lead qualification framework for your sales and marketing teams. However, it's also no secret that salespeople can sometimes get a bad rap — ever see a comic strip or a meme poking fun at the stereotypical pushy, tactless nature of the traditional salesperson? {c����+r�Er|Ev-��Yy�ǎ�C��vL�>���1��̀l�}����j�xm�R��SF��3�GΔ���ڧ��M@I�N�xn�%ޅ]�O�Ӊ����4�F>��1�ʛW6s'�p�!�1��k�j�'>3#/f���� � ��m�΃�{q��������`����Ͻ���6�=���ׯ��I�����^�����.�uJ�-��o�e�z�R[P�.ֱ�_�� �$�$�2���>&�FK3�f1�c�ҏ����%�p�{����Z�I�B5���ׅ���]xl1�a�����xj���s�)>�؋=ꛑC}�p� P|/82߮�C>�PB�!�5ĭ�jMf���I�r�:Ah��LF�9�W���T��P�.g~8w��t^��b'���`w�,�h17��d�s�F�n���j�^�b̓I�7�E�=#P�D��&ċv3�����0�͠t����G Pg�]Z�㔅�P�Ts���`���e�̚X 5X Therefore, you must qualify your leads to avoid spending precious time and resources on prospects who have little to no chance of becoming customers — and minimize customer churn. At this point in the personal sales process, after the presentation, a prospect will likely have questions and objections. For example ‘Do you want product X in blue or red?’ Cheeky, but effective. In this stage, the sales team should make initial contact with a prospect by reaching out, introducing themselves, and starting a conversation. If your company typically targets customers with a certain budget or team size, don’t waste time working with leads outside of those specifications. This type of selling is sometimes called door-to-door selling. Crash My Calendar (Seller Turned Singer … Personal selling can be flexible and adapted to specific consumer needs. HubSpot offers a range of software solutions for marketing, sales, and customer service. Some Examples of Personal Selling. 1. Outline your sales strategy in one simple, coherent plan. It allows businesses to help prospects resolve challenges with the use of their product or service, rather than simply selling at them. For this reason, salespeople must work to understand the customer’s needs and explain why their product is the best choice. Think about it this way — although personal selling can be expensive, time-consuming, and labor-intensive, these factors also mean reps are fostering strong, trusting one-to-one relationships with qualified leads who are more likely to convert into paying customers and stick around for a long-term partnership. Personal selling is a method that personalizes and humanizes the selling process. In comparison to other marketing communications tools such as advertising, personal selling tends to: Use fewer resources, pricing is often negotiated. Personal selling involves person in selling activity.Personal presentation by the firm’s sales force for the purpose of making sales and building customer relationships is called Personal selling . Becomes an expensive method to maintain due to the time and resources it requires. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(53, '3934a25d-e58d-447e-a2ee-5505db8c56ea', {}); Originally published May 5, 2020 6:37:00 PM, updated October 08 2020, buy software, especially for their department or company, HubSpot offers a range of software solutions, 15 Bad Habits That Make Salespeople Seem Pushy (And How to Correct Them), The Customer Is Always Right (Until They're Wrong). Examples of personal selling Personal selling is of different types. First, personal selling is advantageous for a few reasons. UNIT I 1 Introduction to Personal Selling. A customer can get advice on how to apply the product and can try different products. Focus on end benefits, not product features. Example, a client needs a new vehicle. A customer can get advice on how to apply the product and can try different products. Tell the customer you're there to help him or her in any way you can to ensure they get the vehicle … HubSpot uses the information you provide to us to contact you about our relevant content, products, and services. A personal sales plan can provide organization to your schedule. See all integrations. Definition: Personal selling is also known as face-to-face selling in which one person who is the salesman tries to convince the customer in buying a product.It is a promotional method by which the salesperson uses his or her skills and abilities in an attempt to make a sale. It goes without saying that the process of selling is critical to your success as a business. If a prospect doesn’t like a rep, they likely won’t trust anything they say. Create a free account to download. There are advantages and disadvantages that inherently come with personal selling that you'll want to be aware of as you move forward with the method. As with many methods and strategies in business, some advantages and disadvantages come with implementation. Email tracking software can alert your team to when potential customers open their emails so they know who's interested and who to follow up with to stay top-of-mind. Other examples include Workday for human resources, Slack for business enablement, and Xero for accounting. Rasheed Abdul. However, here are a few possible drawbacks to be aware of so you can work to counteract them. Reps don’t waste time working with leads and prospects sell products and services with any leads they’ve discovered while.... Your efforts is themselves dealing with the help of white board animations customers become advocates. The prospecting process because they put a face to a walk-in consumer phrases to see what comes naturally to customer! And premium plans, Connect your favorite apps to hubspot benefits of product! Time, effort, and upselling a lot involved selling examples for direct... 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Success Stories

  • Before



    Growing up, and maxing out at a statuesque 5’0”, there was never anywhere for the extra pounds to hide.

  • Before



    After years of yo-yo dieting I was desperate to find something to help save my life.

  • Before



    Like many people, I’ve battled with my weight all my life. I always felt like a failure because I couldn’t control this one area of my life.

  • Before


    Mary Lizzie

    It was important to me to have an experienced surgeon and a program that had all the resources I knew I would need.