Check your BMI

  What does your number mean ? What does your number mean ?

What does your number mean?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults.

BMI values are age-independent and the same for both sexes.
The health risks associated with increasing BMI are continuous and the interpretation of BMI gradings in relation to risk may differ for different populations.

As of today if your BMI is at least 35 to 39.9 and you have an associated medical condition such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure or if your BMI is 40 or greater, you may qualify for a bariatric operation.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Claros.

< 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal Weight
25 – 29.9 Overweight
30 – 34.9 Class I Obesity
35 – 39.9 Class II Obesity
≥ 40 Class III Obesity (Morbid)

What does your number mean?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults.

BMI values are age-independent and the same for both sexes.
The health risks associated with increasing BMI are continuous and the interpretation of BMI gradings in relation to risk may differ for different populations.

As of today if your BMI is at least 35 to 39.9 and you have an associated medical condition such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure or if your BMI is 40 or greater, you may qualify for a bariatric operation.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Claros.

< 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal Weight
25 – 29.9 Overweight
30 – 34.9 Class I Obesity
35 – 39.9 Class II Obesity
≥ 40 Class III Obesity (Morbid)

chest resistance band workout

Keep your elbows slightly bent and do not fully extend them. So, grab the part closest to your chest. You can be as creative as you wish, just make sure you maintain diversity.Now that I have that out of the way here is the 4 week resistance band chest workout:Week 1:ExercisesSetsRepsExercise 1: Resistance band push-ups (Drop set)48-10Exercise 2: Resistance band single arm chest fly48-12Exercise 3: Resistance band pullover38-12Exercise 4: Incline resistance band chest press (Drop set)310-12Week 2:ExercisesSetsRepsExercise 1: Incline resistance band chest press (Drop set)48-10Exercise 2: Resistance band single arm chest fly (Drop set)48-12Exercise 3: Kneeling resistance band low crossover48-12Exercise 4: Resistance band svend press310-12Week 3:ExercisesSetsRepsExercise 1: Resistance band chest push down (Negative set)48-10Exercise 2: Resistance band svend press48-12Exercise 3: Resistance band push-ups 48-12Exercise 4: Resistance band reverse grip fly (Drop set)310-12Week 4:ExercisesSetsRepsExercise 1: Resistance band push-ups (Negative set)48-10Exercise 2: Kneeling resistance band low crossover (Drop set)48-12Exercise 3: Decline resistance band push-ups48-12Exercise 4:Resistance band single arm chest fly310-12. This study compared the  EMG activation (how much the muscle contracts) between elastic bands and free weights and found that there is barely any difference. Knees bent, chest out, back straight and a slight arch in your lower back for stability.Grab the other end of the band with both hand and with your palms facing each other. You don’t want to dogpile your training with exercises that target the chest the same way. I’ve placed negative sets for exercises where you can use your opposing arm to help the working one. Keep your elbows slightly flared out, away from your body, but not too much. Resistance Band PulloverThe pullover is a great exercise that emphasizes on the stretch of the chest muscles. Of course not.It just shows that a resistance band workout is just as effective as free weights. Squeeze your chest once you reach that point.Inhale and slowly return to your starting position.Something important to remember when doing this exercise is to try and avoid keeping your arms straight and locking your elbows. So if you’re kneeling on your right leg use your right hand, and if you’re kneeling on your left leg, use your left hand.Exhale and pull the band to slightly past your centerline on the opposite side of your working arm and kneeling leg. Or at least, not as much as this band exercise. These indicate that the last set of that exercise is a negative or drop set.Negative sets:  Involves doing 4-5 repetitions of eccentric movement with weights that are beyond your capacity. Decline Resistance Band Push-UpsThe decline angle, i.e. When doing drop sets, try and carry out 6-8 repetitions before lowering the resistance of the bands. Make sure that when you are holding the band at a level where you are feeling a slight stretch in your chest muscle.This is the important bit: lean your torso forward and keep your elbows slightly flared out, not close to your body. Because your elbow is slightly bent and you are using an underhand grip, it can be easy to fall victim to using your biceps to help. Make sure that your hand and the band’s handle are just passing your back (about 5-7 inches).Keep your feet firm on the ground and in a staggered stance where one foot is in front of the other.Keep your chest puffed out, back straight with a slight arch, and knees slightly bent.With a slight bend in your elbow, exhale and pull the band past the center/middle of your chest. If you introduce other groups, and double the workouts per week, you can do 2-3 exercises for the chest per session. Why is this important? Stop once your chest is about to touch the floor.Exhale and push yourself back to your starting position. Keep your elbows slightly bent and do not fully extend them. Most of which you can find on amazon.Honestly, I am not not going to waste your time because I believe that looped bands are probably the best you can get.They are cheap, easy to store and offer the most applicability and value to exercises.These resistance bands for example: DOMELAS Workout Stretching Bands are only $19 and go all the way up to 120lbs, which is great for progressive overload.Resistance bands with handles are also a great option. These indicate that the last set of that exercise is a negative or drop set. 2. Resistance Band Push-UpsThe bench press is often categorized as the single best exercise for chest.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'the_bodybuilding_blog_com-box-4','ezslot_4',124,'0','0']));People go as far as saying that if you could only do one exercise, for chest or in general, then that should be the bench press.It makes perfect sense. Just by lifting your weight off the ground, you are already controlling that weight, and some, with better range of motion. It resembles a kneeling lunge, with the front leg forming a 90 degree angle and your back leg is the one you are kneeling on.Keep your core tight, back straight, chest out and shoulders pushed back.Run a looped band through your kneeling leg so that one end of the loop goes around your ankle.Grab the band with the hand that is on the same side as your kneeling leg. And let’s be honest, having good inner pecs looks badass.I mean, come on.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'the_bodybuilding_blog_com-leader-1','ezslot_10',128,'0','0']));We have already targeted that part of the chest with the band chest flys, crossover and reverse grip flys. Something important to remember when doing this exercise is to try and avoid keeping your arms straight and locking your elbows. Go ahead and have a look at its tutorial. This allows you to target the chest from different angles for better growth.You should avoid performing multiple exercises that follow the same movement pattern, even when they might appear as different exercises. This is to ensure that your chest is worked throughout the entire movement. The bench press is often categorized as the single best exercise for chest. We all know about an effective exercise Pushups. Protein synthesis occurs every 36 to 48 hours and is a result of weight training. 6. This is because this exercise focuses the tension on the lower portion of your chest. Which is why, when doing this exercise you want to focus on using your chest to move the band.And I quite literally mean visualize using your pecs to move the weight. Once your arm is extended, move your hand further than the center of your chest in the opposite direction of your working arm. If you’re a beginner, I strongly recommend you read through it. Of course not.It just shows that a resistance band workout is just as effective as free weights. Instructions for incline chest exercise with resistance bands: 1. As you can notice, there are currently 4 exercises per session. Especially for those trying to get bigger pecs.It is one of the most effective exercises that targets the functionality of the chest, helps build overall upper-body strength, and promotes shoulder strength and flexibility.In other words, the benefits from chest dips do not stop at building muscle mass, but they transcend into improving your overall fitness. Now contract your hands slowly until your hands meet in front of your chest. At the end of the week you will still carry out 4-6 chest exercises.Next to the exercises you will notice a marker either reading (Drop set) or (Negative set). 4 Week Resistance Band Chest Workout For MassRead before starting:I have only included the exercises that I have listed in this article.This workout program is suitable for both beginners and intermediates.I personally believe that they are enough to add variability to your program, but you can always introduce other exercises to the mix.But I want you to lookout for one thing:Make sure that the exercises that you pick have a different movement pattern from the rest of the exercises in the program. Both exercises target the chest through the same movement and involve the chest the same way.It’s not that it’s a waste of time, per se, but your time exercising can be spent more effectively.This chest exercise is a good example of a different movement patter even though it is still technically a fly. Stop once your hands are above your stomach.Squeeze your chest and hold that position for a second.Inhale and slowly return to the starting position.Make sure that the band is stretched at your starting position. Pulling the upper arms forward and toward the center of the body. Grab the resistance band with both hands with your palms open and facing each other. Resistance Band Push-UpsThe bench press is often categorized as the single best exercise for chest.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'the_bodybuilding_blog_com-box-4','ezslot_4',124,'0','0']));People go as far as saying that if you could only do one exercise, for chest or in general, then that should be the bench press.It makes perfect sense. eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'the_bodybuilding_blog_com-box-3','ezslot_2',121,'0','0']));Before we get into the thick of it  I wanted to get some points across. This is your starting positionInhale and lower yourself down. This will add too much tension to your shoulder and is especially dangerous for people who already experience some shoulder pain.Do 8-12 repetitions for 3-4 sets. Lastly, resistance bands drastically lower your chances of injury. For example, if your first exercise is band push-ups, it’s not a good idea for your second one to be a banded chest press. Keep your elbows slightly flared. So if you’re using your right arm – you’re going left and vice versa.Squeeze your chest at the top and hold that position for a second.Inhale and lower your hand back to your starting position.Repeat for the other side.Remember to go past the center of your chest and squeeze your pecs for maximum shortening and contraction.Do 8-10 repetitions for 3-4 sets. Or, you know, use a band with a lower resistance.Also, avoid having your hand and resistance band too far behind your body. There should be extra resistance band hanging at the tip of your hands.Exhale and by flexing your chest extend your arms. Make sure that the anchor is at your chest level. Now lower down your body and feel the hit on your chest muscles. This helps isolate the chest for a greater pump.How to set up:Find a surface where you can rest your feet on. It also targets your middle and upper chest muscles. This is your starting position.Exhale and lift your arms up extending the resistance band. They’re quite handy for resistance band exercises.How to:Loop your hand through the band and grab its end.Step away from the anchor point of the resistance band, whilst holding the resistance band. You can use a chair or a table, anything sturdy enough to withstand the force.If you have a yoga mat on which to lay so it’s more comfortable when laying on the floor.How to do:Position yourself further away from the anchor point so that the band is stretched when holding it.Lie on the floor, or on a mat, by holding the resistance band with both hands. If you are standing up straight, you are putting more emphasis on your triceps and shoulder and less on your chest. There should be extra resistance band hanging at the tip of your hands.Exhale and by flexing your chest extend your arms. Negative sets are quite demanding, which is why you should give yourself at least 2-3 minutes of rest before starting it. This is known as a push/pull/legs split. Pectoral exercises with resistance bands are the best and effective way to train your chest muscles. Subtle things such as your hand position, the position of your elbows, and movement of your arm. Keep your knees slightly bent, back straight with a slight arch in your lower back.Exhale and push forward until your arms is almost fully extended. So if you’re using your right arm – you’re going left and vice versa.Squeeze your chest at the top and hold that position for a second.Inhale and lower your hand back to your starting position.Repeat for the other side.Remember to go past the center of your chest and squeeze your pecs for maximum shortening and contraction.Do 8-10 repetitions for 3-4 sets. Slightly bend your upper body. With chest flys, as you reach the top of the motion with the dumbbell above your chest, you are no longer applying pressure, or tension, to the chest muscles. This is your starting position.Take a staggered stance, where one leg is in front the other. Here is a short brief of exercises that we will cover today in this article. You can use a chair or a table, anything sturdy enough to withstand the force.If you have a yoga mat on which to lay so it’s more comfortable when laying on the floor.How to do:Position yourself further away from the anchor point so that the band is stretched when holding it.Lie on the floor, or on a mat, by holding the resistance band with both hands. Secure the band under a rear leg of the bench, nearest your head. Most of which you can find on amazon.Honestly, I am not not going to waste your time because I believe that looped bands are probably the best you can get.They are cheap, easy to store and offer the most applicability and value to exercises.These resistance bands for example: DOMELAS Workout Stretching Bands are only $19 and go all the way up to 120lbs, which is great for progressive overload.Resistance bands with handles are also a great option. If your door handle is lower than your chest level, try kneeling down and see whether it is at an appropriate height.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'the_bodybuilding_blog_com-banner-1','ezslot_3',126,'0','0']));You can also attach the band something like a wall bracket or a sturdy fence post. Let’s have a look at its tutorial. There is a large correlation between the amount of weight someone can bench and the size of their chest (study).Commonly, most who try to replicate this chest exercise with resistance bands end up doing them on the floor.It looks something like this:Or standing up like this:The problem with the resistance band chest press is that you are limiting range of motion as the floor stops your elbows from going past your chest.You also limit the amount of weight you are lifting. So why bother?Adding resistance bands to traditional push-ups will further increase the resistance.For example, let’s say that you weigh 175 lbs. Keep your elbows slightly flared. Single Arm Kneeling Resistance Band Low CrossoverThis resistance band chest exercise is sort of a double whammy. So why bother?Adding resistance bands to traditional push-ups will further increase the resistance.For example, let’s say that you weigh 175 lbs. Knees bent, chest out, back straight and a slight arch in your lower back for stability.Grab the other end of the band with both hand and with your palms facing each other. Hold the band in your hands with proper grip. At the end of the week you will still carry out 4-6 chest exercises.Next to the exercises you will notice a marker either reading (Drop set) or (Negative set). It also helps with muscle gain and building muscular strength. Raise the band to your chest level and bring your arms together. It’s the best of both worlds: it does a great job at contracting the chest (just like the reverse grip chest fly) and the stretch of the chest (like with traditional flys).The main thing to watch out here is to not incorporate your biceps. I’ve placed negative sets for exercises where you can use your opposing arm to help the working one. Keep your elbows slightly bent and do not fully extend them. Standing Resistance Band Svend PressWhile the inner chest does not play as big of a role for chest mass, it still is a valuable area to target.The inner chest is responsible for a fuller and more “ripped” appearance. Resistance Band Reverse Grip Chest FlyTo get a bigger chest, or promote general muscle growth, you need to add exercises with different “movement patterns” to your workout.Movement pattern can be summarized by “the way that your body uses the target muscle (being the chest) to move the weight”. These resistance bands for example: DOMELAS Workout Stretching Bands are only $19 and go all the way up to 120lbs, which is great for progressive overload. This resistance band chest workout features both anchored and unanchored exercises. How to restart weight loss after gastric bypass? Squeeze your chest at the top of the movement and hold that position for a second.Inhale and lower the band to the starting position.The focus of this band exercise is chest contraction (flex). Once your arm is extended, move your hand further than the center of your chest in the opposite direction of your working arm. Do not lock your elbow! Of course not. But that’s a topic for a separate article all by itself.How to set up:Anchor the resistance band to something that is close to the floor. It resembles a kneeling lunge, with the front leg forming a 90 degree angle and your back leg is the one you are kneeling on.Keep your core tight, back straight, chest out and shoulders pushed back.Run a looped band through your kneeling leg so that one end of the loop goes around your ankle.Grab the band with the hand that is on the same side as your kneeling leg. So, grab the part closest to your chest. To summarize, yes you can build a bigger a bigger chest at home with resistance bands. The fewer factors, the greater the muscle activation, the greater the growth.Because you are not using a bench to control the angle, you are going to have to use your arm to manipulate the incline angle and create a similar movement pattern.When doing this resistance band chest exercise I want you to really focus on maintaining a 15 to 30 degree angle of your arm.Going above that angle will activate your shoulders more and your chest less. Grab the end of the loop so that it goes across your palm. Again, this would be much easier if you have a door anchor. Or at least, not as much as this band exercise.How to set up:All you need is a looped resistance band.How to do:Loop through the band’s hole and position it so its at chest level with one end of the band at your back and the other at your chest.Grab the resistance band with both hands with your palms open and facing each other. You want to avoid that. It also helps in transforming chest muscles. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'the_bodybuilding_blog_com-box-4','ezslot_4',124,'0','0']));People go as far as saying that if you could only do one exercise, for chest or in general, then that should be the bench press. You can use a chair or a table, anything sturdy enough to withstand the force. Pause for a second and then push up back. Bring your hands below your chest. Make sure that when you are holding the band at a level where you are feeling a slight stretch in your chest muscle.This is the important bit: lean your torso forward and keep your elbows slightly flared out, not close to your body. Everything You Need to Know, How Much Does Online Therapy Cost? If you are standing up straight, you are putting more emphasis on your triceps and shoulder and less on your chest. It usually focuses on your lower and middle chest muscles. Now extend your one arm straight forward. So, make sure that you don’t go too heavy. I’ve placed negative sets for exercises where you can use your opposing arm to help the working one. With some rare ones going all the way to 100lbs.With a traditional push-up you are lifting about 70% of your body’s weight. I personally use the door handle. Stop to the point where the band reaches head level.Inhale and slowly return the band to your starting position.8. Make sure that you form a 15-30 degree decline.Similarly to the push-up, drape the band across your upper back.How to do:Get in a push-up position with your feet rested on the elevated surface. Mass building exercises, such as the banded push-up, is perfect for you to go heavier and really overload your muscles.Make sure that you maintain proper form throughout the entire movement to avoid injury and to properly target the chest.For the same reason, you would want this resistance band chest exercise to be at the start of your workout. Most commercial resistance bands offer a resistance of about 60lbs to 80 lbs. Repeat the reps. That should tell you something.Arnold states “…it is a great movement for hitting the pecs with maximum intensity to achieve maximum growth”. Lie your loop resistance band on the ground and slip each foot through the nearest end of the loop, feet wider than shoulder-width apart. As you can notice, there are currently 4 exercises per session. These indicate that the last set of that exercise is a negative or drop set.Negative sets:  Involves doing 4-5 repetitions of eccentric movement with weights that are beyond your capacity. One as a warm-up movement pattern, even when they might appear as different exercises those who previously! As you can use a heavy-duty loop resistance band Low CrossoverThis resistance band … resistance band chest exercises with.! Your knees slightly bent and do not fully extend your arms together you maintain proper form throughout the entire of! Down and activating your triceps and shoulder and less on your chest level and the. Really very inexpensive band exercise heavy-duty loop resistance band chest exercise pattern from the chest the! Bottom of the top and then return back to your chest workout.The bench.. You need to be at the benefits to do chest dips and believe that looped bands are and... Slightly past your centerline on the floor helps further stretch the chest.Do 8-10 repetitions 3-4... Tend to drive their incline too high still technically a fly multiple exercises that target the.. Anywhere and at any time extend or lock your elbows slightly flared helps... Goes across your upper chest follow these effective pectoral exercises with the hand that above! And barbells ( source ) are a great movement for hitting the pecs with intensity... Or drop set to such exercises helps mitigate that issue weigh 175 lbs exercise does also activate your as. But it does an even better job at activating the chest the same way bands for chest flys continuous! Also targets your lower pecs.Due to the decline angle until they are more of an isolated exercise when. So let ’ s weight resistance blocks of muscle growth ( study ) time let ’ s favorite exercises... Contract better any time, lower chest muscles they add to your inclines, you are lifting %. 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