oath of ancients paladin reddit
If you're really hoping to push the theme, perhaps you personally mined the ore from which your weapons are made in an eco-friendly fashion. The Oath of the Ancients is as old as the race of elves and the rituals of the druids. Sentience: The Blade of the Ancients is a sentient Neutral Good weapon with an Intelligence of 12, a Wisdom of 20, and a Charisma of 10. I am currently running my first campaign with a group of friends, one of the players is a paladin and through their journey thus far has really embraced the oath of the ancients ⦠Do you have to be neutral good? Regards to Nature: Your character loves animals and likely has a special connection to their steed (find steed spell). Take the Mounted Combatant feat and you become a force of nature! Oathbreakers are very rare. I will shelter and grow the light, brother. I have a feat because I went variant human so I can get the feat with pikes. The Oath of the Ancients is as old as the race of elves and the rituals of the druids. Blade of the Ancients Weapon (Greatsword), Artifact (requires attunement by an Oath of Ancients Paladin). Press J to jump to the feed. The Oath of the Ancients is the druidic flavor of the paladin. Theme: To this paladin, nothing is more valuable than loyalty to life itself. For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits: At the start of each of your turns, you regain 10 hit points. The swordâs magic derives from the spirit of a particularly powerful druid that has been locked inside the blade and laid dormant for decades before being awakened by an Oath of the Ancients paladin. It is time for another fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons character build. Since you're wanting to go Neutral Good I would say that you can find it within yourself to understand both parties, but err on the side of kindness. Can anyone explain how to be more of a forest loving paladin in regards to alignment? It's basically a Faerie...mount? Upholding the spirit of the Oath of the Ancients is very much what I'm interested in doing, as the letter is rather vague. Honestly, when I read the paladin descriptons, I see them this way; Devotion: Monotheistic, Monastic outlook of their service. I modeled this on a Holy Avenger. The knightâs armor was covered in moss and lichen, like a century-old birch, and their helmet bore a magnificent rack of antlers. Yes, you are ⦠Neutral Good: You will look out for others before yourself, but you will NOT prevent nature from running its course. Yeah, I get that. The Oath of the Ancients is as old as the race of elves and the rituals of the druids. We discuss the next subclass in the series from the Player's Handbook: the Oath of Vengeance Paladin! I tried to avoid spells that would overlap with the paladinâs oath spells. Do you have any suggestions for a lvl 1 feat? The paladins who swear this oath dedicate themselves to serving society and, in particular, the just laws that hold society together. And thank you for the explanation about NG, appreciate it! As the Paladin spends more time in attunement to the sword and grows in power the connection to the swordâs spirit grows in strength, unlocking the druidâs spirit and increasing the magical power of the sword. This is my first campaign, and am mostly looking for tips on how to be "neutral good" and not break any future oath I take. You swear to bring that light to those people. I typically think of Nature based classes (Druids, Rangers, etc.) The helmet had two tapered eyes, and a ⦠I have decided to go Stength instead of dexterity mostly because I like the feel of a more traditional paladin. Being someone people like to be around is part of your lifestyle. Thematically speaking, it would be more of a woodsman type character. Paladin: Oath of the Ancients. I'd go as a half elf, outlander background, and put lots of skills into survival and such. Sometimes called fey knights, green knights, or horned knights, paladins who swear this oath cast their lot with the side of the light in the cosmic struggle against darkness because they love the beautiful and life-giving things of the ⦠as being Chaotic Good (based on the laws of society) or Lawful Good (based on the laws of nature) depending on your perspective. Last session my father and brother died in combat against undead while scouting in orc territory. An Oath of the Ancients Paladin (OAP) would probably make for a good diplomat. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Spells: As a divine caster you have access to the entire classes spell reserve and simply pick which ones you want to prepare at the end of each long rest. Lights within everyone who needs protection, as well as those who need friends and companions. Alignment: As far as Oath of the ancients goes, I find it easy to think of yourself not as a GOOD guy, but a NICE Guy. Vengeance Paladin and Warlock (Any) or Ancients Paladin and Fey Warlock are both top-quality RP reasons to multiclass. In terms of weapon, since you're going with Strength, I would expect a Maul or even a Pike/Glaive. Spells You can use your connection to the swordâs spirit to draw on the druidâs spellcasting ability(Spell save DC = 16): At will: Druidcraft, Guidance, Resistance, Four times per day: Animal Friendship, Entangle, Faerie Fire, ⢠Speak With Animals, Two times per day: Animal Messenger, Hold Person, Pass without Trace, +1d10 radiant damage against fiends or fey, Four times per day: Animal Friendship, Entangle, Faerie Fire, Speak With Animals, Three times per day: Animal Messenger, Hold Person, Pass without Trace, 10 foot radius, you and allies have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects, At will: Druidcraft, Guidance, Resistance, Mending, Two times per day: Conjure Animals, Plant Growth, Speak with Plants, +2d10 radiant damage against fiends or fey, One time per day: Conjure Woodland Beings, Dominate Beast, Grasping Vine, 30 foot radius, you and allies have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects, One Time per day: Conjure Woodland Beings, Dominate Beast, Grasping Vine, [Homebrew] Artifact for an Oath of Ancients paladin, VERY long, Counts as magical for overcoming resistances, You can now partially communicate with the spirit of the druid trapped in the blade, although there are still barriers obstructing your connection: You can ask the swordâs spirit questions that it may be able to answer. Have a high wisdom, maybe your third highest stat. A pair of throwing axes for range, and a two handed one for close combat. I'll leave it up to the player. Flavor wise, this works with my character. I love the fey idea though definitely. Rather than drawing upon nature or the moons for power, a Paladin draws upon the sacred weight of their oath. Sometimes called cavaliers, white knights, or holy warriors, these paladins meet the ideal of the knight in shining armor, acting with honor in pursuit of justice and the greater good. The Paladin's Oath of the Ancients Level 20 Elder Champion feature states: Using your action, you undergo a transformation. Paladins are the most common conduits of divine magic. Personality: Fluffy druid shit goes here. My character how I roleplay him is a shining beacon of hope so would fit well ancient ⦠I actually took Variant human, so I can do Mounted Compatant immediately rather than at level(3??). You're a happy person who likes to joke and dance and make others happy. As for weapons, I'd actually suggest going with axes. I was thinking a Warhammer and a Shield, but a Pike/Glaive can be used. If anything fits for fighting style/weapon loadout I'de say defense or protection and sword and board. Hey there, I asked this over at r/dndbehindthescreen but was told it would best be suited here, hopefully I can get some help from all you wonderful people. If you're going with a Shield, probably a Warhammer or Flail. A paladin has wrecked a vow normally looks freedom from a priest who shares his or her confidence or from another paladin of a similar command. Jun 6, 2019 - /tg/ drawthread thing. Paladin. You, on the other hand, are a people person who wishes to protect others and himself. Your oath connects you with something older and larger than yourself or the people around you, and I think this grants the character a lot of empathy. Find Your Light: Oath of the Ancients 5E. A Fey is just a creature of the wild? The Oath of the Ancients is as old as the race of elves and the rituals of the druids. Saved by Chels R. 128. An oath older than elves and the druidic rituals, sworn by the first warriors of the light, and sworn today by those who throw their lot in with the forces of light and goodness because they want to protect the inherent beauty in every part of life. Just shelter the light and grow the light, brother. I know I'm really late to the game, so sorry if this isn't much help. When they pressed the issue I didn't stand in the way and literally fight over the issue, but after the deed had been done my character left a note for the robbed person explaining what had happened and who had taken the supplies. Game Mechanics: Additional spells, with a nature focus, work to control movement and interact with plants and animals. For me, I'm torn between the oath of Devotion, oath of the ancients and the oath of Vengeance. Whenever you cast a paladin spell that has a casting time of 1 action, you can cast it using a ⦠What spells are your favorite to grab as an OotA Paladin? Oath of Ancients Paladin. To that end I made this first draft of the sword. You may have a hatred of the strip-mining practices that crop up near military hubs, since those have lasting impact on the environment. What kind of weapons would you suggest? Paladin Oath of Ancestors adn Oath of Vigilance by coolgamertagbro. Since the sword is so intricate to the character's backstory he want's to be able to use it over the course of the character's entire career. I would also just recommend looking at the tenants of your oath for inspiration. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. First off, read the Find Steed spell. My character was born and raised in an elf/human town in the forest, which is why I was going towards a more nature themed paladin. A subreddit dedicated to the various iterations of Dungeons & Dragons, from its First Edition roots to its Fifth Edition future. Sometimes called fey knights, green knights, or horned knights, paladins who swear this oath cast their lot with the side of the light in the cosmic struggle against darkness because they love the beautiful and life-giving things ⦠Paladin: Oath of the Ancients ⦠In the spell list when it says something like âfour times per dayâ it is intended that you can cast these spells in any combination a total of four times between long rests. I am a variant human and wanted to bounce some ideas around. Erik was among the first few people who supported Ragnar in his claims of traveling to the West. The paladin and his/her mount is a tradition that dates back to original DND, and there's a lot of opportunity for an OAP to do some ⦠I just picture bludgeoning weapons in general for some reason. Just be sure to take your smites and smite smite smite. The ability to communicate with the druid spirit lets the wielder make nature, religion, and history checks using the Druidâs wisdom score (20/+5) instead of the wielderâs intelligence score. You have a respect for all plants and animals, but you also understand that just as the bear needs to eat, so does the human need to colonize or hunt. I think I'm more just trying to get my head around how the Oath of the Ancients differs from the traditional paladin vows (aka the Oath of Devotion). Yeah, a Large Dwarf on a Huge Cave Bear with advantage on all attacks vs. creatures smaller than my mount. OATH OF THE ANCIENTS. As a Duergar I could also Enlarge once a day and with Find Steed I could also embiggen my mount as well. Through his acts of mercy and forgiveness, he awakens the light of hope in the world, ⦠You don't mention race, but I just played a OoA Paladin in Out of the Abyss as a Dwarf riding a Cave Bear (Polar Bear Variant) and had an awesome time! We discuss the next subclass in the series from the Player's Handbook: the Oath of the Ancients Paladin! Saved from reddit.com [Art] Domnhall Cailean, Half-Elf, Oath of Ancients Paladin, High-functioning Alcoholic A subreddit dedicated to the various iterations of Dungeons & Dragons, from its First Edition roots to its Fifth Edition future. There is an opportunity to develop your Paladin's backstory further and influence upcoming adventures if your DM is willing to integrate the Order of the Red Falcon into the campaign, so take the time to talk to them about it! Its central principles are simple. The era of paladin oath of the ancients has been preserved for countless centuries. A vengeance or devotion paladin might be looking specifically to slay vile creatures and therefore carry a large damage dealing weapon. The heart of the forest is forbidden to you, traveler.â A knight in armor that once gleamed enamel-white stood atop a hill in the midst of the trackless woods. It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 120 feet. Spells: I will leave that to your discretion, as I have yet to play Ancients myself. NG or CG are probably appropriate alignments but I don't think it really matters all that much. Now that we know who this badass deity is, let's take a look at her paladin followers and the Oath of ⦠It's Paladin only and it will forever change your character. I see the Oath of the Ancients as a champion of the natural world; he;d probably be a lot more open about natural human behavior, like carousin', dancin', and casual romancin'. I was wondering if anybody has an idea for heavy armor that is flavored to be natural (not metal). Regards to Nature: Your character loves animals and likely has a special connection to their steed (find steed spell). Oath breaker Paladin 5e Guide. That's an interesting question, I'm not sure if I need to be the tankiest of tankiest players based on that we're probably only playing 1-10 and our fighter is also going sword and board. Made a level 1 varient human paladin, I plan on going oath of the ancients, I want to dip sorcerer for quicken and more spell slots, I also like the idea of dipping fighter for more ASI's. Your oath gives you spells that are always prepared, and you can have your favorites that you regularly take as well, but overall I'de say just pick whatever you feel you might need for that leg of the adventure. Hello all, I'm looking for feedback and criticism on a homebrew artifact for an Oath of Ancients paladin in an upcoming long term campaign. I'm thinking Warhammer and a Shield. You will drive the wolf pack away from the human settlement, for instance, but you will not exterminate the wolves; you will scare or lure them into relocation. Dec 18, 2019 - BALADOR BRIGHTWOOD Human Paladin Neutral Good Oath of Ancients DnD from Reddit tagged as Good Meme I'm currently running Oath of the Crown, from SCAG. I like the idea of a sword and board paladin but I'm definitely looking for options or opinions. We will be starting at level 3 and probably won't make it all the way to level 20, but I designed this sword with endgame in mind. The sword has +7 nature/religion/history. Equipment: Honestly for a class like fighter or paladin that is proficient in all weapons, I'de say it just comes down to the build or flavor that you want to use. An Ancients Paladin 5e tries to grab the maximum values of conduct, but even the most righteous paladin is imperfect. The ancient oath works with all kinds of nature to vanquish those who would seed evil into otherwise peaceful grounds. I changed the bonus damage from fiends and undead to fiends and fey to be more in line with the Oath of the Ancients class flavor. Weapon (Greatsword), Artifact (requires attunement by an Oath of Ancients Paladin). Not to mention, multiclassing doesn't mean you're straying from the Oath. The Paladin D&D ⦠1 Biography 1.1 History 1.2 ⦠It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 120 feet. Weapons: Whichever you like! As the Paladin levels up the sword becomes more powerful according to the following progression. Oath of Devotion. I think my DM wants us to not play evil characters, but Chaotic Good may be on the table, that's an interesting idea. The Oath of Devotion binds a paladin to the loftiest ideals of justice, virtue, and order. Dunno how much of a viable build this would be, but I wanted to play off the idea - Spells & Shield.. so you want to make a dnd cleric? I've heard it many times but i've never heard it explained, so I apologize. Unlocking the Spirit Within The Oath of Vengeance is the most common, with the Oath of the Ancients second and Oath of Devotion third. Sometimes called fey knights, green knights, or horned knights, paladins who swear this oath cast their lot with the side of the light in the cosmic struggle against darkness because they love the beautiful and life-giving things of the world, not ⦠Bo a bright glow amidst a dark world. I plan on doing ⦠I think I'm going to go warhammer and shield. I enjoy oath of the ancients. Blazing light. My group is a cleric, ranger, ranger and a sword and board warrior, so if 2 sword and board players is too much, I'm definitely open to other opinions. The player wants to have as part of his backstory that he found a greatsword in a magical grove and the spirit trapped inside set him on his path towards being and Oath of Ancients Paladin. This paladin oath of the ancients emphasizes the principles of good above any concerns of law or anarchy. Also, I added in a modified version of the 1/3 spell caster progression and based it on the druidâs spell list. They are usually very specific to the playstyle of the player. I am lvl 1, but aspiring to be a oath of the ancients paladin. I decided to go with a vengeance pally with polearm mastery, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. What is the paladin oath of the ancients, what are its advantages and disadvantages What is the paladin oath of⦠Continue Reading â Posted in: Quotes , Religion Filed under: oath of the ancients paladin , oath of the ancients paladin 5e , oath of the ancients paladin guide , paladin 5e oath of the ancients oath of vengeance vs oath of conquest, Erik Marteinn was one of Ragnar Lothbrok's warriors. Sometimes called fey knights, green knights, or horned knights, paladins who swear this oath cast their lot with the side of the light in the cosmic struggle against darkness because they love the beautiful and life ⦠Your Paladin will likely be using their Charisma on Performance, and uses their time to flourish life-giving things. ... cringe freestuff Friendly art Arknights tumblr OneForAll fallout fakenewz youtube 4chan-threads KonosubaAndChill ponytime ThotPatrol reddit-moment ⦠For example my party wanted to steal from a caravan we found full of vampire hunting supplies, and my character objected. Paladin: Oath of the Crown The Oath of the Crown is sworn to the ideals of civilization, be it the spirit of a nation, fealty to a sovereign, or service to a deity of law and rulership. I'm sorry, I've tried looking up what a FEY actually is. I think either way I want to go at least 6 levels of paladin. I'll be starting with GWM and GWF fighting style and feat. This time we will look at Maala, the Oath of the Ancients goliath paladin character I played in episode four of out RPG Crate sponsored game, Adventures on the Open Road: A Knightâs Tomb.Maala is a D&D character built on one major concept, the ⦠They seemed to be good friends. For instance, with the 1st level spells you could cast Animal Friendship once and Faerie fire three times OR Speak with Animals four times. I will note that regardless of oath, aura spells are the bomb. Some people take as many attack options as they can, some people take one attack option that they rely on and a lot of utility. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Oath of the Ancients Paladin When you take a paladin oath of the ancients, you take an oath to protect all these lights. He also helped Ragnar recruit warriors by holding a meeting of Vikings in his home. The paladin and his/her mount is a tradition that dates back to original DND, and there's a lot of opportunity for an OAP to do some cool roleplaying with a Fey mount they consider a true friend. That would justify the Oath of Vengeance. I've read them over, but am also looking for others opinions. Sentience: The Blade of the Ancients is a sentient Neutral Good weapon with an Intelligence of 12, a Wisdom of 20, and a Charisma of 10. What is the paladin oath of the ancients, what are its advantages and disadvantages What is the paladin oath of⦠Continue Reading â Posted in: Quotes , Religion Filed under: oath of the ancients paladin , oath of the ancients paladin 5e , oath of the ancients paladin guide , paladin 5e oath of the ancients If you already have a Sword and Boarder and two Rangers, definitely go with a 2h Weapon like a Maul and just crush things. I'm playing it towards the tenants rather than nature specifically, and I'm using religion / fey as a reason to be naturey rather than a pure love of nature. I have a paladin player who wants to take the Oath of Ancients and thematically theyâd like to look Druidic in nature. Dungeons And Dragons Races Dungeons And Dragons Classes Dungeons And Dragons Homebrew Reylo Dnd Paladin Dnd Stats Dnd Classes 70s Sci Fi Art Dnd 5e Homebrew. So I had my +1 Battle Axe, a Slivered Glaive, and my Sentinel Shield. âNone shall pass. An Oath of the Ancients Paladin (OAP) would probably make for a good diplomat. Blade of the Ancients When the sword makes a history check it cannot know anything within the last century, due to being imprisoned in the blade and unable to learn events in the outside world. Those within which have become dim. Hey guys, Looking for some help here. The weapon communicates telepathically with its wielder and can speak, read, and write Common, Elven, Sylvan, and Druidic. The Tenets of the Ancients focus on kindling the worldâs beauty. Re: Spells, not much input on that from me. Sorcerer is a bit more difficult, but certainly not unreasonable if you start Sorcerer for the first few levels. Attunement to this sword is intimately tied to the oath the paladin swears, such that violating the tenets of the oath will cause the sword to sever ties with you and will only function as a +0 Greatsword until you make atonement. How would I play a Chaotic good player? Or opinions nature based classes ( druids, Rangers, etc. and theyâd. Fighting style and feat Sylvan, and my character objected swear this Oath oath of ancients paladin reddit themselves to serving society,... Just picture bludgeoning weapons in general for some reason not much input on from! A hatred of the Ancients and thematically theyâd like to be around is part of your Oath for.... The wild see them this way ; Devotion: Monotheistic, Monastic outlook their. 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