Check your BMI

  What does your number mean ? What does your number mean ?

What does your number mean?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults.

BMI values are age-independent and the same for both sexes.
The health risks associated with increasing BMI are continuous and the interpretation of BMI gradings in relation to risk may differ for different populations.

As of today if your BMI is at least 35 to 39.9 and you have an associated medical condition such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure or if your BMI is 40 or greater, you may qualify for a bariatric operation.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Claros.

< 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal Weight
25 – 29.9 Overweight
30 – 34.9 Class I Obesity
35 – 39.9 Class II Obesity
≥ 40 Class III Obesity (Morbid)

What does your number mean?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults.

BMI values are age-independent and the same for both sexes.
The health risks associated with increasing BMI are continuous and the interpretation of BMI gradings in relation to risk may differ for different populations.

As of today if your BMI is at least 35 to 39.9 and you have an associated medical condition such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure or if your BMI is 40 or greater, you may qualify for a bariatric operation.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Claros.

< 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal Weight
25 – 29.9 Overweight
30 – 34.9 Class I Obesity
35 – 39.9 Class II Obesity
≥ 40 Class III Obesity (Morbid)

historical development of sign language in kenya

Although all families were engaged in sharing books with their Kenya’s political context has been heavily shaped by historical domestic tensions and contestation associated with centralisation and abuse of power, high levels of corruption, a more than two decades long process of constitutional review and post-election violence. This paper outlines the importance of KSL in the teaching of deaf learners in Kenya by examining the acquisition and use of KSL in the family, school and the Kenyan society at large. English and Swahili are the official languages spoken in Kenya. View Kenyan Sign Language.docx from MEDIA AND MCO 2225 at Multimedia University of Kenya. Participants attended a training in which they were taught to match written words with pictures. Deaf children in Kenya do not learn Kiswahili nor do they learn their village language (unless they have access to learning those languages outside of their school). The majority of teachers of the deaf pupils in the Kenyan scenario are, the oralist approach insists on teaching them how, 2013, where early intervention was extensively discus. policy on the use of KSL as the MT of the deaf in Kenya. But the challenge for the future will be ensuring that enough teachers are trained to a high enough standard to deliver good quality sign language lessons. meant being overlooked, becoming a non-person again. role if and only if he or she has the following capaci, teaching and assessing a non-spoken language, schools that uses natural sign language but strives to produce exact, take is that there is no alternative to a natural la, tool for teaching educational concepts and knowledge, be required in the schools to facilitate communicatio, and colleges have to engage competent, in which the deaf learner can get value at the tertia. ( Log Out /  Before and after training, they were tested in word recognition by means of a computer-based test. A case study was carried out. Change ). The coming of language occurs at about the same age in every healthy child throughout the world, strongly supporting the concept that genetically determined processes of maturation, rather than environmental influences, underlie capacity for speech and verbal understanding. © 2008-2021 ResearchGate GmbH. Results indicated a significant increase in accuracy of word recognition after training. their exposure to systems complementary to oral language (Cued Speech) or frankly different from oral language (Spanish Sign Language). There is a group of people who are working very hard to encourage the usage of KSL in Kenya. Dr. Lenneberg points out the implications of this concept for the therapeutic and educational approach to children with hearing or speech deficits. African educators and policy makers often (informally) ask sign-language researchers whether it is really possible for a national sign language to evolve naturally in an ethnically heterogeneous country. provision to families with deaf children. Please don’t forget to read about this important part of the history of sign language in the United States. In spite of its recognition by the Constitution of Kenya 2010, it does not seem to have been embraced as the language of learning in schools for the deaf in Kenya. The Berlin Conference of 1885 formed the roots of the colonial history of the country when East Africa was first divided into territories of influence by the European powers, from the United Kingdom. Sign Language (ASL) by most Sub-Saharan African countries, namely; Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya, hence its significant difference from the spoken language such as Kiswahili and English. Including second-language speakers, there are more speakers of Swahili than English in Kenya. In the latter definition, the deaf are a linguistic minority, their challenges are more linguistic and therefore they need a visual language that can be acquired and used easily (Krausneker, 2008; To establish how content in KSL can be structured through the different processes that manifest themselves in the grammar of the language that is through phonological, lexical, morphological and sy. sign bilingual families concentrated on using the book to promote BSL development, engaging in discussion (Although records from KSLRP show 4-5 week trainings for Interps dating as far as 1987) KSLIA is commited to supporting the current initiatives aimed at improving the standards of interpretation in Kenya. The paper demonstrates that the, is their mother tongue (L1), must occupy its deserved, communication, other forms (of communication) are viewed as, of national sign languages is due to the, abstraction (i.e. The mean hearing loss was 104 dB. A language profile for Kenyan Sign Language. The results of this research showed that phonological awareness among pre-school deaf children can be developed before reading ability through explicit training by means of Cued Speech, and that such development leads deaf children to use phonological strategies in reading. educational life, i.e. assimilationist approaches reigned supreme (and still do in many cases). Prior to this training there were several short term trainings conducted by KSLRP/KNAD dating back to … However, it wasn’t always this way. In this paper, we summarize our findings on this question as it relates to Kenya. not been able to address in as far as the education of, sound-based, which give rise to a spoken languag, prudent to have policies on language based on on, their hearing counterparts who had learnt English as a, because the strategy used to teach them a spok, developmental bilingual education, whe. Kenya Sign Language Interpreters Association was set up by a group of 20 local interpreters after a training by the first Deaf Education US Peace Corps Volunteers in September 2000. Kenya is home to many different indigenous peoples with their own cultures, languages, and histories. Language (BSL) and six from families using spoken English. bilingual education. Such communities are based on language bonds constituted by the emerging national sign languages such as Kenyan Sign Language, Ugandan Sign Language, and Tanzanian Sign Language, for the countries mentioned above. However, for deaf children, no such policy exists; therefore, the use of the deaf child’s MT (Kenyan Sign Language (KSL)) in schools for the deaf has largely been ignored and there is a continued insistence on the use of the “oral” method of communication that puts emphasis on teaching deaf children how to speak. This paper examines how these meaningful components of signs are combined to build more complex signs or how signs as the equivalent of words in a spoken language are formed in KSL. The colonial history of Kenya dates from the Berlin Conference of 1885 when the European powers first partitioned East Africa into spheres of influence. ( Log Out /  However, this group of ASL learners is in need of more comprehensive, research-based support, given the rapid expansion in Canada of universal neonatal hearing screening and the corresponding need for enhanced, early intervention service. Diversity in education: Kenyan sign language as a medium of instruction in schools for the deaf in Kenya. Other children of this school who did not receive the same instruction acted as a control group. Its Indian Ocean coast provided historically important ports by which goods from Arabian and Asian traders have entered the continent for many centuries. Each of the various methods of commu, simultaneous communication when speech, simply impossible to use two languages simultan, with all one‟s senses at a single point in time. The key factors responsible for the growth of a national sign language in Kenya seem to be the regional mobility of deaf persons, the growth of deaf awareness, and, at the linguistic level, language convergence and the attendant wave phenomena. KENYA SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETER TRAINING A DECADE ON (2009 -2019): THE HIGHS AND LOWS. We discuss the need to develop comprehensive support programmes to equip parents with skills to raise their deaf children. Sign language is now seen as the native communication and education method for deaf people. The KSL exam is written which I find interesting because ASL is NOT a written language. I have heard that some schools use more BSL (British) than KSL. Kenya is a multilingual country. Some areas of Kenya use more ASL than KSL. For fresh college or university graduates poste, schools for the deaf for the first time, t. Commenting on the state of deaf education in Kenya, he said: terms of the language to use so as to pass the knowledge to the deaf. giving meanings to signs) among the, in the ethnically heterogeneous community of d, adoption of a bilingual approach in deaf educatio, with people in their growing environment. The history of the development of sign language from the very beginning as we know it, its rise in status to an "official" language in France, its migration to the U.S., and its role worldwide all help build an appreciation for this expressive language and for its legacy of founders who endured persecution on its behalf as well as that of its users. adoption of a bilingual approach to deaf education, thus creating a conducive environment for the use of KSL across the curriculum. This paper analyzes the relationship between deaf children's phonological skills in preschool and their word recognition performance in grade 2.A study is presented whose aims were explicitly to develop phonological awareness in deaf pre-school children through teaching and to determine what strategies (spelling and/or phonological clues) deaf students use to solve metaphonological tasks, given, Twelve parents of young deaf children were recorded sharing books with their deaf child—six from families using British Sign American Sign Language. The positive effect could still be observed in grade 2. Convinced that “to reject a child‟s language in the school or anywhere [else] is to reject the child”,(Cummins 2001) the paper argues that any meaningful education for the deaf in Kenya must take cognizance of the importance of their native tongue or mother tongue –i.e. An ancillary goal was to determine whether explicit teaching facilitates the initial learning of reading in the first grade of elementary school and whether this effect is maintained into second grade. Kenyans who are deaf should have a language that they can call their own. It is also a… I get the feeling that they’re trying to standardize KSL across Kenya and make it more of a uniform language. In spite of its recognition by the Constitution of Kenya 2010, it does not seem to have been embraced as the language of learning in schools for the deaf in Kenya. Face-to-face semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 hearing parents of deaf children (3–15 years) to determine how they provided personal care to their deaf children, the support services available to them and the challenges they faced. deaf child and concerned to promote literacy development, they approached the task differently and had different expectations Okombo and Akach (1997:136) aptly sum up this situation: deaf persons in the schools and deaf institutions. Although Kenya’s constitutional provisions on language are not as expansive and much delved into like in other multilingual republics … In Kenya, the only official document that deals with the use of mother tongue (MT) in Schools is the 1967 Gachathi report. History of Kenya. The, The purpose of this article was a dual one: first, to provide a comprehensive literature review, and second, to report one study to extend that literature. Signs … APPLICATION OF SOUTH AFRICAN SIGN LANGUAGE (SASL) IN A BILINGUAL-BICULTURAL APPROACH IN EDUCATION OF THE DEAF, Language convergence and wave phenomena in the growth of a national sign language in Kenya, Seeing Voices-A Journey into the World of the Deaf, STRUCTURING CONTENT THROUGH PHONOLOGICAL, LEXICAL, MORPHOLOGICAL AND SYNTACTIC PROCESSES IN KSL, KENYAN SIGN LANGUAGE (KSL) MORPHOLOGY: SIGN FORMATION PROCESSES. the paper argues that any meaningful education for the deaf, in teachers‟ training colleges and other institutions, The acquisition of Kenyan Sign Language (KSL) and its significance …, negative attitudes towards deaf children perpetrat, Fluency in KSL as a language of communication across the curriculum and, Skills and knowledge of teaching KSL as a language i.e, recognizes KSL as the MT of the deaf, uses it as the LOL, and vi, adapts the current policy on MT use in schools to fit t, adopts an additive rather than subtractive bilingualism in as far as deaf, ensures any teacher posted to teach in a schoo, ensures that parents play a central role by, ensures the government‟s commitment to play its role in facilitating, e implementation of all the relevant provisions in th, provision of limited educational opportunities; and, segregation and isolation because of physical a, of instruction in schools for the deaf in Kenya. The adoption of the late-exit or developmental bilingual education approach is one way of doing this.To advance this view, the paper benefits from the social model of perception on disability and the human-rights-based approach. Similarly, by denying the deaf in Kenya – a language minority the use of KSL – their MT, we are actually squandering a linguistic resource that can be used to impart the knowledge and skills necessary for their survival. However, communication barriers between hearing parents and their deaf children can hinder these children’s upbringing and deprive them of the benefits of parental care and support services. More than 60 different languages are indigenous to in Kenya. Nairobi: Kenya Society for Deaf children. Effective parenting promotes the physical, emotional, mental and social well-being of children. The participants spoke about their inability to communicate with their deaf children because they lacked sign language proficiency. The story is that KSL is still a young language dating back to the 1960s. Canadian Modern Language Review/ La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes. This has had adverse impacts on the ability of most of the participants to provide basic skills training or determine their deaf children’s needs. Bilingualism: Psychological, Social, and Educational Implications. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Language policy in Kenya cannot be addressed without taking a historical perspective. 2002 July - Some 200 Maasai and Samburu tribespeople accept more than $7m in compensation from the … Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Finding an answer to this question is important because it has significant implications for sign-language dialectology and sign-language development in general. The tribes got settled all around the country. Get a detailed look at the language, from population to dialects and usage. Languages in Kenya. It is a language of the deaf community in Kenya that was adopted by Kenya Institute of Education (KIE, 2004), to be the medium of instruction, Some areas of Kenya use more ASL than KSL. sign languages and creoles; in the development of Romance languages, for example, there is a continuous dynamic tension among pronouns, clitics, and in fl ection. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Instead they learn KSL and English. communication including speech, lip-reading, listening, spelling. It has it basis in the colonial language policy following the scramble for Africa by European powers, which took place towards the end of the 19th Century. Societal Impingement on Linguistic Human Rights of the Kenyan Deaf People: Pitfalls in Integrating the Deaf in National Development. It, therefore, argues for early intervention policies that would enable deaf children to acquire KSL early and calls for the immediate Among the best-known finds are those by anthropologist Richard Leakey and others in the Koobi… of the deaf Australia national conference (2013, 50): Although Auslan is included in the national curriculum as a LOTE, there. The Role of Phonological Skills. T. not total communication but total confusion. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. It was not until 1944 that Kenyans and some Asians that were in the country were allowed direct political participation. rights holders, a voice and the ability to legitim, the deaf in view of the importance of MT in laying the foundation for, learning other languages and academic subjects by i, strategy of late exit or developmental bilingual educa, (vii) introduces early intervention programs so as to, transport, cultural life and access to public services, Bilingual-Bicultural Approach to Educating the Deaf. The Bantu Swahili language and English, the latter being inherited from colonial rule (see British Kenya), are widely spoken as lingua franca.They serve as the two official working languages. There is, therefore, the need for opportunities for hearing parents to acquire competence in sign language to optimize the development of their deaf children, ... Apart from the general thinking that links disability to evil, some deaf people face additional stigma due to their inability to hear and speak. (Okombo & Akach 1997)! This eliminates the undesirable temptation to import foreign sign languages or, even worse, design artificial sign languages for the deaf of Africa. • 46 primary schools, 4 secondary schools, 35 units (serving 8300+students) (U.S. Peace Corps Survey 2007)! On this question as it relates to Kenya, it wasn ’ t forget to read this. The native communication and education method for deaf people: Pitfalls in Integrating the deaf African Protectorate and soon! 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