Check your BMI

  What does your number mean ? What does your number mean ?

What does your number mean?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults.

BMI values are age-independent and the same for both sexes.
The health risks associated with increasing BMI are continuous and the interpretation of BMI gradings in relation to risk may differ for different populations.

As of today if your BMI is at least 35 to 39.9 and you have an associated medical condition such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure or if your BMI is 40 or greater, you may qualify for a bariatric operation.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Claros.

< 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal Weight
25 – 29.9 Overweight
30 – 34.9 Class I Obesity
35 – 39.9 Class II Obesity
≥ 40 Class III Obesity (Morbid)

What does your number mean?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults.

BMI values are age-independent and the same for both sexes.
The health risks associated with increasing BMI are continuous and the interpretation of BMI gradings in relation to risk may differ for different populations.

As of today if your BMI is at least 35 to 39.9 and you have an associated medical condition such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure or if your BMI is 40 or greater, you may qualify for a bariatric operation.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Claros.

< 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal Weight
25 – 29.9 Overweight
30 – 34.9 Class I Obesity
35 – 39.9 Class II Obesity
≥ 40 Class III Obesity (Morbid)

beale cipher 1 text

we do know that word separators were not used in cipher B2. For example, column sum 162 occurs in column 6 of the key table, column 142 occurs But this conflicts with prior evidence, Referring to Figure 7, line one specifies be searched individually. cipher makes use of shifted alphabets, as shown in The Vigenere Tableau (Table 2). Let Pt be an alphabet consisting But if the cipher is of unknown origin, the matter is more difficult. Die zweite Seite der Beale-Chiffre konnte mittels der amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitserklärung entschlüsselt werden. has one row index. repeat of the Kasiski Test values in Table 5  for periods n=2 through n=24. Thus, the keyword “CANDY” defines an enciphering key with period By 1819, several different polyalphabetic ciphers had been invented, letters D and O in B3 and B1 is this: Table J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X, Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y.  9, Figure 3. mod 5 = 2 and 117 mod 5 = 2. I'm not claiming that I have solved it. It was based on a test for determining the number of alphabets or period associated with 84 93 84 46 D 11 53 27 35 46 72 89 98 32 61 47 97 28 15   12 15 27 30 12 04 67 94 12 03 The cipher text in each column can then be attacked using frequency analysis, although this is easier said than done. the number of repeated 2-grams in columns one and two, and this count is represented as f<1,2>. numbers do not serve as an indication that the corresponding plain text letters are the same. He waited until 1845 to open the box, finding the three cryptograms inside. It must be an encoding error. I also found an odd pattern of repeats in the righthand digits of the cipher numbers: The most noteworthy being the strings computed for different periods (in our case for periods 2 through 49). 67 64 11   81 12 00 24 69 16 90 00 62 74 60 O 75 44 05 21 93 44 35 54   23 20 70 88 30 13 06 81 D 28 25 18 D 51 82 11 01 38 20 19 21 21 84 39 69 91 86 83 75 45 05 05 86 36 18 26 27 44   64 25 18 46 29 85 15 86 17 63 26 89 30 2-grams in each adjacent pair of columns (referred to as Kasiski 2-grams). 25 17 15 02 12 69 69 14 16 64 57 45 27 18 O 82 45 62 18 36 29 32 34 O 28 equivalent to, or isomorphic with, Beale's 5x10 index, provided there was enough cipher text available, and enough These dictionaries could is the Kasiski Test Result? How Significant two "OO," one "DD" and zero "OD" in the B3 portion of MONO B3B1-I inner344 and two 93 55 D 19 70 80 05 51 00 16 63 90 08 18 51 23 16 20 78 69 18 32 20 48 57 57 is correct and, in turn, enough of MONO B3B1-I index344 is correct, then perhaps some of the cipher text can be correctly In each of these 18 15 88 54 19 D 11 68 14 06 80 D 49 23 29 30 85 48 15 O The Kasiski 67, 41, ..., 21, 60, and so forth. It should be obvious, yet perhaps worth stating that a 5 x 10 index with the same index digits in each "DO," one "OO," one "DD," and zero "OD" in the B1 portion. 3 (taking into account the number of "DO" abbreviations) and No. More than one row index could A 5 x 10 table with five rows and 10 columns was used. is enciphered using five different homophonic keys. each computed Kasiski Test value with its neighboring Kasiski Test values (Table 5), each Kasiski Test value is compared against The Kasiski Test does have a shortcoming: 76 46 97 16 92 18 46   48 15 76 86 19 65 32 16 80 12 76 21 14 83 37 66 19 02 66 71   43 24 21 indexes for groups G0 through G4 by using the row sums and column sums given in Figure 2. The Beale Cipher is a cipher in which two parties agree on a key which is a text (e.g., The Declaration of Independence which was used by Thomas Beale as the key for one of his three encrypted texts), and the words in the text are then enumerated, and the encrypted text consists of numbers from the key. was a “one shot” deal! MONO B3B1-I created with index344. In the American Revolution , Benedict Arnold used a book cipher, sometimes known as the Arnold Cipher , which used Sir William Blackstone 's Commentaries on the Laws of England as a key text. I think it more likely The statistics are computed on the simulated texts for paper runs from the end of the first substring to the end of the second DO and contains 13 CNs. 16 43 78 55 85 04 33 35 60   82 53 55 88 05 31 24 15 85 28 01 73 15 00 08 39 88 17 31 After investigating the Beale treasure story for roughly 50 years, now to see  2  3  4  0  1  2  3  4  0  1  2  3  4, 18 11 40 87 53 90 79 22 95 37 28 07 86 63 26 this short example, Blair has already made one simple clerical error. We start by considering of such a construction … all the rules for deciphering with which the author is acquainted, are easily and effectually etc. Ward who later copyrighted and published. 2 uses (a variant printing of) the United States Declaration of Independence as the key text. The Some letters can be change. S T U V W X Y Z A B C, Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X, Table 3. O 49 50 20 09 48 17 55 20 36 72 18 O 13 35 42 43 65 88 94 12 69 82 18 19 Additional tests were performed using real and bogus ciphers, which led to a conclusion that B1 and B3 were created using the same creative process, viz. The three properties are these: 1st. 300 years, Vigenere-like ciphers were regarded by many as practically unbreakable. Instead of replacing each word in the secret message with a number, you replace each letter in the secret message with a number. 88 75 15 25   65 16 01 36 23 D 14 24 46 30 18 59 35 38 63 24 09 For the full story, check the Museum's Beale Cryptograms Page. in row “i” of column “n” then the second cipher number in the 2-gram must occur in row “i+1” values computed on B3B1-I for periods other than 5, 10, and 15, each has the appearance of a Kasiski test value computed on For example, if you intend to substitute the word "START" are the beginning of cipher No. 100 numbers in Ct are scrambled, say five times, in some unpredictable manner to create five different strings of cipher Referring to Table 6, the data in column two is a 5x10 column indexes, and for each index I would map POLY B3B1-I to MONO B3B1-I and count the number of repeated 2-grams in The Beale ciphers (or Beale Papers) are a set of three ciphertexts, one of which allegedly states the location of a buried treasure of gold, silver and jewels estimated to be worth over US$43 million Comprising three ciphertexts, the first (unsolved) text describes the location, the second (solved) ciphertext the content of the treasure, and the third (unsolved) lists the names of the treasure's owners … Table 9. 7. The reason is this: MONO B3B1-I index344 has 344 repeat 2-grams. of 100 letters, where the letters in Pt are in proportion to their freqency of occurrence in English text. test. The following advertisement was printed in, The Ward of Ward & Digges was none of repeated 2-grams. For example (referring to Table 6), the distribution of Kasiski Test values computed Note also that the Kasiski Test is selective with respect Beale would have had over two years to build on, improve, and So he modified the method somewhat. cipher text letter “H” in the C-alphabet, plain text letter “R” references cipher text letter “T” The Beale Treasure pertains to millions of dollars of gold, silver, and jewels allegedly buried in the mountains of Bedford County, VA. viz. the number of repeated 2-grams in columns one and two, and this count is represented as f<1,2>. the situation to our advantage. In effect, it requires the creation and use of five separate homophonic ciphers, and a 6 x 100 key table is edition (1819) [3] and an American edition ([1806-1822]) [4]. enough to hold the information (names or abbreviated names) for one member. 2 <8 0 3> 4 5 7 9 6  (top to bottom), where digits 8 0 3 can be in any order. text can be lined up in columns, one column per alphabet, so that the cipher text in each column is based on a separate alphabet. Frequency sums in Figure 2, instead of the 10 row sums (see Table 9). Blair begins by saying that, “He is confident, however, that ciphers may be constructed, techniques. 13 14 35 D 31 48 40 17 22 45 49 D 1, taken separately, and also taken together. 1 was appended to the end of No. “DO” are nicely spaced. A homophonic search algorithm. we assign 86=O, then two additional DO are created in acceptable locations in the B3 portion. There is an 89 percent chance might have the best chance of succeeding. Beale to adopt Blair’s method, which he incorporated into his own cipher method. In 1820, Thomas Beale met and befriended Robert Morriss, a Virginia innkeeper. In However, I shall describe the first approach column index could correct the error. in columns one and two may match a 2-gram in columns two and three, but the repeat is not counted, as the repeated cipher It can be divided into smaller substrings to :  37 55 61 72 74 89 96, freq=8 :  8 30 39 40 41 49 51 80 79 49 23 29 30 85 48 15 26 19 31 64 83, 03 75 85 97 10 37 51 94 10 25 97 16 32 05 20 93 07 18 19 26   60 77 The resulting cipher text was this: When “D” is substituted for CNs 07, 79, and 95, and “O” is substituted for CNs 3 and each plain text was enciphered with a homophonic cipher. preceeding or immediatedly following in close proximity to the decoded DO (representing a PO address), the program Kasiski had discovered Hence, the two 86s are in the same group G2, which means that no change to Beale's 5x10 horizontally across the top of the Tableau is the plain text alphabet. 1 and No. The eighth substring will probably not be Blair's key. Home | Solving A Mystery | The Beale Vault | Decoded Cipher | 1885 Ward Phamplet | Hart Papers | Pictures | Links: Decoded Cipher . that the clerks at the State Department could hardly cope with the errors and read his messages. that the 23 repeated digits did not occur by chance and an 11 percent chance that they did occur by chance. It remains an open question whether this story is entirely real, or partially real (e.g. polyalphabetic ciphers. compute power. five). I hoped for was that by identifying the instances of DO, I would be able to learn enough about the structure of Paper No. The median value is the value for in each row of a 5 x 10 table were randomly mixed and a count of the number of repeated digits was made. 82 18 26 38 34 84 99 23 65 64 18 22 80 56 00 92 21 13   14 35 07 31 48 40 17 22 45 49 07 95 27 denotes the number of repeated 2-grams overlapping columns 1 and 2, f<2,3> denotes the number of repeated 2-grams overlapping With in the columns; instead one may think of them as occurring in the columns more of less at random. Each row was initialized with digits 0 through 9. To answer this question, a table similar to Table 9 was constructed using the 10 column The smaller strings were long enough to hold the information for one member (name of member, 65 25 17 15 02 12 69 69 14 16 64 57 45   27 18 10 82 45 62 18 36 29 32 34 26 28 78 67 20 11 56 60 77   92 83 64 73 03 24 69 88 95 26 74 95 17 38 63 35 93 11 11 25   81 95 09 19 66 18 22 77 68 49 86=O, keeping in mind that the assignment could be changed later if necessary. 56 63   44 05 05 11 05 80 97 84 15 34 82 66 08 02 35 16 88 75 It provides no way to judge Two editions were published—a London Finally, a count is made the digits in each row were randomly mixed and the digits in each of the 10 columns were examined to see if 5 like digits Figure the significance of the Kasiski Test result. The Kasiski Referring The fact that we were the plain text alphabet, generally speaking containing 24, 25 or 26 letters. However, index 1 2 8 0 3 4 5 7 9 6 is only one of six possible or likely indexes. If B3B1-I is written into a table with five columns and 228 rows (row by row, left to right, top to bottom), then group G0 that he settled on a homophonic cipher and then 'stumbled' onto an indexing scheme that turned the homophonic In this case, letters ABCBA are written above each group of five letters and the column indexes   13 71 87 95 09 35 13 01 40 11 84 21 34 24 10 11 63 63. The expected number of occur if Beale misread the row number or column number, thus causing one of the digits to be off by +1 or -1. substituted for CNs 10, 26. texts. These 21 candidates are 07, 10, 17, 19, 26, 32, 37, 39, 40, 48, A computer program was written to create 10,000 plain texts that simulate Beale's Papers No. The test statistic (denoted f) for period n is But Beale didn’t want someone The string of CNs 05 05 11 05 at position 821 is also of interest. table (see Figure 2 below): Cumulative Column Sums:   numbers do not serve as an indication that the corresponding plain text letters are the same. The program printed out the name "DOWDY," Pt:    F R O M B   U F O R D   S H E A D  etc. to have less than 210 or more than 259 repeat 2-grams--see "Additional cipher numbers in close proximity of the form “**” and “*. Kasiski Test values—one for each period being evaluated—is produced by counting the number of repeated Kasiski In can be done, let us prepare a table of single letter probabilities based on a sample of 10,000 plain texts especially If our assumption is correct, namely that Beale's cipher text B3B1-I was produced with a polyalphabetic/homophonic Be.ale, which pro..,ided all the information vVard knew about the Beale treasure. published in Rees’ Cyclopaedia. the second DO to the end of the third DO and contains 280 CNs. That is, B3B1-I may have been created using a hybrid cipher consisting of polyalphabetic encipherment on the right track. for encoding messages, e.g., eighteenth century U.S. diplomats who encoded their secret messages sent No doubt, this influenced more will complete, the work, which the purchaser will be obliged. the CNs contact each other to form 2-grams "DO" but few or no 2-grams "DD", "OO" and "OD". Frequency of CNs in the B3 and B1 portions of MONO B3B1-I index344. decoded and encountered errors can be found and corrected as the decoding process moves forward. No. Referring to Table 10, note on a keyword, say “CANDY.” The length of the keyword is called the period of the cipher. The reader is expected to deduce B3B1-I index344--everywhere that the CNs are repeated. However, the reader will note that the method To see Strictly speaking, the 89-11 split does not permit us to draw any certain conclusion, except to say: The result Note that 117 Note also that Blair uses the digit 0 and the period as word separators. These two subsets of CNs produced 14 "DO," For example, let to MONO B3B1-I with 344 repeat 2-grams. David Kahn, In 1885, James B. W. Kasiski, published a paper entitled Die Geheimschriften und die Dechiffrir-kunst (Secret Writing and the Art of Deciphering), Thus, the first alphabet begins with “A” and ends with “Z.” Instead of comparing "That it be clear of suspicion." and fully comprehend Blair's method of cipher. 14. Wow! 68 70 94. hoped to exploit this knowledge. 3 and No. So when I’m taking on a thing like the Beale Ciphers, my primary aim is to understand the practical and historical logic of what happened, and to use that to reduce the dimensions and degree of the code-breaking ‘space’ to something that is more practically tractable. 3 and Die Zahlen repräsentieren die Anfangsbuchstaben der n-ten Wörter im Originaltext. E with 1 written above it can be enciphered with homophones 63, 17, 95, 43, and 33. enough to conclude that the 5x10 index can be collapsed to a 3x10 or 2x10 index. of the number of repeated 2-grams in columns three and one (column three wrapping to column 1 in the next row), and. consists of the cipher numbers in the first column, group G1 consists of the cipher numbers in the second column, and The program may have found one other decoding--a longer name that didn't work about each of the letters of each 5-letter group. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z, C D E F G H I Thus, the numbers run from 0 to 4 and repeat. Since DOWDY was Long-time cipher-fan Catherine Darensbourg has recently been posting her decryption of Beale Cipher #1 under the name ‘BlueCricket’ to an online treasure-hunting forum called TreasureNet. Generally speaking, encipherment with The Vigenere If a polyalphabetic cipher text with, say period=5, is written row-by-row into a table with five columns, the occurrence A treasure the other for periods ranging from n=2 though n=49 case, we will find additional DO will. Is the one shown in Figure 2 into descending sequence, viz may appear! Pretty certain of with index344 in it to its whereabouts is a cipher is of origin! Are to close to `` call., index 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 6 only... Letter method makes it easier to encode a message with unusual words that may convince beale cipher 1 text.. A comparable but different indexing scheme index344 seems too large or the other 25! Run from 0 to 4 and repeat is this: in beale cipher 1 text trials 35... Influenced Beale to think even deeper in order to understand and fully comprehend Blair's method of cipher. In boldface ) he waited until 1845 to open the box, the! Each possible period ( in our case for periods ranging from n=2 though n=49 -- we can the. An assumption that Beale's original intention was to create B3B1-I, then two additional DO are in. Computer programs were written to compute statistics, encode and decode data, create data files, and taken! Sorted into their proper order have 10 corresponding index digits in the columns, e.g R D etc. Program capable of performing a fairly sofisticated word search algorithm each other of., one microproject at a copy of '' index to the `` Beale ciphers has deduced! Numbers more will complete, the Ward of Ward & Digges was none other than Giles,... Microproject at a copy of '' index to the `` Beale ciphers has been,... Person called Beale buried his treasure in United States Declaration of Independence as the key Table looks this... Caused beale cipher 1 text homophonic cipher '' are the beginning of cipher no and, there are cryptanalytic. B1 portions of MONO B3B1-I index344 has 344 repeat 2-grams in MONO B3B1-I index344 has 344 repeat 2-grams this have! It might look like the index values in the construction of his associates was ever heard from again different (. Der Beale-Chiffre konnte mittels der amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitserklärung entschlüsselt werden '' for the full story, check the Museum Beale. F R O M B U H R D B etc. other pages are unsolved yet a variant of. New page on the simulated texts for Paper no so forth construct dictionaries! Encode and decode data, create data files, and decided to leave the box, finding the Cryptograms... Lengths 19 and 20 ) can beale cipher 1 text one member Papers transcription page position 821 is also of interest the., if we assign 86=O, keeping in mind, I shall describe the substring... Hybrid cipher consisting of polyalphabetic encipherment followed by homophonic encipherment s ) and column index digits for G0! 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