Check your BMI

  What does your number mean ? What does your number mean ?

What does your number mean?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults.

BMI values are age-independent and the same for both sexes.
The health risks associated with increasing BMI are continuous and the interpretation of BMI gradings in relation to risk may differ for different populations.

As of today if your BMI is at least 35 to 39.9 and you have an associated medical condition such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure or if your BMI is 40 or greater, you may qualify for a bariatric operation.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Claros.

< 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal Weight
25 – 29.9 Overweight
30 – 34.9 Class I Obesity
35 – 39.9 Class II Obesity
≥ 40 Class III Obesity (Morbid)

What does your number mean?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults.

BMI values are age-independent and the same for both sexes.
The health risks associated with increasing BMI are continuous and the interpretation of BMI gradings in relation to risk may differ for different populations.

As of today if your BMI is at least 35 to 39.9 and you have an associated medical condition such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure or if your BMI is 40 or greater, you may qualify for a bariatric operation.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Claros.

< 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal Weight
25 – 29.9 Overweight
30 – 34.9 Class I Obesity
35 – 39.9 Class II Obesity
≥ 40 Class III Obesity (Morbid)

torticollis in adults remedies

Botulinum Toxin Treatment explains and discusses in simple language the structure and function of botulinum toxin and other neurotoxins as well as the rational for its utility in different disease conditions. Cervical dystonia, also known as acquired torticollis, is a focal abnormality of muscle tone that originates in the brain. Found inside – Page 63It is commoner in men than in women , and is almost confined to adult life — characters which are due , at least in part , to its frequent ... Rheumatic torticollis is especially an affection of childhood , and is usually directly attributable to a chill . It is usually noted within the first month of life, however, diagnosis can be delayed. Treatment for torticollis aims to relax the contracted neck muscles involved. Now in its eighth edition, The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines is the most widely used guide to psychiatric prescribing in the UK. Fully updated throughout, this new edition presents sections on topics of current interest such as ... Dystonia is a disorder of muscle control; it can cause slow repetitive movements, abnormal postures and/or tremors of the musculature that are uncontrollable by the patient. Torticollis, sometimes called “twisted neck”, “wry neck”, or “loxia” can be caused by many things, including muscular fibrosis, brain injury, or spine abnormalities. Found inside – Page 831The pain and discomfort finally disappear and the case becomes one of chronic torticollis , although in the milder forms ... This apparaof such thicktus is of service in the treatment of the milder ness as actually cases of acute torticollis . to ... This empowering volume examines several key points, including: Whether marijuana can relieve a variety of symptoms, including pain, muscle spasticity, nausea, and appetite loss. There are 2 types: Muscular: tightness of the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle and limitation of passive range of motion. The 4th International Congress on Treatment of Dystonia 2019 covers topics such as: Teatment of Dystonia Dystonia Deep brain Stimulation Dystonias are amongst the most common movement disorders. Offers information on how to successfully care for and raise healthy chickens. Torticollis (or wryneck) is a harmless condition that just means your neck is crooked or twisted to the side. Above: Stretches and realignment of the cervical spine by therapist. It can affect adults after an injury or show up in newborns as congenital torticollis. Typical Torticollis Treatment. ). Allergic Reactions. A few cases of rash, urticaria, or bronchospasm, especially in patients with a history of asthma. The head tilt in the Ocular Torticollis causes drowsiness, vomiting, and irritability. Wry neck (torticollis) is a tilted and twisted neck that can be congenital or result from muscle injury, swollen lymph nodes, ear infection, or other causes. No matter what your health concerns and questions are, wikiHow can help you take control of your health and live your best life. Children living in poverty are more likely to have mental health problems, and their conditions are more likely to be severe. Physical therapy can also be helpful for symptoms. Depending on the cause, treatment may include: Physical therapy (applying heat, traction to the neck, and massage to help relieve head and neck pain). Wry neck (torticollis) is a tilted and twisted neck that can be congenital or result from muscle injury, swollen lymph nodes, ear infection, or other causes. Found inside – Page 837Course and Treatment . - Facial spasm ... Torticollis ( Wry - Neck ) is a spasm of the muscles on one side of the neck . Wry - neck is of ... Causes ( compare also the remarks on Facial Spagm , which apply here ) and Treatment . — The causes ... Note: Pediatric torticollis is different from another condition, called spasmodic torticollis, that affects adults. Torticollis is a condition in which the neck is twisted and causes the head to rotate and tilt at an odd angle. If the baby is known to suffer from torticollis disorder, should be treated immediately with heated massage to relax the tense muscle. Torticollis is a condition in which the neck is twisted and causes the head to rotate and tilt at an odd angle. Found inside – Page 76a more or less permanently incorrect 6. In spastic paralysis lengthening the position . tendons by tenotomy assists in restoring A form exists in adults called SPASmuscular equilibrium , and , consequently , MODIC TORTICOLLIS from the fact ... Spasmodic torticollis (wryneck) occurs in older children and adults. Found inside – Page 72Torticollis is a neck complaint that the remedy Lycopodium frequently cures in the adult . While the disease is less common in children , Lycopodium is ... An episode of back pain may be acute, sub-acute, or chronic depending on the duration. This edition includes a new chapter by the now deceased author, Clair Davies’ daughter, Amber Davies, who is passionate about continuing her father’s legacy. *Dystonia facts medically edited by: Charles Patrick Davis, MD, PhD. Found insideThis issue of Medical Clinics, edited by Drs. Susan G. Kornstein and Anita H. Clayton, will cover a wide arrange of topics in the field of Women’s Mental Health. Botulinum toxin type A is most often used; it prevents the release of acetylcholine from the presynaptic axon of the motor end plate, paralyzing the dystonic muscle. Found inside – Page 239If the deformity has persisted for more than six months operative treatment after the method described is , as a rule indicated . It is evident , of course , that if acute torticollis is of secondary origin all sources of possible irritation should be looked ... Learn more about what Google Health is and how we're aiding in healthcare advancements. Wry neck causes the bird's head and neck to appear twisted and tilted. Some common therapies include: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to relieve pain and discomfort related to musculoskeletal injury; antibiotic therapy for children whose torticollis is caused by infection Treatments include medication, physical devices, botulinum toxin, physical therapy, stretching exercises, and surgery. The spasm in the muscles causes the head position to often be distorted; hence the name torticollis, which in latin means “turtle neck”. Botulinum toxin and deep brain stimulation have revolutionized their therapy. Found inside – Page 67... fourth , and fifth cervical vertebrae , lowed by a paper by Dr. Wharton Sinkler on which are less prominent than normal , while the sixth and seventh and the dorsal verteTHE TREATMENT OF SPASMODIC TORTICOLLIS bræ move freely . This manual is designed to teach parents therapeutic play activities to stimulate and develop motor skills in their children. Helps Correct The Condition In Some Individuals, While Providing A Solution For Management To Others. Other alternative treatments include acupuncture and acupressure, which provide pain relief and stop muscle spasms. It is a common condition in young people that causes neck pain and it’s not generally associated with a previous neck injury or neck pain. The SCM is the muscle that controls ipsilateral sidebend and contralateral head rotation. It is frequently associated with pain in the associated muscle groups. After your chiropractor performs a thorough exam to rule out any other underlying causes, the care usually consists of neck and upper back adjustments to ensure proper joint movement. DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES -- TREATMENT -- POTENTIAL DISEASE COMPLICATIONS -- POTENTIAL TREATMENT COMPLICATIONS -- Chapter 11. It can affect adults after an injury or show up in newborns as congenital torticollis. Cucurbita (Latin for gourd) is a genus of herbaceous vines in the gourd family, Cucurbitaceae (also known as cucurbits or cucurbi) native to the Andes and Mesoamerica.Five species are grown worldwide for their edible fruit, variously known as squash, pumpkin, or gourd, depending on species, variety, and local parlance, and for their seeds. Helping Your Baby at Home. Your journey started one day when you went to the doctor because you had painful, involuntary muscle spasms in the neck. Torticollis in Adults; Pinched Nerve in Neck; Heat or Ice for Pinched Nerve & 7 More Ways to Help; Causes and Dealing Methods of Kinked Neck; Pinched Nerve in Hip: Causes and Remedies; What Causes That Dark Ring Around Neck? The stiffness tends to be worse first thing in the morning. Designed To Provide Low Load Passive Stretch For Progressive Restoration. Summary. Summary: Deanna is a wife & mother of two, who has unresolved congenital muscular torticollis (CMT). Get expert-reviewed advice on creating a wellness plan, maximizing workout benefits, avoiding unhealthy health-related goals, and more. It is characterized by involuntary contraction of neck muscles, abnormal neck movements, and an awkward posture of the head and neck. The correct scientific term is actually torticollis. Porphyria. Found inside – Page 628With adults the treatment is apt to be unsatisfactory , but Patrick thinks the soporific treatment , keeping the patient asleep ... followed by the educational exercises of Brissaud , will be found most effective in the spasmodic torticollis of the adult . Hi there again you jolly posters! A peritonsillar abscess forms in the tissues of the throat next to one of the tonsils.An abscess is a collection of pus that forms near an area of infected skin … Congenital torticollis is caused when there is an abnormal rotation of the fetus in the mother's womb. Deep tissue massage may also provide pain relief. Found inside – Page 863Dover's powder is to be given in the acute stage at intervals ; and after the more acute symptoms have been subdued , the ... infusions , according to the nature of the urinary symptoms , are the best tonic remedies , together with fresh air and good diet . ... Stiff - neck , crick in the neck , wry - neck , torticollis or cervical rheumatism , generally follows upon exposure to currents of cold air on the neck . Found inside – Page 187Bromocriptine and spasmodic torticollis. BMJ 1976; 1: 1343. West HH. Treatment of spasmodic torticollis with amantadine: a double-blind study. Typical Torticollis Treatment. In fact, this text could be to pain as Miller is to general anesthesia. Now in its revised, updated Sixth Edition, this text provides residents and medical students with a broad overview of adult and pediatric orthopaedics. Major sections focus on general and regional disorders of the musculoskeletal system. If you’re an adult with acute torticollis, it’ll usually go away in a week or two with regular physical therapy, stretching, and massages. This revolutionary book, Prolotherapy An Alternative to Knee Surgery, is dedicated to those athletes and active people who have been told, “surgery will no longer be a benefit,” “your career is over,” and, “arthritis and eventual ... An expert on traumatic stress outlines an approach to healing, explaining how traumatic stress affects brain processes and how to use innovative treatments to reactivate the mind's abilities to trust, engage others, and experience pleasure- ... Purchase includes an enhanced Wiley Desktop Edition.* This is an interactive digital version featuring: all text and images in fully searchable form integrated videos of presentations View a sample video: ... reglan ® tablets are indicated as short-term (4 to 12 weeks) therapy for adults with symptomatic, documented gastroesophageal reflux who fail to respond to conventional therapy.. Back pain is pain felt in the back.Back pain is divided into neck pain (cervical), middle back pain (thoracic), lower back pain (lumbar) or coccydynia (tailbone or sacral pain) based on the segment affected. Torticollis is defined as an abnormal and asymmetrical position of the head or neck. Torticollis, also known as wry neck, is a dystonic condition defined by an abnormal, asymmetrical head or neck position, which may be due to a variety of causes. Torticollis is the Latin word for “twisted neck.”. Your child's treatment plan will vary based on the cause of the torticollis. Torticollis is a twisted neck condition that can be successfully treated with the help of a practitioner of chiropractic care. In this condition, the head and neck can be rotated or tilted in a few different ways. This heated massage to be done for about a week after the birth while the muscle is still elastic. Torticollis or wryneck refers to lateral twisting of the neck that causes the head to tilt to one side with the chin turned to the opposite side ( figure 1 ). Torticollis is seen in adults as well as babies. Found inside – Page 288He recognises two main varieties : ( 1 ) acute torticollis following immediately a sudden movement of the head , and due to sprain of one or more articulations of the cervical vertebra - acute traumatic torticollis ; ( 2 ) acute torticollis following ... Adult presentation of neglected congenital muscular torticollis (CMT) is rare. The wikiHow Health category has more than 200 how-to guides on keeping yourself healthy and happy. Methemoglobinemia, in adults and especially with overdosage in neonates (see OVERDOSE). For adults, chiropractic treatment may be enough to reverse temporary torticollis; for more serious and rare conditions like cervical dystonia, your doctor will provide you with a personalized treatment plan which may or may not include chiropractic care. Treatment for Child Torticollis. Adult torticollis, also known as cervical dystonia or “wryneck,” is a condition where your neck muscles go into spasm and pull your head to one side. Because the causes can be so different, it is very important to act quickly so that your child can get the proper care and treatment. A 35-year-old woman diagnosed with congenital torticollis was referred to the authors' department. It was a brief overview of torticollis and plagiocephaly, and honestly it's hard for me to learn some of this stuff purely in this sort of format without any hands-on opportunities, but Lisa did a great job providing the basics of how to identify and start to address torticollis and plagiocephaly, including some treatment ideas. INDICATIONS. When this muscle is contracted, it causes a head tilt. In most people, torticollis resolves in several days to a few weeks. For many adults, torticollis will resolve itself on its own within a few days. • A Case for Unresolved Congenital Muscular Torticollis in a 30 year old Adult. This way any side … The starting dose of any medication will usually be low. In Latin, the word "torus" means "twisted" and "collum" means "neck". The most commonly used treatment for spasmodic torticollis is the use of botulinum toxin injection in the dystonic musculature. Completely revised in response to the new format of the ABPN certifying exam, Kaufman’s Clinical Neurology for Psychiatrists is the ideal reference to enhance your mastery of the neurology knowledge needed for the Psychiatry Board exam. The lumbar area is the most common area affected. More familiar to the public as a cosmetic treatment for wrinkles, there is little awareness of botulinum toxin as a treatment for movement disorders. For many adults, torticollis will resolve itself on its own within a few days. Found insideThe Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids provides a comprehensive review of scientific evidence related to the health effects and potential therapeutic benefits of cannabis. If you are wondering what causes a dark ring around your neck, it may be the result of simple hyperpigmentation and nothing to worry about. Torticollis is a clinical finding in which the neck twists to one side, with an associated asymmetric head or chin position. For many adults, torticollis will resolve itself on its own within a few days. Found inside – Page 463Wry neck or torticollis consists essentially of a spasm of the sternocleido - mastoideus , though other muscles are nearly always involved : the result is a peculiar ... The disease , as a rule , begins in adult life , yet there are many young cases . The majority of cases only symptomatic treatment with conservative options is required. Found inside – Page 473TREATMENT TECHNIQUES First and foremost, there is no silver bullet for the ... the treatment of muscle spasm or torticollis in adult and pediatric patients. Pain, stiffness, and limitation in full movement of the joint are typical. We conducted unipolar resection at the distal end of the sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM). Torticollis, commonly known as a wry neck, is an abnormal twisting of the neck toward one side.Congenital torticollis is present from birth, and acquired torticollis can occur at any point later in life. Torticollis treatment include medication, physical devices, botulinum toxin, physical therapy, stretching exercises, and surgery. Common treatments include medication or injections of botulinum toxin. Before you get started, right here are some major sorts of shoulder and neck pain.Types of Shoulder and Neck PainThere are many reasons for shoulder and neck ache that can affect your physique to various degrees. Acquired torticollis can be benign (not serious) or a sign of more serious health issues. Spasmodic Torticollis | Treatment Options Oral Medications Oral medications do not alleviate symptoms of Spasmodic Torticollis to a significant degree. Treatment typically includes daily stretches of the neck muscles in addition to the chiropractic manipulation. Other torticollis treatments include physical therapy and osteopathy. The spasm occurs abruptly, is … Found inside – Page 63It is commoner in men than in women , and is almost confined to adult life - characters which are due , at least in part , to its frequent ... Rheumatic torticollis is especially an affection of childhood , and is usually directly attributable to a chill . This muscle, located on either side of the neck, works to tuck the chin down. This book will continue to be the source text of information on drug-induced movement disorders authored and edited by the pioneers in the field. It will be an invaluable addition to the library of any neurologist. Symptomatic Gastroesophageal Reflux. Encourage your baby to turn the head in both directions. Babies can be born with it, or people can develop it for several reasons. Additionally, for those few patients requiring surgery, we provide a Therapy should not exceed 12 weeks in duration. In most people, torticollis resolves in several days to a few weeks. Spasms of skeletal muscles are most common and are often due to overuse and muscle fatigue, dehydration, and electrolyte abnormalities. The term torticollis is derived from the Latin words tortus for twisted and collum for neck.. Sedation, oral and lingual dyskinesia, torticollis, oculogyric crisis, exacerbation of Parkinson's disease, painful twisting movements of the trunk, rash TABLE 1 … Once diagnosed, treatment by early physiotherapy is generally successful in a high percentage of patients if performed during the … Found inside – Page iiiContributing to the unique nature of this highly instructive book, three patients with sciatica and chronic pain are followed serially throughout the text to illustrate important concepts that are discussed. Torticollis, December 2019 2 Patient information – Burns care (adults and children) Tell us your views If you wish to discuss any aspect of your treatment and care, please speak to a senior member of staff or to the nurse looking after you. The diseases are discussed in a uniform, easy-to-follow format--a brief description, signs and symptoms, etiology, related disorders, epidemiology, standard treatment, investigational treatment, resources, and references.The book includes a ... The good news is that torticollis is easily treated through chiropractic care. Thoroughly revised to reflect contemporary diagnostics and treatment, this Third Edition is a comprehensive and practical reference on the assessment and management of acute and chronic pain. It also causes musculoskeletal problems and head and facial asymmetry. This "Soil Association" Site has been around in the UK for long enough (1946) to have a track record to be appreciated for what it achieves. However, it is vital to seek treatment on behalf of infants or children who are experiencing this type of head or neck positioning. The one cause that can concern people is if it is acanthosis nigricans. Osteoarthritis (OA) is a clinical syndrome of joint pain accompanied by varying degrees of functional limitation and reduced quality of life. However, this is uncommon. A review of the different treatment options in neglected adult cases of congenital torticollis is presented, and a case successfully treated by SCM bipolar release is reported. The cause of torticollis is unknown, but treatment can help. Torticollis is due to spasm in the muscles of the neck usually due to some sort of strain injury. Ocular torticollis is caused by a vision problem in 1 eye, causing the individual to tilt his or her head to see better. Torticollis in adults is generally diagnosed by a physician. effective treatment for spasmodic torticollis. Torticollis is a condition where the muscles of the neck twitch and cause the neck to twist to one side. Found insideThey are performed by physical therapists (known as physiotherapists in many countries) with the help of other medical professionals. This book consists of 11 chapters written by several professionals from different parts of the world. A Brace To Restore Tone & Manage Torticollis For Children & Adults. Found insideThis book provides comprehensive information on the disorder for people with spasmodic torticollis and those close to them. Medical terms and concepts are introduced sequentially and then used as building blocks for the later discussion. It is the most common form of arthritis and one of the leading causes of pain and disability worldwide. Wry neck is not an illness itself but rather a clinical sign used to describe an abnormal head and neck position. The treatment of torticollis in adults depends on the underlying etiology. After treatment starts, the doctor may check your baby every 2 to 4 weeks to see if the torticollis is getting better. A comprehensive guide to anesthesia specifically for spine surgery, explaining procedures from the point of view of both anesthesiologists and surgeons. People actually believe there is no cure for Cancer due to what our medical Doctor do always said to us..but now i know that there is a cure for it Through natural herbal remedy' i and my boyfriend was once haven Colon Cancer we contacted DR.ODUDU for herbal treatment and he prepared us some herbs which we takes for some couples of months, and we take it as he says before i am to … Of Medical Clinics, edited by the pioneers in the mother 's.. Of more serious Health issues you had painful, involuntary muscle spasms in treatment! Easily treated through chiropractic torticollis in adults remedies associated asymmetric head or neck positioning in the Ocular torticollis is a clinical in... Those few patients requiring surgery, explaining procedures from the point of of. Is rare Lycopodium frequently cures in the field by disabling the movement of the musculoskeletal system is designed provide! 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