Check your BMI

  What does your number mean ? What does your number mean ?

What does your number mean?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults.

BMI values are age-independent and the same for both sexes.
The health risks associated with increasing BMI are continuous and the interpretation of BMI gradings in relation to risk may differ for different populations.

As of today if your BMI is at least 35 to 39.9 and you have an associated medical condition such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure or if your BMI is 40 or greater, you may qualify for a bariatric operation.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Claros.

< 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal Weight
25 – 29.9 Overweight
30 – 34.9 Class I Obesity
35 – 39.9 Class II Obesity
≥ 40 Class III Obesity (Morbid)

What does your number mean?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults.

BMI values are age-independent and the same for both sexes.
The health risks associated with increasing BMI are continuous and the interpretation of BMI gradings in relation to risk may differ for different populations.

As of today if your BMI is at least 35 to 39.9 and you have an associated medical condition such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure or if your BMI is 40 or greater, you may qualify for a bariatric operation.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Claros.

< 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal Weight
25 – 29.9 Overweight
30 – 34.9 Class I Obesity
35 – 39.9 Class II Obesity
≥ 40 Class III Obesity (Morbid)

learning music and mental health

Music Can Boost Your Memory. Overall, mental health conditions occur in Black and African American (B/AA) people in America at about the same or less frequency than in White Americans. Music helps the brain recover. Each stage plays a role in brain health, allowing activity in different parts of the brain to ramp up or down and enabling better thinking, learning, and memory 1. Listening to music has great effects on people’s emotions. Erin Seibert, MA, MT-BC Interventions, Mental Health, Music Therapy Mental Health, music therapy 5 Comments It’s been awhile since I posted any new session ideas or resources for interventions. By 2050, number of Americans 65 and older with Alzheimer's expected to triple nearly. At times when I felt awful, and I was self-harming, music rescued me, it always has. Moreover, these performances help educate the public about mental health issues and thus reduce stigma. Singing. “Musick has charms to soothe a savage Breast.”. Research has also uncovered that brain activity during sleep has profound effects on emotional and mental health 2. Songs allow you, and those around you, help to calm your nervous system, relax and heal your soul. Many people listen to soothing music to help them fall asleep. "This book provides practical guidance on how to successfully incorporate music, sound and vibration into your special school, exploring the rich benefits that musical opportunities offer for children with physical, mental health and ... Learning a musical instrument to improve the mind. Scientific Validation for Laughter’s Impact on Mental Health The study of laughter is called gelotology. Nearly all suggestions made in this book are able to be used alone or alongside your regular medication (always have a chat to your GP first). Quality sleep, a key brain health factor, is easier when you’re cool. Negative effects of music on the brain include a reduced ability to concentrate and memorize information. Making Music magazine is a bimonthly lifestyle music magazine devoted to the recreational musician and all instruments and genres of music. A 2008 study showed that people who listened to music before sleeping had better sleep quality. Music has the ability to evoke powerful emotional responses such as chills and thrills in listeners. You may stick your kids’ artwork on the refrigerator door to boost their self-esteem. Musical improvisation for improving mental health. Found insideBy studying the power of music in aging through the lens of neuroscience, behavioral, and clinical science, the book explains brain organization and function. Beyond the obvious, however, music has several effects on our mental health that may surprise you. In Music, The Brain, And Ecstasy: ... learning to be fully present with romantic relationships, and mastering the art of true relaxation. Music therapy can use these deep physical reactions the body has to music to help people with mental health conditions. Music therapy is used for all types of patients and people. Here are their stories. In his new book Rediscovering Your Divine Music, he shares a timely message that we must reconnect with our natural world and learn to love and respect ourselves, everyone, and everything under the premise that all is one. Final thoughts. This illuminating book brings together international music therapists who use a diverse range of musical instruments in their clinical work: the clarinet, the piano accordion, the flute, the cello, the trumpet and flugelhorn, the bassoon, ... How Social-Emotional Learning Transforms Classrooms. This new volume in the Series in Affective Science is the first book in over 40 years to tackle the complex and powerful relationship between music and emotion. Like other focused educational activities or pastimes, learning, performing and listening to music can produce possible negative health consequences when undertaken incorrectly or excessively. For a deeper look at SEL and music see: Join me at the 2019 NAfME National Conference as we explore how YOU can help your students be the best self- and socially-aware musicians they can be! " A career in music therapy combines their love of music with the desire to be of service to others. This book offers both the pragmatic reasons and "feel good" aspects that inspire people to enter this fulfilling profession. Research suggests that listening to classical music is a good remedy for this. Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) is a technique built on the understanding that humans are wired to heal themselves. This is a thought-provoking and topical text for all those involved in work with adults with learning disabilities; it is essential reading for music therapists and fellow professionals, carers, policy makers and students. Music therapy allows the person to connect with the music and deal with his or her emotional health. Music Education for Mental Health: Creating a Participatory Music After School Program The U.S. Public Health Service declared the current state of mental health care for youth in our country a public health crisis in 2000. Listening to music … "- Victor Hugo "The state of mankind improves through music; music not only trains but educates individuals and makes them fit for a life of community. One can either have good mental health or experience poor mental health, which is more commonly known as mental illness. It provides a total brain workout.” Research has shown that listening to music can reduce anxiety, blood pressure, and pain as well as improve sleep quality, mood, mental alertness, and memory. Whether playing in … Wednesday, 31 January 2018 Laura. Listening to known or favorite pieces of music reduced anxiety levels. Music has always had a massive impact on my mental health. On October 10th — World Mental Health Day — Live Nation announced it was backing a new nonprofit called Tour Support, which gives artists, crew members, and vendors on a … "" This book seeks to answer these questions by focusing on three topics within the field of cognitive psychology that directly influence human information processing: vision, memory, and attention. Research has shown that having musical training and listening to or playing music in old age can help keep the brain healthy especially as it ages. It makes you smarter, happier, and more productive at any age. AMP is dedicated to accelerating awareness, research, and solutions related to music and mental health. Music is the most accessible and most researched medium of art and healing, and there has been a principal emphasis on the soothing capacity of music and its ability to offset overly technological approaches to care. However, the current consensus of the experts is that maximum benefits are attained when musical training begins before the age of seven. increased motivation. Music does offer a lot of benefits, including: improved mood. Chock full of practical tools, resources and the wisdom that comes with years of experience, The Stressed Years of their Lives is destined to become a well-thumbed handbook to help families cope with this modern age of anxiety.” — ... Music reduces stress and depression. In Anna’s case, it takes incredible strength to be honest about her feelings and allows her story to be shared to support music … Whether it’s playing or listening to music, I always had a strong connection to it. Research shows the benefits of music therapy for various mental health conditions, including depression, trauma, and schizophrenia (to name a few). Music has relaxing elements that can make people feel better. Paul McManus, Chief Executive for UK music charity Music For All , tells us: “At Music For All, we see the many benefits that playing a musical instrument can have on the individual. Drawing on the latest research and on musical examples ranging from Mozart to Duke Ellington to Van Halen, he reveals: • How composers produce some of the most pleasurable effects of listening to music by exploiting the way our brains ... Learn how music can become a key part of a healthy mindfulness practice. Most days, people who listen to their favorite song are happier. Writing and journaling have been used as a tool for healing for hundreds of years. They did not have to be a specific style of music, as classical music is often thought of, but they had to … Anyone can learn to play the piano, and this hobby helps with the development of skills that make will make you a more talented and cultured individual. With useful information on a full sprectrum of disabilities, this book provides a comprehensive resource for creating inclusive music education for students who audition and enter music school. Music has a profound effect on the brain. Music and Sleep. The Healing Power of Music: How Music Therapy Improves Mental Health. This book will acquaint the reader with thirty of the most important and interesting topics in the study of the brain. Children with learning disorders are particularly vulnerable to the deleterious effects of background noise, according to the article. “Music training seems to strengthen the same neural processes that often are deficient in individuals with developmental dyslexia or who have difficulty hearing speech in noise.”. “Listening to music can reduce chronic pain by up to 21 per cent and depression by up to 25 per cent, according to a paper in the latest UK-based Journal of Advanced Nursing.”. Music therapy is the clinical and evidence-based use of music interventions to accomplish … The one thing that is true is that music therapy is becoming an important part of the support that mental and physical health practitioners use with patients. No matter what style of music moves you, this book probably covers it, and whatever the state of your mental health, "Stuck In My Head" will have you laughing like a crazy person. Too Hot to Sleep? At times when I felt awful, and I was self-harming, music rescued me, it always has. Found insideThis book provides comprehensive and up-to-date insights into emerging research trends on neuroplasticity with current or future treatments for neurodevelopment and neurodegenerative diseases. This new research field has accumulated a lot of new information and it is therefore timely to bring together the work of those researchers who have been most visible, productive, and inspiring in this field and to ask them to present their ... 6. In fact, playing piano has many health benefits, both mental and physical. This book outlines how teachers, music / arts therapists and teacher trainers have engaged in participatory action research to facilitate regular group music listening and improvisational music making with children and young people in their ... Translating our thoughts and feelings into written words offers a host of benefits that support growth and teen mental health. She found that both practices were linked to … Found inside – Page 1In the Oxford Handbook of Music Therapy, international leaders in the field from 10 countries have contributed their expertise to showcase contemporary music therapy. Listening to music has benefits for learning, mental health, and physical well-being. Singing in a choir has many mood-boosting and mental health benefits. Found inside"Human behavior investigator Vanessa Van Edwards studies the hidden forces that drive our behavior patterns ... she shares a wealth of valuable shortcuts, systems and behavior hacks for taking charge of ... interactions at work, at home, ... Multiple research and clinical studies have confirmed music therapy to be a viable and effective method of treatment for mental health issues including communication and cognitive needs, psychosocial disorders, eating disorders etc. The aim of this book is not to impart a substantive knowledge of core psychological theories, or even to analyze critically selected theories. Music has been medicine for my emotions, soul and body. Writing songs. The belief was sparked by a 1993 study led by Frances Rauscher, Ph.D., in which researchers played a Mozart piano sonata to a small group of college students and then asked them to complete a spatial reasoning test.2 They then compared these results to scores of spatial reasoning tests taken after listening to 10 minutes of a relaxation tape or silence and found that the group exposed to Mozart scored measurably higher, even tho… Music acts as a medium for processing emotions, trauma, and grief—but music can also be utilized as a regulating or calming agent for anxiety or for dysregulation. Read on to learn three mental facts about music that you probably didn’t know. Neuroscience of music's influence on neuroplasticity and learning. I am forever grateful for my friend’s thoughtfulness, for her memorable and tenacious rescue of my classical records. endorphins, oxytocin). Learn/Professionals; open. An incisive study of the Yorkists, including the well-known figures of Richard III, Edward III, IV and V, that places them in both an historical and literary context. In particular, RM and Suga's quotes about mental health make it clear why BTS' music is so relatable and universally loved. Not being interrupted, sitting in the car … The Surprising Benefits of Music for Mental Health. Music Elevates Your Mood While Driving. Motor control improved in everyday activities with stroke patients. I emphasize: known or favorite pieces of music. People may also experience agitation or other negative emotions when they listen to music that they do not enjoy. A 2015 study wanted to better understand if listening to music on your own can be a form of “self-regulation,” and in a complete bummer of a finding, it concluded that listening to sad music all the time can indeed have a negative effect on mental health. Good Mental Health. It improves memory function. According to a new study, learning and playing a musical instrument can have a positive impact on mental health by promoting relaxation and happiness. That’s because they understand learning to play music brings a wide array of beneficial traits that extend beyond the music room! Victor Wooten of Béla Fleck and the Flecktones isn’t a scientist, but he has thought a lot about the process of learning to play music. This book is an essential guide to psychiatric music therapy, providing the necessary breadth and depth to inform readers of the psychotherapeutic research base and show how music therapy can effectively and efficiently function within ... Part six deals with ethics, training, supervision, and international advances in GIM. The Appendix provides the professional code of ethics for GIM and a comprehensive list all music programs developed by Bonny and her followers. 7. It is also helpful for your mental health. Bob Marley is known as the face and symbol of reggae. History and origins Music has … Music is being used for mental health care. To witness music therapy at work, go to the website of the Music and Memory Foundation,, and see what happens to one nursing home resident, Henry, as he listens to his music. In this third webinar of the free Summer Resilience Series, Kara Lewis from Harmony Garden Music Therapy Services in Jackson will begin by teaching you about music’s effects on the brain. Here are some of the benefits of taking up the challenge to learn something new. Reduce stress. Here are the Top 10 from Health Fitness Revolution and author of the book ReSYNC Your Life Samir Becic: Music Support is a registered charity founded in April 2016 by people from inside the UK music industry. Donate. The Science and Psychology of Music: From Beethoven at the Office to Beyoncé at the Gym answers these and other questions. This book provides a broad and accessible introduction to the fascinating field of music psychology. Music has always had a massive impact on my mental health. “Altering the mind’s arousal state with music will result in an increased exercise performance, as if the music is ‘psyching’ one up to perform exercise better,” wrote researchers Karageorghis and Terry in their review of the psychophysical effects of music … The Power of Writing and Journaling for Mental Health. The style of music used is dependent on the preferences and goals of each client. An introduction what constitutes mental health and why it is important for people of color to recognize mental health as important as any other condition. While listening to music can bring multiple mental and physical health benefits, creating it can be therapy, too. It may be obvious to us, but it is strong evidence for the link between music and mental … 5 benefits of music therapy for mental health. The publication's tag line is "Better Living Through Recreational Music Making." Wednesday, 31 January 2018 Laura. Laura talks about how listening to and playing music has helped her mental health. Since listening to music is like exercising the brain, one can expect the benefits of better memory and mental sharpness as they age. Don’t miss it! [4] Music Changes Everything. The most complicated functions that humans perform, such as thinking creatively, learning a language, or playing or listening to music, all require whole-brain thinking. Music increases mental arousal. It’s rare to have absolute silence. The award-winning creator of the documentary The Music Instinct traces the efforts of visionary researchers and musicians to understand the biological foundations of music and its relationship to the brain and the physical world. 35,000 ... Register at Playing Music Improves Your Ability to Discern Sounds. Even taking up an instrument in old age may help, research suggests. Stress and However, the historical Black and African American experience in America has and continues to be characterized by trauma and violence more often than for their White counterparts and impacts emotional and mental health of both youth and adults. “Music and the Brain” explores how music impacts brain function and human behavior, including by reducing stress, pain and symptoms of depression as well as improving cognitive and motor skills, spatial-temporal learning and neurogenesis, which is the brain’s ability to produce neurons. 1. 1. Home » Wellbeing » Mental health » How music can support your well-being. Also help you manage stress, improve memory and benefit mental health.! Kindness not only saves lives but builds community the current consensus of the experts is maximum! Body ’ s thoughtfulness, for her memorable and tenacious rescue of my classical.. 11Th on its list of the brain to perform better in many cognitive... 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