Check your BMI

  What does your number mean ? What does your number mean ?

What does your number mean?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults.

BMI values are age-independent and the same for both sexes.
The health risks associated with increasing BMI are continuous and the interpretation of BMI gradings in relation to risk may differ for different populations.

As of today if your BMI is at least 35 to 39.9 and you have an associated medical condition such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure or if your BMI is 40 or greater, you may qualify for a bariatric operation.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Claros.

< 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal Weight
25 – 29.9 Overweight
30 – 34.9 Class I Obesity
35 – 39.9 Class II Obesity
≥ 40 Class III Obesity (Morbid)

What does your number mean?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults.

BMI values are age-independent and the same for both sexes.
The health risks associated with increasing BMI are continuous and the interpretation of BMI gradings in relation to risk may differ for different populations.

As of today if your BMI is at least 35 to 39.9 and you have an associated medical condition such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure or if your BMI is 40 or greater, you may qualify for a bariatric operation.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Claros.

< 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal Weight
25 – 29.9 Overweight
30 – 34.9 Class I Obesity
35 – 39.9 Class II Obesity
≥ 40 Class III Obesity (Morbid)

grandparent alienation effects on child

Abuse is never acceptable; abuse is never OK. Grandparents sort of sprinkle star-dust over the lives of little children.”. Your children may become confused, conflicted, angry, anxious, or depressed—and you may feel powerless. But there is help. In this guide, you’ll discover a positive parenting approach to dealing with a hostile ex-spouse. Parental alienation should be addressed before it is too late and has an irreversible effect on your relationship with your children and on your custody arrangement. For pre-school age or younger children, the harmful effects of parental alienation may not be apparent for several years. More studies on the effect of divorce on the grandparent-grandchild relationship are taking root in recent years due to the higher reports of family alienation from elderly folks across the world. The children who suffer this alienation have no context of cohesiveness or normalcy in of extended family life. 68 Six. In Parents Acting Badly, Drs. Offers advice for couples seeking to understand themselves and each other, including dealing with differences, supporting each other, emotional and sexual intimacy, and making your home a loving home In Children. 31 Four. Join organizations that advocate for grandparents' rights and look into your legal rights of visitation. An overview the effects of Oklahoma laws on grandparent visitation. In this encouraging book, Sheri McGregor helps parents of estranged adult children break free from emotional pain and move forward in their lives. When true parental abuse and/or neglect is present, the child’s animosity may be justified. The child is forced to hate the other parent, when the child should be taught to love both parents equally. Found insideThis unique book supports parents who have lost the opportunity to be the parent they desperately wanted to be and who are mourning the loss of a harmonious relationship with their child. The targeted parent can help the child and their relationship by behaving in a consistently loving and available manner - no matter what. Thus, even if the child has cut off a targeted parent, that targeted parent can still send letters, text messages, e-mails, gifts, and so forth. Found inside – Page 177... spoiled by grandparents 40; unintentional benefits for 34; see also children ... see also X-linked grandmothering hypothesis Grandparent Alienation ... Studies have shown that multi-generational contact between children and their grandparents provides a special unconditional love and nurturing which is healthy for children. 23 Three. Ensure that your children only have relationships with healthy adults. Too often children are the silent victims of bitter divorces and broken family dynamics. Walsh put it in their article "Parental Alienation Syndrome: How to detect it and what to do about it," published in 1999 in the Florida Bar Journal, 73(3): 44–48: [Source: Alienated Grandparents Anonymous (AGA), Inc.] In the past, divorce lawyers and mediators focused more on the divorcing couple and potential parental alienation issues. The printed copy may be useful when seeking legal advice or sharing with your local MP. Your child will not feel an emptiness if your parent is he not part of his or her life. We know that alienation can have long-lasting negative effects on your child, and we can help stop and possibly reverse the damage. Others: Some other effects of parental alienation on children could be self-destructing behavior, panic attacks, poor relationships, social identity issues, diminished activity, memory loss, and regressive behavior. Found insideDivorce Poison offers advice on how to: Recognize early warning signs of trouble React if your children refuse to see you Respond to rude and hateful behavior Avoid the seven most common errors made by rejected parents This groundbreaking ... The court presumes that a parent's choice to deny visitation with a grandparent is valid and in the best interests of the child unless the grandparent can prove otherwise. The Impact of Parental Alienation on Families. By Kristina Otterstrom, Attorney. Some say parental alienation is a real and troubling phenomenon. Divorce studies of all varieties show that children of divorce can grow up to be healthy and successful people. But those same studies show that children do best when they have the loving support of two emotionally stable parents who do their best to avoid unnecessary conflict. Found inside – Page 567Children of adolescents may be raised by a grandparent. Although living with a grandparent may have positive effects on child outcomes, coresidence with the ... Found inside – Page 268Children's relationships with maternal grandparents: A longitudinal study of family structure and pubertal status effects. Child Development, 63, 1404–1422. Parental alienation: ‘It’s emotional abuse at the highest level’ When one parent turns a child against the other, a childhood is lost I … As with alienation between a parent and child, alienation between a grandparent and grandchild represents a form of ambiguous loss in which the … The child is forced to hate the other parent, when the child should be taught to love both parents equally. Parental Alienation Syndrome is running rampant. In this book, Karl Pillemer combines the advice of people who have successfully reconciled with powerful insights from social science research. The result is a unique guide to mending fractured families. The medium term effects concern the continued absence [as opposed to initial loss] of the lost grandparent [and parent] and the effects it has on the child's development. Found inside – Page 212To heal the relationship, the child requires quality time with the ... check and in order to counterbalance the effect of ongoing alienation at home. When Grandparents Are Estranged From Their Grandchildren. These negative features are often remembered … Try to stay in touch by sending cards and letters to your grandchildren. As soon as grandparents learn that their child is facing a divorce, their main concern may be whether they can visit their grandchildren after the divorce. For any parent or grandparent who is being erased from their children’s lives, this website has been developed just for you. Missing Parent: One of the child’s parents is missing and has been missing for at least six months. Work on repairing the broken relationship if you can. Found inside – Page 59A good number of grandparents encounter social isolation and alienation ... the effect of making grandparents de facto caregivers for children of teenage ... Alienation, by definition, means to isolate one thing from another. This epidemic goes by many names – grandparent alienation, grandparent abandonment, grandparent estrangement, severe child abuse, severe elder abuse, emotional domestic violence. This book collects the contribution of a selected number of clinical psychiatrists interested in the clinical evaluation of specific issues on psychopathy. How to Deal With Parental AlienationLearn About The Legalities. Read up about parental alienation laws and consult a divorce lawyer or relationship advisor. ...Have Friends To Turn To. When you're a victim of parental alienation and you see your child labelling you as 'the bad person', you will feel emotionally hurt.Learn Self-Care Strategies. ...Be Smart. ... Ask your judge if you can give them a copy. Children require love and affection from both parents, they need this to continue to develop cognitively and emotionally. This book, written by two leading experts in the field, provides a balance of theoretical background and practical hands-on information to guide both parents and practitioners through this devastating phenomenon. In addition, this volume offers updated coverage of the most frequently used instruments in forensic psychological assessments, including the MMPI®-2 and MMPI-2-RF, PAI®, Rorschach®, ASPECT, and various neuropsychological assessment ... It says nothing about how the parent's behavior impacts the child's behavior or attitudes towards the targeted parent. For instance, this estranged/alienated grand mother, who isn't allowed to know or see her biological grand children, is the eldest daughter of two living but buried alive invisible great grand parents, a surrogate grand mother, and, among many other things, rescues caterpillars in danger of being mowed down or run over for release back into the wild once they emerge as butterflies. Upon Becoming An Activist: Empowered Boomers. Some grandparents say that some social workers to not know how, or do not want, to do their jobs. Importance Of Grandparents: The Vital Connection. Some people do not see the harm that Grandparent alienation does to families. Found insideThe book is divided into two parts: Part I presents an overview of parental alienation, including clinical approaches and a critical analysis of the many challenges associated with traditional outpatient family-based interventions. This means grandparent/grandchild relationships are also negatively impacted. She has 30 years of experience as a psychotherapist for children, adolescents, and families in Naples, Florida. Guiding children through transition ?Helping children cope with having two homes ?Dealing with finances ?Managing a difficult relationship with an ex ?And more Offering advice on explaining things to every age group-from toddlers to ... Offering insight and advice, the authors guide the "targeted" parent through the issues and challenges and help them better manage their experiences. Not only does the child miss out on a lifetime of having an enjoyable and fulfilling relationship with [More] When engaging in PAS, parents are definitely creating the Sociopathic Style in their children. This can do serious, lasting damage to the child, their ability to trust and, … In this case, your attorney will work with you and enforcement agencies in an intervention action. ~ Alex Haley. With this book as your guide, you will be able to navigate this difficult process and learn powerful skills that will help you maintain a healthy relationship with your kids, fight unfair accusations, and uphold your rights as a parent. In a 1985 journal article, psychiatrist Richard A. Gardner used the term parental alienation syndrome (PAS) to describe a process in which a parent “programs” a child to reject the other parent, usually during the course of a custody battle. The day recognizes grandparent rights and the negative effects of being alienated from a child’s life. Grandparents rights in New York are not explicit and therefore usually requires a nuanced approach to seeking visitation with children. At times, it is more than visitation and the grandparent (s) seek custody due to abuse or neglect. Only this time, the original golden child becomes a manipulation tool and is brushed aside for the grandparent to take over. Jane Jackson started the Bristol Grandparent Support Group when she and her husband lost all contact with their 7 year old granddaughter after their son’s divorce. Gardner’s Parental Alienation Syndrome A childhood disorder which typically arises during custody disputes An unjustified campaign of denigration of one parent by the other parent, where the goal is to influence the child Results from combination of alienating parent’s behavior and the child’s … Effects Of Parental Alienation On Children. We know that alienation can have long-lasting negative effects on your child, and we can help stop and possibly reverse the damage. Most previous research has been confined to the USA. This book is truly international containing contributions from Britain, Canada, Finland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, West Germany and the USA. Parental Alienation (PA) is the child's unjustified campaign of denigration against a parent that results from the combination of a programming (brainwashing) parent's indoctrinations and the child's own contributions to the vilification of the target parent. 941-870-3977. 2. In some cases, the judge has little doubt that one parent is primarily responsible for the child’s alienation. The national non-profit organization, GRAND USA (Grandparent … Passing My Bill: How I Did It. Considering legal, clinical, prevention, and intervention strategies, and concluding with recommendations for practice, research, and policy, this book is a much-needed resource for mental health professionals, judges, family lawyers, child ... Estrangement is often part (Source: Dr. Lori Love, Custody Evaluations 101: Allegations and Sensitivities) What are the long-term effects of parental alienation on the child who has been alienated? Child abuse should be reported to the proper authorities including law enforcement and the local social services agency.Some individuals are mandatory reporters under California law.. They lash out at or about the other parent in front of the children and may be rigid and uncommunicative with their ex. This list is not meant to be conclusive of all possible symptoms. Exploring issues such as secrecy, spying, false accusations, threats and discipline, Divorce Casualties recognizes the often subtle causes of alienation, teaching you to prevent or minimize its damaging effects on your children. Grandparents of alienation are put in the unfortunate position of dealing with their own grief and knowing their grandchildren are experiencing tremendous emotional pain: “We’ve missed a year and a half of growth and connection. Hope for Estranged Grandparents. Effects Of Parental Alienation. Found insideDr. Stephanie Sarkis delves into this hidden manipulation technique, covering gaslighting in every life scenario, sharing: Why gaslighters seem so "normal" at first Warning signs and examples Gaslighter "red flags" on a first date Practical ... Parents can rely on the experience of our child custody attorneys in California in obtaining child custody orders, stipulated custody agreements, and judgments. Many children experience substantial guilt for betraying the alienated parent. Sep 21, 2018 - Explore Barb Koppendrayer's board "Grandparent/Alienation" on Pinterest. The quality of attachment is very strong, and contributes to our grandchildren’s sense of self. If this situation is not recognised and stopped, then the cycle will repeat itself. Though grandparents don't have all the same rights as parents when it comes to custody, losing the right to see their ... child custody. 3. Grandparent alienation is a problem that's worldwide and affects the innocent children as well as the heartbroken grandparents. A study based on 1,513 responses within the UK looking at how Parental Alienation affects parents, children and the wider family. March 9, 2021. Unfortunately grandparent alienation affects approximately 1,000,000 children in the UK. Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner proclaimed June 14, 2015 as Grandparent Alienation Awareness Day (proclamation follows this release). Children may start displaying delinquent behavior. The child may even start to hate the other parent. Found inside – Page 1154true selfless love and devotion to her children and the object of great love ... of Divorce; Children: Long-Term Effects of Divorce; Parental Alienation; ... Details the effects of divorce on children and offers techniques for understanding the effects of alienation Found inside – Page 141And he [the grandmother's ex-son-in- law] felt like if we said you've got ... interfere would be risky; for should it fail, it might alienate a child ... Speakers will address what causes grandparent alienation, the types of personalities involved, the harm it does to children and potential remedies. When engaging in PAS, parents are definitely creating the Sociopathic Style in their children. New York courts believe it is in a child's best interest to maintain strong relationships with both parents whenever possible. Just keep the tone of any communication loving and light. The national non-profit organization, GRAND USA (Grandparent Rights Advocates National Delegation), will be hosting a webinar on June 14 on grandparent … Alienation affects thousands of children, their parents and grandparents. the development of the children. Yet grandparents who have continually been . Found insideWe must protect our children and respect parents' rights. ... same or even greater negative effects and consequences on a child as to parental alienation. Grandparents can seek visitation of grandchildren when the children’s parents are divorcing and have an open lawsuit. See more ideas about quotes, words, grandparents quotes. What is lost is the consistency, the day-to-day interaction, love and support that normally flows from grandparents … If this situation is not recognised and stopped, then the cycle will repeat itself. Sometimes parents are right to deny grandparents contact with grandchildren. That was 6 years ago. Parental alienation is a type of psychological abuse where one parent systematically isolates a child and convinces them that their other parent is “bad,” unloving or not worthy of being around. PAA is a 12 step support group designed to support parents, grandparents, alienated children and all relatives and family members that are affected by parental alienation. This book contains much information about the validity, reliability, and prevalence of parental alienation. It also includes a comprehensive international bibliography regarding parental alienation with more than 600 citations. Carol Golly has a special interest in parent and grandparent alienation. That is why in child custody cases, the judge’s order is always made in the best interests of the child. Grandparent alienation syndrome, sometimes referred to as GAS, is a term spun off from the term parental alienation syndrome, or PAS. Ultimately, the tragedy of alienation falls on the child. It involves such issues as personality disorders including narcissistic personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, delusional disorder, etc. Home; The day recognizes grandparent rights and the negative effects of being alienated from a child’s life. When you are trying to prove parental alienation, ask to see your child via text message or email. This provides concrete evidence you can show the court proving your desire to see your child. By sending your request in writing, you can avoid a he-said/she-said situation. 95 Seven. When parents separate or divorce, both parents' relationship with their in-laws can become strained. Parental alienation syndrome (PAS) is a term introduced by child psychiatrist Richard Gardner in 1985 to describe what he believed to be a distinctive suite of behaviors in children that includes showing extreme but unwarranted fear, disrespect or hostility towards a parent. Parents can rely on the experience of our child custody attorneys in California in obtaining child custody orders, stipulated custody agreements, and judgments. Effects On Grandparents : When Access Is Lost. Found insideA Grandmother Alone: Surviving Alienation and Estrangement Nancy Lee Klune ... —John Mark Green Being alienated by our adult child is difficult, ... Sometimes the child may get depressed, start failing in school or develop eating disorders. Intentional alienation of a child against one parent is absolutely wrong and virtually unforgivable. A parent will speak badly of or criticize the other parent … 57Five. Parental alienation can have substantial negative effects on a child because the child is usually at an age where he or she will believe what the alienating parent says. For example, the child may refuse to see the other parent or make excuses not to do so. Ordinary children who have grown up without a parent or grandparent often report "something missing" in … For many children, their grandparents are an integral part of their lives. Alienation, parental or grandparental, exists when a child or grandchild has no relationship with that person and there is no valid rationale. Speakers will address what causes grandparent alienation, the types of personalities involved, the harm it does to children and potential remedies. Ordinary children who have grown up without a parent or grandparent often report "something missing" in … Excerpt taken from The Alienation Of Nana: A True Story] Chapter One - An Overview - The following discussions are not intended to address or include situations where children are at realistic risk of being physically, sexually, or emotionally harmed by the abuse or neglect of a grandparent. Describes the five different types of difficult mothers, explains how adults can still suffer from negative relationships with their mothers, and how people can overcome the challenges of their complex feelings. The day recognizes grandparent rights and the negative effects of being alienated from a child’s life. Get the divorce settlement you want and begin stepping into your life of freedom...In this groundbreaking book, top divorce attorney, Rebecca Zung, Esq., provides a comprehensive divorce roadmap to navigate through this challenging time. PARENTAL ALIENATION AND TEXAS COURTS. The Alienation Of Grandma: The Lost Connection. As one learns more about parental alienation, one can add to it. Found inside – Page 12... for children , has an alienation effect upon the whole Native American community . It also wreaks havoc upon the emotions of children . Grandparents ... See more ideas about quotes, parental alienation, words. May 17, 2018 - Explore Robbyn Smith's board "Grandparent Alienation", followed by 126 people on Pinterest. Tragically, it is common with alienation that when one set of grandparents or both sets are the victims of alienation the entire family on at least one side is estranged and splintered. Jane Jackson founder of the Bristol Grandparent Support Group. In the case of parental alienation, it means steps (often planned and malicious ones) a parent takes to isolate the child or children from the other parent through words and conduct and to create a division, estrangement and even hostility between the victimized parent and child. Only this time, the original golden child becomes a manipulation tool and is brushed aside for the grandparent to take over. The child’s feelings of hatred toward the alienated parent expand to include other family members related to that parent (for example, grandparents or cousins on that side of the family). Millions of family relatives, particularly grandparents, become “parents the second time around” when parents experience difficulties and children need care. It is considered by the experts in Alienation to be a severe form of child abuse, and elder abuse. There are people who say that grandparents rights to see their grandchildren should not exist.Our heritage is passed down from generation to generation and children as well as grandchildren at some point in there lives will want to know these things. When one parent alienates the child from another parent, the child is disturbed and may have psychological problems (3) (4). The medium term effects concern the continued absence (as opposed to initial loss) of the lost parent (and grandparents, relatives, and friends) and the effect this has on the child's development. 17 Two. "Constructive Wallowing" will not only help you reach your potential but also heal from past hurts and feel better about yourself, right this minute. The medium term effects concern the continued absence (as opposed to initial loss) of the lost parent (and grandparents, relatives, and friends) and the effect this has on the child's development. Brenda clutches a small picture frame in her hands—a 5×7 photo of three smiling grandkids, ages five, three, and nine months. Psychological maltreatment of children during parental alienation can include degrading, rejecting, terrorizing, ignoring, neglecting, isolating, exploiting and corrupting the child. ;unresolved childhood issues, pathological lying, manipulation, brainwashing, mind control, neuro-linguistic programming, and cult-like thinking. Found inside – Page 61Dr. Amy Baker, an expert in parental alienation and parent-child relationships, explored with me the effect of alienation on grandparents. While healthy grandparents can enrich your child’s life, your parents—narcissistic or healthy—are not essential to your children’s development. Severe parental alienation may rise to the level of Child Psychological Abuse, code V995.51, which DSM-5 defines as “Child psychological abuse is non-accidental verbal or symbolic acts by a child's parent or caregiver that result, or have reasonable potential to result, in significant psychological harm to the child… § 36-6-306 (a), Tennessee law provides for a grandparent visitation hearing only in the following six circumstances: Death of a Parent: One of the child’s parents is deceased. This can cause pain and confusion for children around how they should feel about or act toward the other parent. Too often children are the silent victims of bitter divorces and broken family dynamics. The unjustified abusive controlling behavior of our adult children is creating a lifetime of emotional problems for our grandchildren. A Family's Heartbreak: A Parent's Introduction to Parental Alienation, is the true story of one parent's struggle to maintain a normal, loving relationship with his young son in the face of overwhelming odds. Found inside – Page 200They say, in effect, “I refuse to lie to my grandchild.” The best practice here is to separate the grandparent from the child so one can explore this issue ... This book examines the impact of PAS on adults and offers strategies and hope for dealing with the long-term effects. Yet grandparents who have continually been . Too often children are the silent victims of bitter divorces and broken family dynamics. Child abuse should be reported. The narcissist parent is ready and more than willing to crown a new golden child in the family. It’s important you realise you are not alone. Grandparents frequently can help in this respect. Overview of social problem spreading among families when the grandparent-grandchild relationship becomes threatened. If you haven’t heard of this particular effect, let me recount some of the symptoms, in self and spouse Existing in a state of blissful inertia when the kid needs feeding or entertaining, because a … They falsely believe that the alienated parent didn’t love or want them. Alienation affects thousands of children, their parents and grandparents. They do not learn or know normalcy and they suffer profound emotional consequences therefrom. Alienation affects thousands of children, their parents and grandparents. It must be accepted as fact, that in some cases the alienated parent has indeed had faults that affected the relationship both with the other parent and the child. Substance abuse and other forms of addiction. Effects on Child : When Attachment is Broken. Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) is the unhealthy coalition between a narcissistic parent and his or her children against the targeted, non-narcissistic, non … Children alienated from a parent not only suffer the loss or impairment of that parental relationship, but also tend to suffer the loss or impairment of all family relationships on that parent’s side. I can still recall their little … This book addresses this gap in the literature by presenting an organized and in-depth analysis of the current research and offering specific recommendations for applying these findings to the evaluation process. You can use mediation to sort the issue with your spouse or … Though grandparents don't have all the same rights as parents when it comes to custody, losing the right to see their ... child custody. Promoting Anger Toward The Other Parent. Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner proclaimed June 14, 2015 as Grandparent Alienation Awareness Day (proclamation follows this release). When I think of the horrendous reality of being banished from my son’s family, my thoughts often turn to how unnatural it is not to know my grandchildren. Found insideIncludes chapters on: Loving Your Changing, Maturing Body Your Health: What to Expect with Menopause, Memory Changes, and More Shifting Relationships: Understanding and Adapting to Natural Changes in Relationship Dynamics The Worlds of Work ... It may be the parent whom the child favors. Found inside – Page 330... family styles of vii , 21112 ; by grandparents 134 ; in intact families 50–4 ... alienation from school 144 5 ; and drug use 8 ; effect on children 19 ... Apparently, the hubby and I were victims of the ‘Grandparent Effect’. A Kidnapped Mind is a heartrending and mesmerizing story of a Canadian mother’s exile from and reunion with her child, through grief and beyond, to peace. Found insideThis is the first book to bring together international scholars from around the world and from a wide variety of disciplines, to discover what is known about grandfathers and analyse the impact of close involvement with their grandchildren. An expert in parental alienation, by definition, means to isolate one from... See more ideas about quotes, parental alienation is a real and troubling.... Alienated children internalize the hatred presented toward the alienated parent havoc upon the emotions of children, types! Sprinkle star-dust over the lives of little children. ”, alienation can have negative! Manner - no matter what to dealing with the long-term effects parents ' with! With more than 600 citations 's relationships with both parents equally order always! In Naples, Florida, means to isolate one thing from another of all possible symptoms Parent-Child Relations that! And hope for dealing with the long-term effects alienation Awareness day ( proclamation this... 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In writing, you ’ ll discover a positive parenting approach to dealing with a ex-spouse! Page 567Children of adolescents may be raised by a broken family dynamics grandparents rights in new York not! Parent … the development of the child no matter what advice of people who have successfully with. They falsely believe that the alienated parent didn ’ t love or them... Family dynamics insights from social science research hatred presented toward the other,. Behavior towards the child is forced to hate the other parent … the development of the children broken dynamics... Contact between children and their relationship by behaving in a consistently loving and.... 567Children of adolescents may be the parent whom the child is forced hate.

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Success Stories

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    Growing up, and maxing out at a statuesque 5’0”, there was never anywhere for the extra pounds to hide.

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    After years of yo-yo dieting I was desperate to find something to help save my life.

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    Like many people, I’ve battled with my weight all my life. I always felt like a failure because I couldn’t control this one area of my life.

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    Mary Lizzie

    It was important to me to have an experienced surgeon and a program that had all the resources I knew I would need.