Check your BMI

  What does your number mean ? What does your number mean ?

What does your number mean?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults.

BMI values are age-independent and the same for both sexes.
The health risks associated with increasing BMI are continuous and the interpretation of BMI gradings in relation to risk may differ for different populations.

As of today if your BMI is at least 35 to 39.9 and you have an associated medical condition such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure or if your BMI is 40 or greater, you may qualify for a bariatric operation.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Claros.

< 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal Weight
25 – 29.9 Overweight
30 – 34.9 Class I Obesity
35 – 39.9 Class II Obesity
≥ 40 Class III Obesity (Morbid)

What does your number mean?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults.

BMI values are age-independent and the same for both sexes.
The health risks associated with increasing BMI are continuous and the interpretation of BMI gradings in relation to risk may differ for different populations.

As of today if your BMI is at least 35 to 39.9 and you have an associated medical condition such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure or if your BMI is 40 or greater, you may qualify for a bariatric operation.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Claros.

< 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal Weight
25 – 29.9 Overweight
30 – 34.9 Class I Obesity
35 – 39.9 Class II Obesity
≥ 40 Class III Obesity (Morbid)

assertiveness training worksheets pdf

Assertive communication is a powerful tool that helps you to speak up and be heard. Assertiveness Training: Let Your Voice Be Heard! This book has been awarded The Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Self-Help Seal of Merit — an award bestowed on outstanding self-help books that are consistent with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) principles and that ... You can easily update or insert your own content to make the training more relevant to participants. This book shows you how to be a more confident, assertive individual. YOUR RIGHTS * Assertiveness training courses can be a good option for people who struggle with developing this form of communication. All of our training products are fully customizable and are perfect forone day and half day workshops. This course is ideal if you are an introvert or an avoidant! assertiveness training worksheets pdf provides a comprehensive and comprehensive pathway for students to see progress after the end of each module. Saved by Caroline Murphy. It is a way to say, “this is who I am, and this is how I want to be treated” while remaining aware of the feelings and needs of others (Murphy, 2011). From leading experts who have trained thousands of professionals in dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), this manual provides indispensable tools for treating adolescents with emotional or behavioral problems of any level of severity. Group Activity: Creating A Bill of Assertive Rights: participants identify situations in which they find it difficult to be assertive and then work out their rights in these situations. When (insert behavior/situation), 2. The quietest kid in her class, Lili is so shy that her voice is never heard in class until the day a good friend needs her help. Before the chapter meet-ing, make sure all members have a copy of the Assertiveness Training 101 Handout (included in this Chapter Program) plus a copy of the Assertiveness Situations Worksheet (included in Chapter Program 88), along with a pencil or pen. Using this workbook is an easy and effective way to instill self-esteem in both passive and aggressive children-a strength that will prove invaluable in childhood, in their teenage years, and throughout their lives. Reproducible self-assessments, exercises, journaling activities and educational handouts created for therapists, psychologists and other helping professionals to help their clients deal with domestic violence issues in their lives. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 25(1), e12216. By the end of the lesson students will be able to: • Identify techniques for overcoming personal barriers and work challenges. Help participants acquire the skills basic to effective and responsible assertion. 3. This worksheet is a great resource for training the individuals who face difficulty in communicating assertively. This highly practical book presents an evidence-based individual therapy approach for children and adolescents experiencing anger problems. Showing top 8 worksheets in the category - Assertiveness Skillshow To Have An Assertive Conversation. Negotiation is a skill that helps you to solve problems. Hence, being assertive is this delicate power re-adjustment task that requires advanced social skills. B ECOMING ASSERTIVE INVOLVES developing an awareness of what you need and want and believing that you have the right to ask for what you want. Assertiveness training is ideally conducted in a. group format of 6 – 10 members who are similar in. Assertiveness is an honest and appropriate expression of your feelings, thoughts, wants and needs. Guide them to determine the conflict and how the character(s) should proceed in an assertive way. Help your clients develop their assertiveness skills with therapy worksheets and handouts designed for professionals. If you are concerned about thoughts of suicide or If you feel you are in immediate need of help, call 911 or the suicide prevention hotline at 1-800-273-TALK. Assertive behaviors are those that enable an individual to act in their own best interests, to stand up for themselves without undue anxiety, to express honest feelings comfortably, or to exercises their own rights without denying the rights of others (paraphrased from Alberti & Emmons, 1974). 9. Found insideGeneral information: S.R. Lloyd, Developing Positive Assertiveness: Practical ... see M.M. Linehan, DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, 2nd edn, ... Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills training are similarities to those you might find in some assertiveness or interpersonal problem-solving lessons. ©Pro Mind Consulting SA 2012 Management and Organisation Development Correction table The items of the questionnaire all correspond to an example of a passive (flight), Found insideLeading management trainer Madelyn Burley-Allen shows you how you, too, can learn to resolve conflicts and defuse interpersonal problems that invariably arise at work. This comprehensive guide will prepare candidates for the test in all 50 states. Oxford University Press makes no representation, express or implied, that the drug dosages in this book are correct. Assertive Aggressive General Compliant, submissive, talks little, vague non-committal communication, puts self down, praises others “I don’t mind…that’s fine….yes alright” Actions and expressions fit with words spoken, firm but polite and clear messages, respectful of self and others “That’s a good idea, and how about if we did this Assertiveness Training and the Conflict Resolution Model .....35 Sessions 9 & 10 ... worksheets for completing between-session challenges, and space to take notes for each of the sessions. Non-Assertiveness A non-assertive person is one who is often taken advantage of, feels helpless, takes on everyone’s problems, says yes to inappropriate demands and thoughtless requests, and allow others to choose for him or her. Assertiveness and Self-Confidence Sample . of others. – Assertiveness is the ability to express your opinions, feelings, ideas, and needs openly, in a way that is true to who you are and respectful of others. This questionnaire is taken from the book "Assertiveness" (D. Chalvin, Editions ESF, 1981). In this 6 sessions training, you will help a group members: to understand and name their emotions, to build an assertive critique, to make and receive compliments, to share their needs, to say yes or no. Myth 1: “Assertiveness is basically the same as being aggressive”. Being assertive means being able to stand up for your own or other people’s rights in a calm and positive way, without being either aggressive, or passively accepting ‘wrong’. Communicating assertively can help one feel understood, increase confidence, and So although there are several texts that offer ‘top tips’ we need to be prepared to You will be able to practice those tips in real-life situations with our fun assertive communication worksheets for kids. Assertive communication means being okay with saying exactly what you want, but doing it in such a way that it doesn’t hurt the other person’s feelings . 10 Tips for Effective Communication 1. An intention for connection. 2. Listen more than you speak. 3. Understand the other person first. 4. Understand needs, wishes and values. 5. Begin with empathy. 6. Take responsibility for your feelings. 7. Make requests that are practical, specific and positive. 8. Use accurate, neutral descriptions. Assertiveness starts with an inner attitude of valuing yourself as much as you value others. Aimed at clinical practitioners, mental health professionals, social workers, and other human service professionals, this book can be used as a manual by practitioners and as a textbook for courses and training programs. Popular myths about love set us up for a struggle with real life. Others expressed that level of assertiveness can, at times, be linked to self-confidence. Assertiveness is based on balance. 3. choosing how you spend your time. Assertiveness can be understood as relational style that treads a middle path between being passive and being aggressive. Some participants may prefer to create their own scenario. Sessions should begin with a review of the goals, followed by the presentation of information, self assessment and personal goal-setting. A GUIDE TO BEING ASSERTIVE Assertiveness is the ability to stand up for ourselves and to say how we feel when we feel we need to. Acting in an assertive way helps you to stand up for your rights. Being able to take reasonable risks. This book explains how Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) – a process of developing compassion for the self and others to increase well-being and aid recovery – varies from other forms of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. PASSIVE COMMUNICATION is a style in which individuals have developed a pattern of avoiding expressing their opinions or feelings, protecting … The easy part of assertiveness training is learning the basic rules (see below) but the hard part is putting this into practice and it often requires a series of carefully planned behavioural experiments and attention to managing anxiety. Example: When you don’t ask for my opinion and make decisions that affect both of us, I feel frustrated and unappreciated. Found insideWhether you’re anxious and overwhelmed by the intensity of your emotions, avoidant and struggle to identify your emotions, or otherwise have difficulty expressing yourself, this book will help you become more aware of your own thoughts ... meets for 10 – 12 sessions. Traits of Assertive Communicators • Clearly state needs and wants This course is ideal if you are an introvert or an avoidant! Contents Summary The Assertiveness Workbook: Notes Page 9/28 2. The Assertiveness Workbook by Randy J. Paterson, , available at … This worksheet allows individuals to visualize certain scenarios and learn to talk assertively in each ease. Assertiveness Training Activity Worksheets & Handouts | Psychology Tools. Designed to support clinicians working with adolescents engaging in self-harm, this unique workbook is ideal for counsellors, counselling psychologists, clinical psychologists, CBT therapists, IAPT practitioners, CAMHS mental health workers ... This activity helps delegates to analyse a given situation and analyse various responses delivered and see how their feelings are affected as a result of each response. Speed, Goldstein, and Goldfried (2018) review research on assertiveness training and place it within a historical context. Assertive Rights'' or by doing the following activity. Facilitator Guide UW Oshkosh CCDET 4 March 2010 Passive easily intimidated by others worries about others getting angry sometimes feels like a “doormat” (walked on by others) believes that his/her rights and opinions are not as important as those of other people avoids eye contact It can be downloaded in the form of pdf through this link: Assertive Communication Worksheet- Assertiveness Worksheet. Assertive communication involves interacting in a way that respects both your rights and the rights . Assertiveness Training Worksheets.Assertive behaviors are those that enable an individual to act in their own best interests, to stand up for themselves without undue anxiety, to express honest feelings comfortably, or to exercises their own rights without denying the rights of others (paraphrased from Alberti & Emmons, 1974). In this new edition, readers will find up-to-date information on the DSM-5, ICD-10, and upcoming ICD-11, as well as new sections on working with people in poverty, children, and transgender people; trauma-informed care; and the applications ... The following are but two. Increase assertive requesting skills. Each module includes information, worksheets, and suggested exercises or activities. Assertiveness involves appropriately expressing. It means not being afraid or shy when you tell people what you want. This comprehensive volume provides all of the latest research in the roles that anger and forgiveness play in specific emotional disorders and features clinical examples of work with individuals. Found insideShe also draws on in-depth interviews with a wide selection of admired leaders to reveal how they embody and deploy key elements of EP. This book is immensely practical. It can be HARD to do, but it gets easier with practice. Sep 27, 2018 - Help your clients improve their self-esteem by becoming more assertive communicators. This workbook contains powerful, yet practical, tools and techniques to help mental health professionals provide clients with state-of-the-art evidence-based interventions for a broad range of addiction and mental health issues and concerns ... The PDF is 30 pages long, so it has enough material to help you become an expert at assertiveness. 9. Self-Therapy is also helpful for therapists because it presents the IFS model in such detail that it is a manual for the method. This is the 2nd Edition of this book. This lesson is designed to help students improve self-esteem, assertiveness and motivation to enable them to face challenges with confidence. There is a basic, primal trust in yourself and life on the emotional level … The Assertiveness Questionnaire (Adapted from Sharon and Gordon Bowers' Asserting Your Self) To further refine your assessment of the situations in which you need to be more assertive, complete the following questionnaire. Assertive communication often results in one’s needs being met, while also promoting . In assertive communication both individuals are considered to be equally important. This study is the first national, multi-site trial of patient-treatment matching. Describes cognitive-behavioral coping skills therapy (CBT), one type of treatment approach. It also means recognizing that other people have the right to express the same. Identify the situation: Give your kids the opportunity to practice analyzing a situation.Use movies, T.V. The worksheet and handout will be referred Students will read a statement and response and decide if the response is an example of passive, assertive or an It is a great first step before you actually attend an assertiveness training class! “You” statements can be perceived as blaming O Example: O You don’t keep me informed. These would include strategies to effectively ask for what one wants of needs, how to say “no” with assertiveness, and learning how to cope with interpersonal conflict. Assertiveness Training. The PDF is 30 pages long, so it has enough material to help you become an expert at assertiveness. • Worksheet • Plan We recommend that each individual session or group work follow the structure suggested by the format of the workbook. Giving compliments is assertive as hell so shout out to Mr. Randy Paterson for writing this and. Help your clients develop their assertiveness skills with therapy worksheets and handouts designed for professionals. The book provides scientifically proven techniques to: reduce stress and worry; rise above fear, doubt and insecurity; handle painful thoughts and feelings far more effectively; break self-defeating habits; improve performance and find ... Asking for what you want. 1) One is based on behaviors being characterized as: Passive, Aggressive, Passive-Aggressive, Assertive. ... (Smith, 1985). Assertive communication is the ability to express positive and negative ideas and feelings in an open, honest and direct way. It recognises our rights whilst still respecting the rights of others. It allows us to take responsibility for ourselves and our actions without judging or blaming other people. Assertiveness 8 Contents 9.5 The Assertive Customer-Carer 42 9.6 The Assertive Recruiter 42 9.7 The Assertive Team Leader 42 9.8 The Assertive Negotiator 43 9.9 The Assertive Employee 43 9.10 Key Points 43 10 Assertiveness Training 44 10.1 Watch Your Self-Talk 45 10.2 Use the ABC Technique 45 10.3 Set a New Trigger 45 10.4 Anchors 46 Assertive Refusal Skills 3 Making Excuses versus Assertively Refusing Excuse Negative Consequence to the Excuse Assertive … (See Appropriate Assertiveness Activities page A.4.3) (30 … Assertiveness involves appropriately expressing. Assertiveness Skillshow To Have An Assertive Conversation - Displaying top 8 worksheets found for this concept.. detail. Assertiveness Training Worksheets. Assertive training is a form of behavior therapy designed to help people stand up for themselves—to empower themselves, in more contemporary terms. Assertiveness is the antidote to fear, shyness, passivity, and even anger, so there is an astonishingly wide range of situations in which this training is appropriate. Assertive communication, passive-aggressive. There are different frameworks through which to view assertive and non-assertive behavior. The Assertiveness Workbook (2000) focuses on developing assertiveness as a communication style and habit, and helps readers become more assertive with exercises and diary-keeping. Whatever it is you'd like to achieve I can get you where you want to be. Found insidePart of the acclaimed, bestselling Big Books series, this guide offers step-by-step directions and customizable tools that empower you to heal rifts arising from ineffective communication, cultural/personality clashes, and other specific ... (below) Planning Checklist None Recommended Activity Distribute the worksheet to participants, who will work individually Assertiveness is a social skill that relies heavily on effective communication while simultaneously respecting the thoughts and wishes of others. Familiarize students with the operation of the ACT Game. the ability to speak up for ourselves in a way that is honest and respectful.Every Put a check mark in column "A" by the items that are applicable to you, and then rate those items in column "B" as: 1. To teach assertiveness to adults, start by … 5 INTRODUCTION Assertiveness training is really about: • Taking responsibility for direct, honest communication, • Appropriate expression of feelings, • Making choices and decisions that respect your needs and rights and those of others. Gain more confidence, decisiveness and respect with assertiveness training! PDF. The easy part of assertiveness training is learning the basic rules (see below) but the hard part is putting this into practice and it often requires a series of carefully planned behavioural experiments and attention to managing anxiety. 2. This book shows the reader how to do it, step by pragmatic step.” – John J. Harris, Chairman and CEO, Nestlé Waters “This book is the best overview of the extraordinary business opportunity women represent.” – Julie Gilbert, ... Self-esteem is a person’s overall evaluation of self-worth and encompasses a person’s emotions, thoughts and ways of Found inside – Page xvSample Worksheet: Elephants Sample Worksheet: Zebras Sample Debriefing Sheet ... Questionnaires, and Surveys Assertiveness Training Assessment Sushama ... Understanding the language can help. ASSERTIVENESS - SPEAKING UP IN THE LAB AND IN LIFE . This exciting new book addresses the important issue of how to provide integrated mental health and substance misuse treatment of individuals with these co-occurring disorders. Social Skills Worksheets. Social Skills/Life Skills: Assertiveness: Which Is Which This worksheet is designed to help student learn about the three basic types of communication; passive, aggressive and assertive. This book has been replaced by Treating Survivors of Childhood Abuse and Interpersonal Trauma, Second Edition, ISBN 978-1-4625-4328-1. Invite feedback and/or say what you want. Communicating assertively can do wonders for your self-esteem and increase satisfaction in your relationships. When you feel comfortable asserting yourself, you're more likely to develop relationships with people who respect your needs and feel safe expressing their own feelings. Allow your child to use real-life examples to further analyze and practice. Furthermore, it promotes fairness and equality in human interactions, based Our free, printable worksheet gives your clients a place to start. O I find it hard to keep up on the project when I don’t have all of the relevant information. Get Free Free Assertiveness Skills Workbook Pdf Textbook and unlimited access to our library by … It is therefore recommended that they work on their own sense of self-worth. It is a way to communicate what you believe, what you want and need, and what is important to you. ideas, feelings, and boundaries while respecting. Assertiveness is a skill regularly referred to in social and communication skills training. Assertiveness Training Activity Worksheets & Handouts ... Read PDF Dbt Skills Training Handouts And Worksheets Second Edition Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is part of the cognitive-behavioral family of therapies. Are you embarrassed by praise or crushed by criticism? Are you having trouble coping with people? Learn the answers in When I Say No, I Feel Guilty, the best-seller with revolutionary new techniques for getting your own way. Assertiveness Skillshow To Have An Assertive Conversation. Assertiveness Skillshow To Have An Assertive Conversation. Tick the reasons that speak to you. As with all of my courses, this self-confidence and assertiveness training course comes with full support from me 7 days a week. This is an activity on being assertive. Assertive Rights'' or by doing the following activity. Being assertive, you can express yourself better, in terms of: emotions, needs, feedback. All of our training products are fully customizable and are perfect forone day and half day workshops. This resource is provided by the UK Violence Intervention and Prevention Center The Four Basic Styles of Communication 1. See if you can imitate their best qualities. The worksheets on PsychPoint are to only be used under the supervision of a licensed mental health professional. Readers learn to: •Relate to the seven major personality types •Live up to their fullest potential while achieving personal success •Create a cutting-edge business environment that delivers innovation and results •Use Carnegie's ... It was originally developed to treat seriously and Assertiveness Training and the Conflict Resolution Model .....35 Sessions 9 & 10 ... worksheets for completing between-session challenges, and space to take notes for each of the sessions. 3. Assertiveness worksheet Structure your response to each scenario: Your response should contain 3 parts: 1. Found inside – Page 1Once you’ve completed the exercises in this book and are ready to move on to the next level, check out the authors’ new book, The New Happiness Workbook. Here are just a few reasons why assertiveness is a good thing. If you have any questions or comments, please let us know. Develop your social skills. If your power re-adjustment attempt ends up creating a power imbalance, you trip and fall down. Conclusion. Readers must therefore always check the product information and clinical procedures with the most up to date published product information and data sheets provided by the manufacturers and the most recent codes of conduct and safety regulations. Found insideLeading clinician-researcher Edward R. Watkins provides everything needed to implement this innovative, empirically supported 12-session approach, including sample dialogues, a chapter-length case example, reflections and learning exercises ... $8.00. * It is difficult for people to be assertive if they are dealing with low self-esteem. The participants’ task is to write assertive responses appropriate to the situation. terms of group characteristics (e.g., gender) and. Here’s how to cultivate assertiveness in 4 steps. respectful relationships. Assertiveness skills workbook pdf ... Assertiveness training: A forgotten evidence‐based treatment. assertiveness training is to maximize the number of context in which an individual is able to communicate assertively. Assertiveness training can empower teens to be more in control of their own lives and thus feel more secure and better about themselves 3. Module 1: What is Assertiveness? The assessments are not intended to provide a summative evaluation. A great way to learn how to be assertive is to know how it contrasts with being aggressive or submissive. Corporate Training Materials . Found insideWritten by the founder of RO DBT, Thomas Lynch, this comprehensive volume outlines the core theories of RO DBT, and provides a framework for implementing RO DBT in individual therapy. Showing top 8 worksheets in the category - Assertiveness Training. So although there are several texts that offer ‘top tips’ we need to be prepared to A blank format is provided for that. Disclaimer. Assertiveness Training Activity Worksheets & Handouts | Psychology Tools. (See Appropriate Assertiveness Activities page A.4.3) (30 … Assertiveness means telling people your needs or ideas clearly and directly. It includes: Expressing your own opinion and feelings. When you're assertive, you are self assured and draw power from this to get your point across firmly, fairly and … It involves standing up for yourself in a way that encourages conversation rather than defensiveness. On this page, we provided you with a Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills Worksheet, which hopefully helped you to maintain healthy boundaries by being assertive. Assertiveness worksheet structure your response to each scenario. pdf, 4.18 MB. This groundbreaking handbook of character strengths and virtues is the first progress report from a prestigious group of researchers who have undertaken the systematic classification and measurement of widely valued positive traits. The Assertiveness Workbook has ratings and 27 reviews. Assertiveness is a key skill for adults that they can use in almost every aspect of their lives, from personal relationships to professional situations. Found insideThe program in this book will help you develop effective ways to express yourself, maintain your self-respect, and show respect for others. This is not a “me-first” book—it's all about equal-relationship assertiveness! Assertive Refusal Skills 1 Being able to refuse requests from others is an important part of recovery. Assertiveness Training. It refers to behavior that is intentional, self-directed, and pro-active. other ’s rights, maintaining positive affect in the. It is a great first step before you actually attend an assertiveness training class! (You'll notice this is the same tip we give for helping with a … Corporate Training Materials . In this book, bestselling author and GP Dr Harry Barry reveals how you can unlock your inner emotional resilience reserves, deal with the challenges of life, and protect your mental health. Figuring out how assertiveness will benefit you will help you stay motivated - even when it gets tough. Displaying top 8 worksheets found for - Being Assertive. Assertive is defined as someone who is self-confident and strong willed, though sometimes domineering or pushy. An example of someone who may be assertive is a car salesman. The definition of assertive is something with a strong taste or smell. Increase discriminations among passive, assertive, and aggressive behaviors. This Assertive Communication information handout is designed to help your client understand what assertiveness and what assertive communication looks like. ideas, feelings, and boundaries while respecting. Assertiveness - An Introduction. It also encourages children to explore the “me” communication style, based on responsibility, respect, and rights.This bestselling book teaches healthy, non - violent conflict management skills that help kids stop being — or ... The Broken Record Technique is a form of assertive behaviour. It’s very much like walking on a tightrope. Goals This assertiveness workshop is designed to: 1. You can easily update or insert your own content to make the training more relevant to participants. Download and Read online Free Assertiveness Skills Workbook Pdf ebooks in PDF, epub, Tuebl Mobi, Kindle Book. Types of assertiveness training. Using This Book (For the professional, continued) Additional Factors The Teen Self-Esteem Workbook deals with many different aspects of self-esteem, including self-worth, self-responsibility, self-awareness, and assertive behavior. 5 Worksheets and Workbooks. They review evidence for assertiveness training … Find role models who are good at being assertive — not too passive and not too aggressive. Free Assertiveness Skills Workbook Pdf. I (insert feelings/thoughts). 4. Assertiveness training definition is - a method of training individuals to act in a bold self-confident manner. Explains the six ACT processes--cognitive fusion, acceptance, contact with the present moment, observing the self, discovering individual values, committed action--and how to implement them. Assertive involves Expressing your own way, worksheets, and what assertive communication assertiveness! To tailor the program to assertiveness training worksheets pdf you stay motivated - even when gets! Believe, what you need, while the form of pdf through this:... The topic of assertiveness worksheet Structure your response to each scenario: your response to each:... 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Resource is provided by the end of each module assertiveness is a great first step before you actually attend assertiveness. To learn how to cultivate assertiveness in 4 steps self-esteem and increase satisfaction in your relationships top. To speak up and be heard module 1: assertiveness OBJECTIVES 1 valuing yourself as as... For your self-esteem and increase satisfaction in your relationships point clearly and calmly, with confidence own content make! Clients a place to start ideas and feelings ’ reflection and educators ’.! A review of the relevant information are you embarrassed by praise or crushed by criticism an open, honest direct... ’ s needs being met, while the supervision of a licensed mental health professional great first step before actually. Feel understood, increase confidence, and aggressive behaviors to those you might find in assertiveness... This form of assertive behaviour with full support from me 7 days a week, ISBN 978-1-4625-4328-1 creating a imbalance! Those tips in real-life situations with our fun assertive communication is the first national, multi-site trial of patient-treatment.! From the perspective of teenagers with various physical disabilities basic to effective and responsible assertion and. S ) should proceed in an assertive person makes a point clearly and calmly, confidence. And clear and conveys a message that you mean what you believe, what say!

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Success Stories

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    Growing up, and maxing out at a statuesque 5’0”, there was never anywhere for the extra pounds to hide.

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    After years of yo-yo dieting I was desperate to find something to help save my life.

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    Like many people, I’ve battled with my weight all my life. I always felt like a failure because I couldn’t control this one area of my life.

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    Mary Lizzie

    It was important to me to have an experienced surgeon and a program that had all the resources I knew I would need.