Check your BMI

  What does your number mean ? What does your number mean ?

What does your number mean?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults.

BMI values are age-independent and the same for both sexes.
The health risks associated with increasing BMI are continuous and the interpretation of BMI gradings in relation to risk may differ for different populations.

As of today if your BMI is at least 35 to 39.9 and you have an associated medical condition such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure or if your BMI is 40 or greater, you may qualify for a bariatric operation.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Claros.

< 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal Weight
25 – 29.9 Overweight
30 – 34.9 Class I Obesity
35 – 39.9 Class II Obesity
≥ 40 Class III Obesity (Morbid)

What does your number mean?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults.

BMI values are age-independent and the same for both sexes.
The health risks associated with increasing BMI are continuous and the interpretation of BMI gradings in relation to risk may differ for different populations.

As of today if your BMI is at least 35 to 39.9 and you have an associated medical condition such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure or if your BMI is 40 or greater, you may qualify for a bariatric operation.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Claros.

< 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal Weight
25 – 29.9 Overweight
30 – 34.9 Class I Obesity
35 – 39.9 Class II Obesity
≥ 40 Class III Obesity (Morbid)

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One facet of this harbinger of change is the increase in water vapor rising above the poles as a consequence of warming. , rising sea levels all over the world, and rising sea temperatures, which increase the albedo effect even further. We know this because we have satellites orbiting our planet taking pictures and video of the ice caps constantly every day. 40% of the Arctic area covered in sea ice was lost between 1979 and the end of last years summer. Ice is melting at the poles. Here are five major impacts on the geological health of the Earth and its climate systems set off by the warming of the Arctic and Antarctic. can be revived and become active, and potentially deadly, upon warming. Permafrost melting and exposing formerly frozen tundra have been implicated in a Siberian boys death from anthrax poisoning. Some of the effects of polar ice caps melting include rising sea levels. Rising sea levels would lead to migration from low-lying areas of the planet to areas higher above sea level, which would result in more competition for food and resources in those areas. Another of the effects of polar ice caps melting is the general warming of the planet. Ocean Circulations Effects on the Poles and Vice Versa, Melting Sea Ice, Jet Streams, and Extreme Weather, The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) estimates that. Longer-term effects include. Let's Talk with Martin Jeffries about Sea Ice and Climate in Antarctica. Rising sea and air temperatures correlate with earlier snowmelt, the reduction of sea ice in the Arctic, and shorter months of cold weather in non-summer months. These massive blocks of moving ice arise as snow accumulated in cold places compacts and recrystallizes, as is the case, for example, in mountain and polar glaciers, which should not be confused with the gigantic Arctic plates. This is, in part, responsible for potential changes in ocean circulation. Americas national parks are disproportionately Our planets long-term health depends on moderating natural and human-made processes that lead to global warming and Arctic wolves, close relatives of the majestic grey Conservationists are alarmed by masses of floating plastic garbage that endanger our oceans, including one they have Will space-age technology help save the largest fish Coronavirus and climate change are different catastrophes, but plans like the Green New Deal could move the economy by Kevin Martin & Arthur M. Marx | Sep 07, 2018, The climate is warming worldwide, but the effects are nowhere more readily apparent than at our planets poles. Found insideThis book provides the template whereupon students can be guided to see how the pieces fit together. The book is self-contained but lends itself to be amplified upon by a student or professor. While the overall effect on the planets climate will be warming, freakish weather patterns touched off by a jet stream extreme cold blasts emanating from the poles, drenching rain and flooding, massive droughts can result. Talk about the force of gravityAntarctica's powerful katabatic winds thunder down from the high polar plateau to the coast, creating wind speeds that typically exceed 100 mph every winter month. Among them are the vast shifts in temperatures and weather patterns caused by a crisis at the Earths poles. The infrastructures in the region may literally fall down since the ground will thaw out. One result of melting Arctic ice is that polar bears are forced to swim more often and further than ever to forage for food. The same goes for the migratory animals that go to the Arctic; they will also be affected by the polar ice caps melting. Deep Challenge blends oil-patch history, eyewitness accounts of disasters, and open access to the official files of Global Marine Inc., the recognized leader in offshore drilling, to tell a true and exciting story. When water heats up, it expands. 5 Ways Polar Melting is Impacting the Earth, Melting sea ice and the exposure of ocean water at the poles (the. Discusses the consequences of melting icecaps. Warmer conditions at the poles impact the jet streams that flow in both the northern and southern hemispheres. There are two measures of the extent of are covered by sea ice for at least part of the year. Climate change is doing more than melting Earths enormous polar ice sheets: Its actually changing the Earths rotation. With the polar ice caps melting the ecosystems will be greatly affected. When sea ice melts it exposes the deep blue of ocean water; when permafrost melts, the brown tundra remains. Warm surface water is carried north from the tropics to the Arctic, resulting in a temperate climate for much of Europe. American Museum of Natural History Due to global warming or climate change the poles are melting. This is one of the greatest debates of the centuries, with both sides citing scientific studies to support their positions. However, many scientific and environmental organizations believe that it is possible for humans to slow or even halt the polar ice caps melting. Reducing the use of fossil fuel. Nov 19 2019 This was the case in January 2019, when an Arctic vortex unexpectedly dipped southward to the American Midwest. Anna Fomitchev5-11-19Honors Biology: Period 3Environmental Research PSA BibliographyGilman, Larry. Of course, CO2 is abundant humans exhale it, trees absorb it as they grow but excess amounts of the gas are known to collect in the atmosphere and keep Earths radiant heat trapped in the upper atmosphere, unable to escape. The determination of individuals and organizations to bring to light the potential and actual damage to the poles could bring awareness of the threat and the possibility of positive action to many. Melting ice let seals not have a resting, molting and birthing place. Specifically, the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are the largest contributors of global sea level rise. Such rapid environmental changes at the poles have been tied to the uptick in extreme weather events in recent years. Researchers theorize that a 2016 heat wave exposed the carcass of a reindeer that was infected with anthrax from 75 years earlier. The book quantifies the outcomes of different stabilization targets for greenhouse gas concentrations using analyses and information drawn from the scientific literature. is abundant humans exhale it, trees absorb it as they grow but excess amounts of the gas are known to collect in the atmosphere and keep Earths radiant heat trapped in the upper atmosphere, unable to escape. Another is the effect of rising temperatures carried by global wind patterns to the poles, causing intensified temperature changes there. "Earth's Arctic ice is disappearing! But why are ice caps, glaciers, and icebergs melting, and how does it impact the planet? In this nonfiction graphic novel, Max Axiom and the Society of Super Scientists are on a mission to find out! For the people who live near the coastline of the Arctic there is the possibility of being flooded. How do changes in the Arctic and Antarctic affect weather and climate and other factors around the rest of the planet? This process redistributes heat from its tropical origins to the extreme northern and southern latitudes, thereby intensifying heat at the poles. Melting land ice, like mountain glaciers and the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, will change the Earths rotation only if the meltwater flows into the oceans. It is warming up twice the global average which has a One affects another, and they all eventually will affect atmospheric conditions around the world. The high latitudes of the Arctic and Antarctic, together with some mountainous areas with glaciers and long-lasting snow, are sometimes called the cryosphere-defined as that portion of the planet where water is perennially or seasonally These storms rise to great heights and are transported by high winds toward polar regions. Effects of Polar Ice Caps Melting. Longer-term effects include changes in the flow of the Gulf Stream, rising sea levels all over the world, and rising sea temperatures, which increase the albedo effect even further. Such rapid environmental changes at the poles have been tied to the uptick in extreme weather events in recent years. As indicated in NASAs satellite data, the polar ice caps have maintained its extensive size from 1979 until the early 2000s. Future Science Opportunities in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean suggests actions for the United States to achieve success for the next generation of Antarctic and Southern Ocean science. They melt directly into the ocean, increasing the volume of water and forcing seas higher onto land. The change is steadily accelerating. Found insideThe story of how scientists reached that conclusionby way of unexpected twists and turnswas the story Spencer Weart told in The Discovery of Global Warming. Sackler Institute for Comparative Genomics, Climate Change: Answers to Guiding Questions. Seawater is becoming warmer, and polar ice caps are weakening. Can you solve these four chilly puzzles about how people and animals live in the Arctic? The effects of the ice caps melting are also going to be tremendous. 1114 Words5 Pages. At the poles, it's possible to study sea ice that's 3,000 years old. The melting ice will cause their populations decline. Polar ice caps can grow and shrink due to climate variation. 'The Truth Is Out There' and it's in this book. I loved it!" --Mike Mullane, Space Shuttle astronaut and author of Do Your Ears Pop in Space? Advance praise for Philip Plait?s Bad Astronomy "Bad Astronomy is just plain good! If the meltwater remains close to its source (by being trapped in a glacier lake, for example), then there is no net movement of mass away from the glacier or ice Some of the effects of polar ice caps melting include rising sea levels. The release of the airborne toxin killed the child and 2,000 deer within a matter of weeks. The climate is not so hot because the sunlight that strikes the ice caps is reflected back to space. Cooler water could change the flow of tropical currents and wreak havoc on the weather systems of the North Atlantic and its adjoining land masses. Can we respond in time? One expert who thinks we might have is sea ice specialist and, , who says we might be left with a catastrophe for humanity. Lets hope his final words on the topic are not the final words for the planet: The time for action has long since passed., The Path to Earth Day: The Disasters and Dreamers That Sparked a Global Movement, Fukushima: The Costliest Disaster in History. This US Weather Service video captures the striking picture of the area losing ice from 1987 to 2014. Can we cope with peak water and peak oil at the same time? These are some of the issues Lester R. Brown skilfully distils in World on the Edge. As explored in the bracing MagellanTV documentary. The NASA has stated that until 1933 the rise of global sea levels was only at 1.7 millimeters per year. Rapid environmental change due to ice melt (Arctic amplification). Experts believe such weather events will only increase as the poles continue to warm. Still Alarming. Some areas experienced cold as extreme as 40 degrees below zero, and a windchill of -75 degrees Fahrenheit. Another is the effect of rising temperatures carried by global wind patterns to the poles, causing intensified temperature changes there. Diminishing ice and snow at the poles now portend that the poles may be in the process of transforming from stabilizers of climate to engines of climate change in themselves. Now its reachable by ship and is currently being, Over the past 150 years, scientists note, the period of, full ice and snow cover in the Arctic has been reduced by 19 days, Rising sea and air temperatures correlate with earlier snowmelt, the reduction of sea ice in the Arctic, and shorter months of cold weather in non-summer months. When ice is exposed to heat, it melts. . Examples of these animals are the seals and the polar bears. It takes only about a month for any change in Antarctica's weather to be felt in North Americapretty remarkable when you consider that Antarctica is 12,874 kilometers (8,000 miles) away. Very briefly, these include: Melting sea ice and the exposure of ocean water at the poles (the albedo effect). Climate Change: Evidence and Causes is a jointly produced publication of The US National Academy of Sciences and The Royal Society. Let's Talk with Gerd Wendler about Studying Polar Climate. The release of the airborne toxin killed the child and 2,000 deer within a matter of weeks. Greenlands melting ice sheet will add another 20 feet to sea level rise. The polar regions serve as vast air conditioning systems to help regulate and stabilize Earths climate. The United States has enduring national and strategic interests in the polar regions, including citizens living above the Arctic circle and three year-round scientific stations in the Antarctic. As our planet heats up due to global climate change, many effects are surfacing. However, because of rising temperatures at the poles, the white surface is no longer solid and unbroken. Coastal regions are the most vulnerable to rising sea levels. What remains after ice cracks and melts isnt white. Many interrelated natural processes start at the poles and inexorably drift south from the Arctic, and north from the Antarctic, to affect our climate and our lives. Known to be found only in the Arctic circle, polar bears are titans of the icy tundra. For the most part, sea ice expands during winter months and melts during summer months, but in certain regions, some sea ice remains year-round. As more gases are created, more heat is trapped in Earth's atmosphere, and the average temperature of Earth's air and oceans increases. As climate scientists have explained, meteorological processes that happen on Earth tend to be. But have we passed the tipping point? The Polar ice caps melting may change our world maps, as a result of the flooding that is caused. Warm air from the sea melts ice on the Arctic land and Greenland ice sheets that drains into the sea rising sea level explains a Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies report . The Arctic Climate System provides a comprehensive and accessible overview of the subject for researchers and advanced students in a wide range of disciplines. Although knowledgable people understand that the melting of the floating ice of the arctic will not affect the level of the ocean there are people who erroneously tie the possible melting of the arctic ice cap to the flooding of coastal areas around the world. Found insideVanishing Ice is a powerful depiction of the dramatic transformation of the cryospherethe world of ice and snowand its consequences for the human world. The GRACE mission concluded science operations in June 2017. What's better than watching ice melt? Worse, those temperatures stay elevated, even storing heat for the remaining months of the year. Today, habitat destruction, climate change, and new pesticides have dramatically increased the threat to the food chain. Directions, ticket info, and visitor tips. New York, NY 10024-5102Phone: 212-769-5100. The Insect Apocalypse and Pesticides: Has Rachel Carsons Silent Spring Arrived? Now its reachable by ship and is currently being exploited for minerals as well as oil. And those colors absorb much more of the Suns heating rays than a solid white surface does. One affects another, and they all eventually will affect atmospheric conditions around the world. One example is the albedo effect. And when ice on land melts and water runs into the ocean, sea level rises. Thawing permafrost and the release of greenhouse gases. There are numerous effects, ranging from extreme natural events (including droughts and flooding), to sea level and temperature changes, to the possibility of toxins, including deadly viruses, finding their way into the environment as ice and permafrost melt and release gases and other elements into the environment. The answer is unknown and concerning. This is because the researches have shown that the rate of the melting of the ice caps is going on at an alarming rate. This is especially true for the animals located in the Arctic area. One expert who thinks we might have is sea ice specialist and ocean physicist Peter Wadhams, who says we might be left with a catastrophe for humanity. Lets hope his final words on the topic are not the final words for the planet: The time for action has long since passed.. Ice shelves are massive, floating platforms of ice that surround the ice-covered continents of Antarctica and Greenland. The cryosphere encompasses all regions of the planet that experiences water in ice form for some portion of the year. In this book, authors Melody Sandells and Daniela Flocco deliver an introduction to the physics of the cryosphere. The normal surface color of the polar ice caps is a frosty white. and events like 2012s Hurricane Sandy, which ravaged the northeastern coast of the U.S., as well as the so-called Snowmageddon winter disasters of 2009 in Canada and 2010 in the U.S. , and Other Dangers Trapped in Melting Ice and Permafrost, Of all the dangers associated with melting polar ice, this facet of polar climate change is in some ways the most worrying. It may actually change how long a day is. However, when sunlight falls on earth, only 20% of the heat is deflected and 80% is absorbed. This text brings together meteorology and the theory of glacier flow, providing a fundamental understanding of how glaciers respond to climate change. Let's Talk with David Bromwich about Meteorology in the Poles. Another example, drawn from global storm patterns, is found in, massive thunderstorms that are common in tropical waters. And, in fact, they already have. Life in the icy Arctic isn't so hard if you're prepared! As explored in the bracing MagellanTV documentary Arctic Peril, restoring the poles to their pristine, pre-greenhouse gas levels of ice cover cannot be accomplished easily. And lets also consider whether whats happening can be slowed or halted for our sake and that of the entire planet. 12. The north shore of Siberia, well within the Arctic Circle, used to be inaccessible due to ice. According to NASA, the polar ice caps are melting at an alarming rate of 9% per decade. The melting ice causes the polar bears to have no home or hunting grounds. An astounding photograph and two ecological What happened when an earthquake, a tsunami, and nuclear reactor meltdowns combined to devastate a populated region of Rachel Carsons Silent Spring sounded the warning that DDT was decimating critical insect populations. Ice Sheets. at the poles. As confirmed by scientists, the ice caps melting accelerate the rate of rising sea levels. But starting 1993 the rate has drastically increased to 3.33 millimeters per year. Even incremental change, such as limiting carbon emissions into the atmosphere around the globe, can at least slow the pace and potential destructiveness of unchecked climate change. As mind-numbing as these temperatures may seem, worse might be yet to come. If one food source is affected in the biosphere, a domino effects begins and within a short period of time, most of the animals will be suffering from starvation almost year-round. Over the past 150 years, scientists note, the period of full ice and snow cover in the Arctic has been reduced by 19 days. Researchers theorize that a 2016 heat wave exposed the carcass of a reindeer that was infected with anthrax from 75 years earlier. When the Antarctic melts, climate experts state that sea levels can rise to 200 feet and more. Very briefly, these include: Its important to note that all these processes are simultaneous and interconnected. Permafrost melting and exposing formerly frozen tundra have been implicated in a Siberian boys. Melting Glaciers: Clues to Climate Change. Found insideUnderstanding climate change requires analysis of its effects in specific contexts, and the case studies in this volume offer examples of such issues. "Arctic Melting: Polar Ice Cap." How do melting ice caps affect the polar bears? Ice flow plays an important role in everything from deep ocean circulation patterns to global warming. The Arctic and the Antarctic are both experiencing rapid, extreme changes. This process redistributes heat from its tropical origins to the extreme northern and southern latitudes, thereby intensifying heat at the poles. The addition of cold, moist air and freshwater runoff from ice packs into this ocean circulation is projected to disrupt the system within this century. **This is the chapter slice "Melting Ice Sheets" from the full lesson plan "Climate Change: Effects"** Students gain an understanding of the effects of climate change on the environment and human life. Interior officials were scheduled to make their decision on polar bears on Jan. 9, but postponed it for a month, citing the complexity of the situation. Even if the ice caps were to be melting slower than usual, this is not a sigh of relief in saying that all is well and that humans should ignore the melting polar ice caps along with all the many other effects of climate change.. Experts believe such weather events will only increase as the poles continue to warm. the climate polar, tropical or temperate and their thermal conditions cold, hot or polythermal base . , finding their way into the environment as ice and permafrost melt and release gases and other elements into the environment. If the seals are low, Alaskan natives might have to move to another animal to hunt. The melting of polar ice has many effects: The melting of Antarctic ice has lead to a rise in sea level notes the study published in Nature in late 2016. After the Larsen B Antarctic ice shelf broke up in 2002, glaciers behind the shelf began flowing into the sea much more quickly. Found insideIn The Big Thaw, the editors bring together experts, advocates, and academic professionals who address the serious issue of how climate change in the Circumpolar Arctic is affecting and will continue to affect environments, cultures, The effects caused by the melting of Arctic ice, if the polar ice caps melted, would be relatively small. Mostly because water from the Antarctic ice cap would run into the ocean, the world's oceans would rise by about 200 feet (61 m) if the polar ice caps melted. The Arctic heats at twice the speed of the rest of the planet because of the warming Gulf Stream, hotter summers, and the albedo effect. If All of Our Ice Melted, Our Sea Would Rise 216 Feet. Halting Extreme Changes: Have We Run Out of Time? . This was the case in January 2019, when an Arctic vortex unexpectedly dipped southward to the American Midwest. The Arctic in the Anthropocene reviews research questions previously identified by Arctic researchers, and then highlights the new questions that have emerged in the wake of and expectation of further rapid Arctic change, as well as new Early in 2020, during the Southern Hemispheres mid-summer season, parts of Antarctica had an extended heat wave during which the, temperature rose to 69 degrees Fahrenheit, on the northern Antarctic peninsula, a reading so far above the typical below-freezing summer seasonal highs that even veteran climate-watchers were stunned. This is critically important for the stability of the climate, for that reflected light from an unbroken white surface returns much of the solar heat to space, thus keeping the Arctic and Antarctic cold underneath. Impacts will be global. The former North Pole ice pack was up to 150 feet in depth, but it has weakened and thinned; in summer months, the ice has started to disappear. The author discusses the geopolitics of food security in the face of scarcity caused by falling water tables, soil erosion and global warming and supports his position that food is the new oil through an examination of decades of Viruses, bacteria, and other infectious biological agents can easily be released as solid ice turns to liquid and gas. Found insideIce, the magic crystal -- A brief history of ice on planet Earth -- The modern cycle of ice ages -- The greenhouse effect -- Sea ice meltback begins -- The future of Arctic sea ice the death spiral -- The accelerating effects of Arctic In the Arctic Circle, temperatures are rising at three times the average rate of the rest of the world. 11. Despite valid concerns that melting ice caps could endanger polar bears in the long-run, their numbers appear to be actually increasing for the time being, due to more hospitable conditions. If the release of large amounts of CO2 and CH4 isnt disturbing enough for you, think about this: An even more insidious danger is present in melting ice. Another of the effects of polar ice caps melting is the general warming of the planet. As mind-numbing as these temperatures may seem, worse might be yet to come. This monumental change is triggering a cascade of effects that will amplify global warming and In Greenland, for example, the ice sheet that covers Earths largest island is shrinking and melting, exposing Greenlands rocky shores and even creating ponds and lakes on the surface of the ice sheet. Melting glaciers add to rising sea levels, which in turn increases coastal erosion and elevates storm surge as warming air and ocean temperatures create more frequent and intense coastal storms like hurricanes and typhoons. The top of the world is turning from white to blue in summer as the ice that has long covered the north polar seas melts away. Travel to the edge of the Greenland Ice Sheet to find out what could happen if global warming melts it and the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. How do changes in the Arctic and Antarctic affect weather and climate and other factors around the rest of the planet? Its important to note that all these processes are simultaneous and interconnected. But with the ice caps melting it would be hard for them to live. Swim Farther!Polar bears arehaving to swimfarther distances inbetween ice caps,causing them to geteasily exhaustedand drown. Melting is becoming a major issue normal surface color of the polar ice caps affect the polar ice cap,! Presented in this book offers a comprehensive insight into the phenomenon of climate change and Coronavirus Two, hot or polythermal base analyses and information drawn from global storm patterns, found!: Answers to Guiding Questions and hurricanes during storm seasons cold as extreme as degrees! 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