Check your BMI

  What does your number mean ? What does your number mean ?

What does your number mean?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults.

BMI values are age-independent and the same for both sexes.
The health risks associated with increasing BMI are continuous and the interpretation of BMI gradings in relation to risk may differ for different populations.

As of today if your BMI is at least 35 to 39.9 and you have an associated medical condition such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure or if your BMI is 40 or greater, you may qualify for a bariatric operation.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Claros.

< 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal Weight
25 – 29.9 Overweight
30 – 34.9 Class I Obesity
35 – 39.9 Class II Obesity
≥ 40 Class III Obesity (Morbid)

What does your number mean?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults.

BMI values are age-independent and the same for both sexes.
The health risks associated with increasing BMI are continuous and the interpretation of BMI gradings in relation to risk may differ for different populations.

As of today if your BMI is at least 35 to 39.9 and you have an associated medical condition such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure or if your BMI is 40 or greater, you may qualify for a bariatric operation.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Claros.

< 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal Weight
25 – 29.9 Overweight
30 – 34.9 Class I Obesity
35 – 39.9 Class II Obesity
≥ 40 Class III Obesity (Morbid)

total quality management tools

Found inside Page 43If the child custody rules in the California codes are commands (orders backed by a threat), then in our example the unmarried mother is the person at whom 2021 Law Offices of Leon F. Bennett. However, the unwed mother has to be perfectly fit in the eyes of the court to be granted full custody. The amount of child support depends on the financial capacity of the parent. Parentage of the child must first be established before any custody issues are pursued. The courts can award sole custody to one parent or award joint custody to both parents. allow such visits. Winning custody of your kids when you and your ex separate is not an easy task, especially because most courts prefer some form of shared or joint custody. Generally, a parent who has a permanent order for sole physical custody (also called "primary physical custody") can move away with the children unless the other parent can show that the move would harm the children. All Rights Reserved, The custody process involves the childs physical and legal bond with the parent and the maintenance of those bonds. California Custody Laws for Unmarried Parents. She was timely and professional and brainstormed ways in which to approach the agreement. However, payments of child support in California can't be forced without a court order, and unfortunately it's common for a contributing parent to suddenly stop or reduce payments . In order for the family court to issue child One of our skilled child custody attorneys for mothers can help you keep both physical and legal custody of your child. child support orders, paternity would have to be established first. The Rights of Unmarried Parents Who Are Both Legal Parents Best interest parameters usually include things like: The relationship between a child and their parents and other household members; The ability of parents to provide for their child Found inside Page 890Custody and Visitation Laws Courts decide issues of child custody and Today, in California, the parent's sexual orientation or gender identity is no Same-Sex . What kind of custody is an unmarried father likely to get? The child's health. Map & Directions [+]. The Law Offices of Leon F. Bennett handles cases throughout Southern California and the Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Riverside and Orange County areas. Temporary absence or relocation of a parent from the family residence. This is a mistake. These rights remain regardless of the relationship between the parents, mainly if they were married or not when the child was born. After paternity is established either through a presumption of paternity, an acknowledgment of paternity, or an adjudication of paternity, the court will determine custody, visitation, and child support. The court will also want to know: If you are the mother, what are your thoughts on visitation? In these cases, the child's mother and father are treated equally with equal rights. There is no need for unwed mothers to take legal actions to fight for the childs custodial rights, even the decision to determine the fathers role in their childs life. Both parties can create a legal agreement regarding the contribution, or the court can order the final percentage or amount of child support to be provided by both parents. Los Angeles child support laws apply differently to unmarried and married parents. out or if he did know and decides he wants to ask the court for custody Related: Child Custody Laws in California for Unmarried Parents. If a parent has physical custody, the child lives with the parent at least some of the time.If the parent has legal custody, the parent has the right to make important decisions about a child's upbringing.. If you are dealing with issues of divorce, spousal support, child custody, or other family matters, contact the Law Office of Heath L. Baker. Call our Cerritos child custody attorneys now at 888-765-2902 today to schedule a free, no obligation phone consultation regarding your matter. This can come from a Voluntary Declaration of Paternity (VDOP), or through a court order. We cannot provide legal advice until an initial payment is secured, and you do thus establish the attorney/client privacy privileges. The text reveals how all the puzzle pieces of the judicial process fit together -- judges, attorneys, mental health experts, children, spouses -- and how to overcome many of the obstacles they will confront along the way. The right to decide where the child lives; The right to decide who watches the child; The right to enroll the child in daycare or school; The right to take the child to the doctor or hospital; The right to receive public benefits for the child; and. What is the childs relationship with his or her other family members. If the father knew about the child, did he make an effort to be in the Found insideB058579, Other, 03 California (State). at the very least , the natural trend of the law is to favor these rights . father of the baby whose custody is biological and legal father, but when an unmarried woman gives birth to Suite 300 So, in most cases, legal parentage is automatically established. about your childs health and safety, its a good idea to The judge makes the final decision about custody and visitation but usually will approve the arrangement (the parenting plan) that both parents agree on. Custody Rights for Unmarried Couples. Does the father have a history of domestic violence, sexual offenses, violent The child's preference, if mature and old enough for consideration. When we say that unmarried mothers have physical custody, it means that Child Custody Laws for Unmarried Parents in Michigan | Oakland County Family Law Attorney In most cases, the courts will award joint legal custody to both parents, meaning they jointly decide about the childs daycare and have the same rights and responsibilities. Suite 300, When a person has sole legal custody of a child, that parent alone makes the important decisions about the child's education, health, and welfare. California law automatically assumes both parents are the biological parents if they are married at the time of the birth. crimes, or drug offenses? Mothers wanting to keep custody of their child should contact Her Lawyer. the current custody situation is written in stone. Heres what you need to know about Californias child custody laws for unmarried parents. The court can also award temporary custody of a child if necessary during the custody and dispute process. California Custody Laws for Unmarried Parents. Unless youre Lawyers can help you decide what type of custody agreement is the right course of action for your situation. But there are no specific child custody laws in California for fathers not married to the child's mother. What is the physical and mental health of both parents? If both parents are legally registered, then the question of who has a claim to rights becomes relatively straightforward. Mother: As a rule, in most states, if the parents are not married, the mother is automatically given primary custody rights over the children. where they stand legally in regard to child custody. If youre a mother looking to keep custody of your children, contact Her Lawyer to get in touch with one of our experienced child custody attorneys. For unmarried, legal parents, any disputes related to children are handled by the courts in the same way . Ultimately, the court has to establish the best custody arrangement that will benefit the child, whether it involves one or both parents. mother and Child custody laws vary from state to state, and considerations vary by court and even by the judge, but all states work to determine the best interests of the child. Our firm fully understands the concerns of unmarried parents and can handle all the details of your case on your behalf. of our legal team. case or situation. Child custody is a legal terminology referring to the rights of legal parents or guardians to have custody over the child. The notice should be sent at least 45 days before the proposed moveto allow the parents to work out a new custody or visitation agreement. When unmarried parents separate, they don't need to file for divorce or worry about changing names. However, the goal of granting custody is to determine the environment ideal for the childs future. custody of your child. A father's legal obligation is often established through paternity testing. When the parents are married, the law automatically assumes that the married people are the child's legal parents. The information on this website is for general information purposes only. 12400 Wilshire Blvd, Readers learn how to: minimize conflict identify a child's needs and concerns negotiate effectively accommodate the special needs of nontraditional families use state-by-state charts to get an overview of custody laws and If parents who are not married decide to separate, they should consult an experienced family lawyer, preferably one who practices child custody. religious upbringing, and where your child lives. Child abuse should be reported. California Family Code Section 7610 provides that an unmarried mother automatically gains custody of her child upon birth. Generally, the mother and father are treated separately in the family court. 100 percent true, we encourage you to continue reading and if you have This means that unwed mothers have Unmarried parents can request child support orders in parentage cases. We provide legal consultations in the state of California only. Found inside Page 287Parent and Child Under the common law , the father was the preferred natural guardian of the person of a minor child and as such had the care , custody Essays on policies, programs, and ethical issues. When a couple is married and a child is born, the law presumes that the husband is the biological father and the wife is the biological mother. Generally speaking, unmarried biological mothers automatically gain custody of a child upon birth. Two common exceptions to "status quo" under California child custody laws 1. " describes and analyzes three types of agreements: premarital agreements, postmarital agreements, and domestic partnership agreements. Presents the full text of "America's Fathers and Public Policy: Report of a Workshop," edited by Nancy A. Crowell and Ethel M. Leeper. This website is not intended to be used by or relied upon by employers or by anyone outside of the state of California. Under California child custody laws, fathers and mothers are considered equally eligible for custody or visitation. of the time. In California, a court makes decisions about which type of custody is most appropriate based on what is best for the child. The court can award sole or shared custody to either or both parents. Within the context of a family court proceeding, California law is very clear that physical abuse is a proper reason to lose custody of a child. CHILD CUSTODY FAMILY LAW FOR UNMARRIED PARENTS. Your first consultation is free. concerned that the childs father could endanger your child in any It is completely up to the mothers discretion whether to allow the child to see their father. Unmarried fathers do not have legal custody of their children unless they establish legal paternity. he found out? childs life? In Win Your Divorce nationally recognized attorney/mediator Rick D. Banks shows you how to avoid the painful, expensive court process and achieve an inexpensive, virtually painless divorce in record time. custody or Although the COVID-19 vaccine is only available to children 12 or older, its expected that younger age groups will be cleared for Child custody disputes are some of the hardest family law issues to go through, let alone settle. Los Angeles, Well get you in touch with the right attorney for your needs and preferences. The court is entitled to authenticate if the mother has the capacity to take care of the child under legal requirements and perform parental responsibilities when given the custody. Found inside Page 8045 The Juvenile Court may compel the parents , if there are any especially children of the unmarried mother , for " the new law was limited to the permitted visitation in the past. An unmarried mother has the natural or primary right to custody of children born outside marriage. 2021 The court considers a number of different factors, including: The age of the child. Get experienced, effective representation from the North Bay's finest family law attorneys. Unmarried Mothers in California: You Have Legal Custody. If both parents seek joint custody, you will have to agree that you can offer support and discuss the terms of physical and legal custody responsibilities. demand custody or visitation. 1.1. Found inside Page 28Rptr.383 Determination of child custody raises two constitutional issues : the and the rights of the child to have an upbringing by her two parents Once an unmarried father establishes legal paternity of their child, they can make decisions on the childs behalf. If youre reading up on Californias child custody laws for unmarried parents, contact us. Unmarried fathers must establish paternity to pursue child custody rights. Unmarried fathers do not automatically have legal or physical custody of their children unless stated by a court order. When two parents have joint physical and legal custody of a child, it means that the court has decided that it is in the child's best interest to live with both parents for some of the time, and for both parents to make decisions for the child's life.This can be one of the most difficult situations for a mother to move away with a child. Washington State Custody Laws and Rights for Unmarried Parents. In California, unmarried mothers have full custody of children born out of wedlock. If one parent isn't legally recognized, however, things get more complicated. Found insidePluralism, paternal preferences, and child custody. California Law Review, 80, 615672. Seltzer, J.A. (1991). Relationship between fathers and children who Found inside Page 613 the mother sole custody of the child.145 In defense of their parental rights under parental custody as a matter ofprinciple to the unmarried mother, any questions, feel free to contact our firm directly to meet with a member Contact Kaspar & Lugay, LLP, online or call 415-789-5881 today. In California, either parent can have custody of the children, or the parents can share custody. it doesnt guarantee a court will automatically award custody, but If both unmarried parents sign the "Voluntary Declaration of Paternity" at the hospital, and it . Child custody is separated into two categories: legal custody and physical custody. In most cases, if all of th e children you are asking the court to address have lived in Oregon for the six months before you file the Petition, Oregon courts can make a decision. In California, mothers have full custody of children born out of wedlock. In simpler translation, it is most commonly referred to as custodial or legal responsibility for the child. She was great! The right to enroll their child (ren) in school. Unmarried parents who wish to obtain custody or visitation orders must first open a family law case, and, if parentage has not been legally established, must first establish legal parentage of the child or children. Whether you're an active duty military service member or you're married to one (or either you or your husband are retired from active duty military service), you're probably wondering what your first steps should be as you consider a This article is for both unmarried mothers and fathers who want to know According to the law pertaining to child custody for unmarried parents in California, you as a father who isn't married have no rights to your child if you haven't established legal paternity. The father has no legal right to see their child without a court order. Found inside Page 447The State of Illinois assumes custody of the children of married parents, divorced parents, and unmarried mothers only after a hearing and proof of neglect. Los Angeles, CA 90025. However, the goal of granting custody is to determine the, The priority of the father who is not married to the mother is to, Both parents, married or unmarried, are responsible for, If parents who are not married decide to separate, they should, parents or guardians to have custody over the child, mother has to be perfectly fit in the eyes of the court. Children born out of wedlock. By submitting this form, you understand that you are not creating an attorney/client relationship. This means the mother cannot demand child support and the father cant The breakdown of a relationship between parents will also have an effect on the parents' relationship with their children. Found inside Page 130( e ) Prenatal clinics may offer prospective parents the opportunity to ( g ) The Department of Child Support Services , at its option , may pay the sum Family court judges make their decisions about custody based on the "best interests of the child" standard. Child custody is often complicated, but when the parents are unmarried, establishing parental rights can make custody, visitation, and child support more problematic. You want the Best Child Custody Attorney and the Top Family Law Lawyers working on your side when you are in a child custody dispute. The 8th edition is completely updated with the latest state rules on divorce, such as property division and grounds for divorce. court is going to consider whats in the childs best interests. Here is an overview of things you should try to avoid doing while trying to win custody. This is particularly important for fathers. The court can also consider what a reasonable parent would do to handle a child custody dispute and determine which parent the child will be happiest with. In these instances, the judge may award sole or primary custody to the father. That's because in California, child custody laws for unmarried parents differ from those for married parents. If unmarried parents decide to file a petition for child custody, the court will schedule a hearing for the case. California Family Code Section 7610 provides that an unmarried mother automatically gains custody of her child upon birth. Some unmarried parents are comfortable having a verbal agreement, with the mother receiving regular but informal financial payments from the father or vice versa. The courts will also consider if youve future, our advice is to allow visitation now. clarity and direction on your case. Then, the court will determine the child's custody based on what's in the children's best interests. Even unmarried fathers that have their name on their childs birth certificate do not have legal or physical custody of their child. Obtaining or submitting information through this website does not create an attorney-client and/or confidential relationship. RM Law Group, LLP is committed to comprehensive advocacy, professionalism, and compassionate representation. In court, unmarried fathers may try to argue that the mother is unfit to parent. Unmarried mothers will almost always receive primary physical custody of a newborn baby. Found inside Page 12Laws presuming that a man is the father ( paternity presumption laws ) may An unmarried father suffering the disappearance of his child may first have Unless you are concerned Emotional ties the child has with each parent. We're here for you 24/7. With this book as your guide, you will be able to navigate this difficult process and learn powerful skills that will help you maintain a healthy relationship with your kids, fight unfair accusations, and uphold your rights as a parent. Whether married or unmarried, an individual is considered to be a legal parent of a child if he or she is a biological parent or has adopted the child. by law, they have the right to have their child live with them 100 percent WHAT ARE THE RIGHTS OF UNMARRIED FATHERS IN CALIFORNIA? A child is entitled to support from both parents. Law Offices of Leon F. Bennett 6320 Canoga Avenue, Suite 1400 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 818.888.7731. or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship. The unmarried father does not have reciprocal rights to a biological child until legal paternity is established. Share Your Love, Share Your Stories! Your grandchild is the cherished next chapter of your family's story. Let this guided journal help you share your own chapter of this story with your grandchild. Found inside Page iiMental health professionals who conduct child custody evaluations, including psychiatrists, clinical psychologists clinical social workers, family and marriage counselors, and licensed clinical professional counselors, will appreciate the The law does not distinguish between married and unmarried parents, or between those who are heterosexual and those who are lesbian or gay. Celina, Texas Child Custody Attorney Lawyer Helping Divorcing Spouses and Unmarried Parents Address Custody and Visitation in Celina, TX. Because the outcome of every custody decision could impact the child's welfare and happiness, this book is used to help prepare parties for the legal proceedings ahead. If the father voluntarily provides child support for a time, he may eventually stop giving the funds at some point. These rights are also called custody and visitation. This book explains and addresses: How to choose an attorney How to impeach court experts How to gather evidence How to expose a personality disorder How to investigate your case Child Custody A to Z is replete with case studies that tell " The Savvy Woman s Guide to Divorce in Washington can help anyone anywhere understand the basic truths about divorce that will keep you from making common but often tragic and costly mistakes. California has specific guidelines to determine custody of children born out of wedlock. Found insideClosing Death's Door is brought to vivid life by the stories of individuals and groups that have played leading roles in the nation's struggle with iatrogenic injury, and is essential reading for medical and legal professionals, as well as As a general rule, the court will not award temporary custody unless it is likely the parent will have the childs best interests at heart. When two people have a child out of wedlock, custody of the child is immediately awarded to the mother, though the father may pursue custody for a variety of reasons. You may need answers to questions that require legal advice. Child Child custody laws in Texas for unmarried parents work the same as they do for married parents. Child Child custody laws in Texas for unmarried parents work the same as they do for married parents. If the father did not know about the child, what was his response when Both parents will have equal rights regarding their children, but the decisions regarding child custody and child support will still need to be determined. the offenses? Without doing so, unmarried fathers are unable to receive parental rights, even if they are the child's biological father and have acted as a father in the child's life. 6320 Canoga Avenue, Suite 1400 Woodland Hills, CA 91367. It will assist you in helping people apply for, establish eligibility for, & continue to receive SSI benefits for as long as they remain eligible. This publication can also be used as a training manual & as a reference tool. 1. it when a parent encourages the other parent to see their child and they When a woman is married, the law assumes her husband is the childs No legal action is required to assert her custodial rights. established. Does the father have a history of substance abuse and if so, how recent was it? Unmarried Parents - Custody / Visitation Orders. on the facts of the case. In reality, the courts If you are an unmarried mother with custody of your child, this topic may interest you especially. No legal action is required to assert her custodial rights. Child support to be awarded. A respondent is the person who answers the other parent's Petition to establish custody and parenting time under the statute for unmarried parents (ORS 109.103) and to establish child support.If you were served with such a petition and if you do not agree with ALL requests in the petition, you need to decide whether to file a "response." If you are awarded joint custody, both parents must abide by the custody agreement you have reached with the court. Found inside Page 27Institutions and foster homes must keep record of the dates of parents ' visits and Where an unmarried mother retains the custody of the child , he is Call us today to schedule a free consultation to learn more about your rights and discuss all legal options to identify the best strategy for your situation. can still make a custody decision. a child, the child does not have a legal father until paternity is legally The unwed mother will have full responsibility for the childs holistic wellbeing, including living arrangements, education, health care, etc. If they are not married, the father must establish paternity. The state recognizes the mother as a parent as soon as a child is born. In California and all other states, mothers have legal custody of their Does the father have a criminal record and if so, what was the nature of Unmarried parents do have some unique family law challenges to get through, however.. For instance, when a couple is married and a child is born, both parents automatically are granted parental rights for the child. The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) is a law that controls which state can decide issues of custody and parenting time. However, just because a DNA test is confirmed, While the unmarried mother usually has parental rights in California as a given, she may find problems with having custody and acquiring child support when not legally married to anyone in the state. Generally, California courts favor custody and visitation arrangements that allow both parents to be involved in the . Found inside Page 450Unmarried mothers: Women who had a transient, unmarried relationship with their in the California study had never married their child's other parent. Unmarried mothers have all the rights of a parent including: The right to make the decision about who can see the child and for how long. power, such as the power to decide on your childs healthcare, education, Presenting a new framework for understanding the complex but vital relationship between legal history and the family, Michael Grossberg analyzes the formation of legal policies on such issues as common law marriage, adoption, and rights for The court-appointed legal representative will review the case and help determine if only one or both parents are more likely to be an effective custodial parent/s. Custody arrangements. Los Angeles child support laws apply differently to unmarried and married parents. In California, unmarried mothers have full custody of children born out of wedlock. Chapter 2 analyzes the clinical issues that must be considered in serving children, parents, and kinship caregivers. Chapters 3 and 4 provide guidance on child welfare practice with kinship families. Once parentage is established, the court may make orders for child support, health insurance, child custody, visitation, name change, reimbursement of pregnancy and birth expenses . The only way for fathers to gain parental rights to custody and visitation of their child is by establishing legal paternity. Super Lawyers is a registered trademark of Thomson Reuters. An unmarried mother has legal custody without having to go to court. Child Custody to Unmarried Parents in Arizona. One of our attorneys can draft and submit a child custody agreement that fits your specific needs as an unmarried parent. the parents havent asked for a DNA test, that doesnt mean should consider letting him have reasonable visitation. But although they aren't legally required to get a court order to determine custody or child support, formally documenting these details protects parents' rights to child support, custody and visitation in the long term. Child custody is separated into two categories: legal custody and physical custody. A "how to" guide for getting the payments owed to you and your children. Lists state and federal offices to contact for more information. Legal Custody Parents may enjoy joint or sole legal custody of their children. This information is not intended to create, and receipt People often worry about losing some or 12400 Wilshire Blvd Otherwise, your child's mother may move away and even deny you visitation rights no matter how much you may object to this. California law automatically assumes that married parents are the legal parents of a child born during the marriage, but does not assume so with unmarried parents. 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    Growing up, and maxing out at a statuesque 5’0”, there was never anywhere for the extra pounds to hide.

  • Before



    After years of yo-yo dieting I was desperate to find something to help save my life.

  • Before



    Like many people, I’ve battled with my weight all my life. I always felt like a failure because I couldn’t control this one area of my life.

  • Before


    Mary Lizzie

    It was important to me to have an experienced surgeon and a program that had all the resources I knew I would need.