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Found inside Page 295Compound sentences aresentences with two or more simple sentences (independent as, because, before, if, since, when, where, while, until, and unless. For example, you would use simple sentences and short words if your readers were children, while an audience of engineers would call for more technical language and longer sentences. C: Simple While Loop. Sometimes the progressive emphasizes the ongoing aspect, but it is rarely essential for meaning (or for gramatical correctness). In other words, a simple sentence has no dependent clauses. If you want to know if "while" can be used at the beginning of a . one long + one long action e.g. Sometimes the backshifted version might be ambiguous as to meaning, if that version was looked at in isolation; context will often make it clear as to the intended meaning. When an independent and a dependent clause join together to form a complex sentence, they can go in either order. IMO doesn't sound idiomatic without licensing context: "Why didn't George go down and make sure the car was ready for Anne?" The simple sentence is the most basic of the sentences. The sentence could be used to express past habitual meaning. Is this the case here? to see clearly from an angle. Photo Competition 2021-09-06: Relationships. "Preterite" means the same thing as "a past-tense form of a verb".). The conjunctions 'when' and 'while' are commonly used to connect the past continuous with the past simple in a sentence. The simplification can only take place when the actions/events described by both verbs are the same length. Your #B version uses backshifted preterites, which is allowable because the matrix clause verb "thought" is itself a preterite. Found inside Page 153A series of simple sentences or complex sentences are not idiomatically the meaning this story was very funny, Bill kept laughing while reading can be 'He was waiting while she was combing her hair.' Simple Sentences. TRUE / FALSE. Definitions and examples demonstrate how important complex sentences can be when varying your writing style. Found inside Page 103 i.e. a short, simple sentence, with very few lexical items. While none of the lexical items included is labelled as informal they are all highly This activity was created by a Quia Web subscriber. Remember these 6 openings and you can write anything you want! D. simple sentence A . site design / logo 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. A complex sentence is one with an independent clause and at least one dependent clause. Here are 50 sentences of present continuous tense. 1. The example you quoted obviously belongs to the latter case. A simple sentence is composed of a single independent clause with a subject and a verb or predicate that expresses a complete thought or idea. Found inside Page 309Reading performance was also related to a range of tasks, although the While reading fluency requires reading of simple sentences and making a While using a conjunction at the beginning of a sentence can add emphasis, it's an informal means of doing so. Here's a short passage with my problem zone and the subsequent question: Well, I'm going to go do more Officser sstuff," Walter said I think that in most cases we would tend to use the simple past BUT I believe you can use the progressive tense as well. It is referred to as "independent" because, while it might be part of a compound or complex sentence, it can also stand by itself as a complete sentence. When these two types of clauses appear in a sentence . 1. Compound Sentence C. Complex Sentence D. Compound-Complex Sentence. The preterites that you are asking about in your 2nd version are backshifted preterites. Numerous verbs convey an ongoing activity and appear in all tenses, both simple and proressive. In some sentences, you can use either without a great change in meaning. Found inside Page 174While the former may not be intersubstitutable salva veritate within simple sentences, surely the later are. My response here would be to challenge the A. Generally, if you want to focus on an action that has a duration being in progress, use a while + a progressive tense. Found insideEnglish sentences could be categorized as follows: A. Simple Sentence B. In this sentence, colleague is a subject, while my is an attribute. Steve is reading a book now. This is known as an independent clause, because it can stand on its own. There's a useful acronym to help students remember these coordinating conjunctions - FANBOYS . Select the term that correctly identifies each sentence or underlined part of a sentence. Present and past participles misleading terms? While i was studying, my mother made (make) a cake. 5. A complex sentence is a sentence that contains one independent and at least one dependent clause (sometimes called a subordinate clause). Found inside(A simple sentence is a sentence without a secondary sentence or clause.) Try starting a simple sentence with any of While John was weeding the garden. The simple sentence is the most basic of the sentences. A simple sentence is a sentence with one independent clause. In the present continuous tense, each verb has two parts. After Dan finished his shift, he went to the library to study. Brad came to dinner with us. English. Where have you been all this while. She is going to Shanghaiing Sunday. MI7 agent. Found inside Page 333In contrast to this Gestalt hypothesis of a unitary memory trace, the associationist hypothesis dictates that a simple sentence be represented by a (While) + (Past Continuous Tense) + (,) (Simple Past Tense) (Simple Past Tense) + (while) + (Past Continuous Tense) The same sentence can be rewritten as in the second formulation when "while" and emphasized clause are consecutive. We use when, while and as to talk about situations or actions that occur simultaneously. I would like to tell you how grateful I am for your lovely website and your way of motivating people to learn or improve English. With simple past ate the sentence means that the dogs devoured his steaks at some time during his shower.. With were eating the sentence means that his showering and their devouring were ongoing at the same time. It doesn't say anything about phrases. Sitting on a branch the monkey gibbered. one short + one long action, the past continuous is used for the longer 'background' event in contrast. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. The afternoon had been long. Note: The main clause and as / while clauses can be in reversed order. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. "Can I use 'while' at the beginning of a sentence?" and "Can 'While' be used at the beginning of a sentence?", while apparently similar on the surface, are very different questions. She recognized me at once. As I was sleeping, the door bell rang. Found inside Page 243A complex sentence is a combination of a simple sentence and a dependent While it was estimated to have been 6.3 billion in 2000, the population of the Why is the simple past used and not the past continuous as in. Found inside Page 1In such sentences , it is argued that the displaced element ( who , peanuts , thus far and no further ) , while overtly in sentence - initial position James Joyce was a great master of stream of consciousness. The farmer killed the hen that laid golden eggs. 5 Rules for Building a Grammatically Correct Sentence. EXAMPLE 1. My parents hassled me a lot about doing my homework and stuff while i was growing up, but now i'm happy they did because it taught me good study habits. Tom is learning grammar rules. The Past Continuous, or Past Progressive is used for the longer/est of two or more simultaneous actions or events in the past. A predicate is a part of a sentence or clause that contains the verb. John cooked supper while I watched TV. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. We use both when and while as conjunction of a complex sentence to express the time of the action of the verb of the principal clause. rev2021.9.7.40154. He was waiting while she was combing her hair. The phone rang while he was having a shower. Copyright 2008-2014. . Bruno tends to get bored sitting on the beach, watching the waves, getting sand in his swimsuit, and reading detective novels for a week. In short, I would say that either option is fine to use. and 'He was waiting while she combed her hair (= until she had finished combing ) .' C. complex sentence. Put it at the end of the clause that while introduces. A sentence that expresses only one complete thought is a simple sentence. It's a complex sentence. This volume introduces several simple sentence and compound sentence structures of modern Chinese grammar. In addition, the authors examine discourse and other larger units of sentences in use. Complex Sentence. A simple sentence has the most basic elements that make it a sentence: a subject, a verb, and a completed thought. Simple sentence structure. Learn the different parts of a complex sentence. Sentence types can also be combined. (should we use WHEN instead of WHILE or its ok?). Compound Sentence. From there, it pretty much boils down to so-and-so begot so-and-so, with certain offspring taking the high road while others took the low. Found inside Page 116Thus by the end of training, FSI students could understand an Arabic newspaper article, but couldn't write a simple sentence in Arabic script. Although this 100. State whether the following sentences are simple, complex or compound. The following sentence is a simple sentence. -. Found inside Page 24Answers simple past, when past continuous, while C I Have students complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Knocking loudly at my door, he cried for help. (It so happens that "thought" is a "past time" usage of a preterite.). For example, the original utterance could be, when I say to Tom early in the day: Then later, I could use indirect reported speech in my conversation with a friend, and both of the following are acceptable: The last version uses the backshifted preterite "was"; and backshifting is allowable because the matrix clause's verb "told" is itself a preterite. Simple Sentence. Simple sentences: A simple sentence is an independent clause with no conjunction or dependent clause. The simplest sentence structure in English is subject-verb-object-period, subject-verb-object-period and so on. Found insideBefore he could finish his sentence, Ling Hao had already interrupted her and Although it was just a few simple sentences, it was enough to make Lan Still looking? Found inside Page 188COMPOUND AND COMPLEX SENTENCES . 411. We saw in the last chapter how a sentence , while still remaining simple , could be filled up and made more completely simple. Found inside Page 34Although a single instance cannot be conclusive, we observe that the Indo-European order of enclitics: PARTICLE PRONOUN is preserved. "While" followed by simple past/past continuous, Please welcome Valued Associates: #958 - V2Blast & #959 - SpencerG, Question about tenses used in Seinfeld show: "what you were doing tomorrow night", While + Past Simple + Past Simple vs. A simple sentence can have forty-seven phrases, but only one independent clause. : At the age of three, they would play tag and hide-and-go-seek, while their mothers sat under the shade of an oak tree and talked. e.g. A complex sentence is a sentence that contains one independent and at least one dependent clause (sometimes called a subordinate clause). We were going to extra classes. It includes a subject, a verb, and it expresses a complete thought. Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Example sentences: " All of my sisters are doctors, whereas I am a teacher. "We usually use 'while' to say that two longer actions or situations go/went on at the same time. While he waited at the train station, Joe realized that the train was late. Compound sentences marry two independent clauses together with a conjunction. Simple and Compound Sentences. When these two types of clauses appear in a sentence . Subject Predicate Subordinating Conjunction Coordinating Conjunction Part that cannot stand alone Compound-Complex Sentence Compound-Complex Sentence Mike is popular he is good looking, because he is not very happy. does not occur because it would imply a 'waiting' shorter than the 'combing', which does not make sense in the sentence. Compound sentences: A compound sentence is two independent clauses joined by a conjunction (e.g., and, but, or, for, nor, yet, so). First, a little info about preterites. Let's discuss the main of them. In your second sentence you have a conjunction (while). Here is an example: "Janet writes." In the above example, the subject is "Janet". I'm currently reading "Molly Fyde and the Parsona Rescue" by Hugh Howey. According to Oxford Practical English Usage, the simple past tense can refer to an extended/longer action in 'simultaneous long actions'. Found inside Page 131 Sentences with Noun Clauses So far we have learned that a simple sentence consists of one independent clause , while a compound sentence consists of two I thought "while" contains the element of duration and hence requires a progressive form? one long + one long action Modifiers - words that modify the subject and answer the adjective questions: which, what kind of, how many, how much.. My scared . We can use progressive or simple tenses.While you were reading the paper, I was working.John cooked supper while I watched TV.I think that your answer can be considered correct as well, although it is more comment to write the sentence using the simple past following while. Simple Sentence. Using synonyms isn't always enough to come across as a pro . while A complex sentence joins an independent clause with one or more dependent clauses. Just a comment as native speaker if you use while, youre emphasizing the duration of time (it can be successful over months / years). Your email address will not be published. Found inside Page 51These are called 'simple sentences,' and they are a good starting point to word is the noun and which is the verb in each of the sentences. 7. During 2. I have to say that "I am impressed". (I must admit that as I write those examples the first case with the simple past sounds better! What am I doing wrong? " My husband is allergic to dogs, whereas I'm a dog lover. 2.'ing' form of the base verb. Interestingly, with the past simple, there is an additional possibility. A simple sentence is a sentence with just one independent clause (also called a main clause): Judy laughed. He loves fish tacos. Example: Asad waited for the bus. two continuous tenses having been replaced by two simple ones, for concision's sake. Sometimes there might be ambiguity in meaning due to the possibility that a preterite could be either the backshifted preterite or the "past time" preterite. Found inside Page 229Reading Fluency is a 3-minute measure that investigates rapid comprehension and decision making using simple sentences. While it correlated highly with both A sentence is a group of words that has a subject and verb (also called a predicate) and completes a thought. When while is the first word of your sentence, you obviously shouldn't add a comma in front of it. Joe looked for Mary and Samantha at the bus station, but they arrived at the station before noon and left on the bus before I arrived. She ate . It started sometime in the near past and is still going on. (Complex sentence) 8. If the author had written 'was waiting' instead of 'waited', then the verb would have taken the 'punctive' meaning Edwin Ashworth tells you about; the fact that he chose 'waited' means 'the noticing' is not instantaneous, takes some time to form, the same amount of time 'the waiting' takes; 'the noticing' is dawning upon her, gradually. Sentences: Simple, Compound, and Complex Notes A common weakness in writing is the lack of varied sentences. 1.Present tense form of verb 'to be' - is/am/are - known as helping verb. In the following example, if the average list price of a product is less than $300, the WHILE loop doubles the prices and then selects the maximum price. Found inside Page 213 occur as the main predicates in simple sentences. Some complementiser suffixes can also occur as main predicates, although this is not common. 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