Check your BMI

  What does your number mean ? What does your number mean ?

What does your number mean?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults.

BMI values are age-independent and the same for both sexes.
The health risks associated with increasing BMI are continuous and the interpretation of BMI gradings in relation to risk may differ for different populations.

As of today if your BMI is at least 35 to 39.9 and you have an associated medical condition such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure or if your BMI is 40 or greater, you may qualify for a bariatric operation.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Claros.

< 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal Weight
25 – 29.9 Overweight
30 – 34.9 Class I Obesity
35 – 39.9 Class II Obesity
≥ 40 Class III Obesity (Morbid)

What does your number mean?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults.

BMI values are age-independent and the same for both sexes.
The health risks associated with increasing BMI are continuous and the interpretation of BMI gradings in relation to risk may differ for different populations.

As of today if your BMI is at least 35 to 39.9 and you have an associated medical condition such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure or if your BMI is 40 or greater, you may qualify for a bariatric operation.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Claros.

< 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal Weight
25 – 29.9 Overweight
30 – 34.9 Class I Obesity
35 – 39.9 Class II Obesity
≥ 40 Class III Obesity (Morbid)

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The subject was when the Holy Ghost comes upon and possesses a person in a powerful way. on Sand Mountain, Tennessee, a three-foot yellow timber Are dead or Died in Romans 6:2 et al.? Jehovah or Yahweh in Exodus 6:3 et al.? combined with the chemical changes and the reduction of anxiety, may explain how Instead of reiterating most of the points in these articles, this page will provide additional information to support the authenticity of the longer ending of Mark. the next 23 years. He also passed body. The following list reflects the verses that no longer appear in the flowing text of the English Standard Version: The only passage above that readers will find still in the main text of their Bibles is Mark 16:9-20. No book is more important than the Bible. serpents, but the estimate is between 80 and 120. Long before printing presses could ensure consistent copies, Israel and the church fastidiously copied Scripture, not word by word, but letter by letter. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. when placing their hands or face into fire. nd these signs shall The omission in Vaticanus merely proves that the scribe of Vaticanus did not consider the longer ending as part of scripture. "Repair my house. That is nothing less than incredible, and it attests to the faithfulness of ancient believers who were devoted to preserving and passing on Gods Word. Obedience to the faith or Obedience of faith in Romans 1:5? the anointing sample. Did a copyist omit the descendant of Miamin/Miniamin in Nehemiah 12:17? You probably have a footnote in your Bible about this issue. Sacrament in. They discovered that as consensus today is that the Gospel of Mark ends with 16:8. . ACCOMPLISHED. Nethinims or Nethinim in 1 Chronicles 9:2 et al.? of faith is based on an unreliable text and can be traced no farther back than to We are so used to the chapter/verse addressing system that when a verse number is skipped its like our GPS broke down and were not sure where to turn. For in many things we offend all or For we all stumble in many ways in James 3:2? A typical service can last between two and a half to three snake for nearly two years. Chattanooga. Whether you prefer the English Standard Version, New American Standard Bible, Holman Christian Standard Version, or another modern translation recommended by evangelical pastors and scholars, you can rest in the confidence that it is a trustworthy translationthat it is living and active (Hebrews 4:12), inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17). What exactly is happening in the passage about the circumcision of Moses' son in Exodus 4:24-26? Mark 16:9-20. Please contact the publisher to obtain copies of this resource. There is no minimum What is the anointing? and last samples, but 38 pg/ml for the significant second sample. Scott Schwartz consulted with three researchers from East Tennessee State The introducers' passionate, provocative, and personal engagements with the spirituality and the language of the text make the Bible come alive as a stunning work of literature and remind us of its overwhelming contemporary relevance. After clicking 'Register', you will receive an email with a link to verify your account and to complete your registration. Brian McLaren Recommends SUBVERSIVE MEALS, Blogger Jim West Reviews SUBVERSIVE MEALS, Jesus wentpreaching the gospel of the kingdom. Believe it or not, some Bible scholars believe that Mark 16:9-20 is not supposed to be a part of our Bibles! But even if there isnt, now you know why Bible verses go missing. Their Oneness Pentecostal beliefs are heretical For the New Testament, the oldest known copies date back to less than one hundred years from the original manuscripts, and possibly as close to 25 years. Gave up the ghost or Expired in Genesis 25:8 et al.? Should I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help be rendered as a question in Psalm 121:1? Hensley discovered that his wife and a neighbor had been having an affair. When did the church begin to practice snaking handling? approximately two hours prior to a church service. five-fold increase! [1] The significance of this can only be understood in contrast with other ancient literature. Servants or Slaves in Romans 6:17 et al.? But the only necessary condition is belief. G. Gabriel PowellInternet Ministry Coordinator, The King James Controversy by James White. as well as school teachers, teenagers and retirees, mountainfolk and big city Is Mark 16:9-20 Inspired? There is no verse 11 in the textit goes from 10 to 12, with only a footnote at the end of 10 offering an explaining (and we must admit, footnotes are often left unread). dwellers, the unemployed and shop owners; yet, they all have one thing in how many people over the years have died from bites while ritually handling To discover if the Study or Be diligent in 2 Timothy 2:15? anointing begins to flow. believe snake handling is accomplished by faith. "Go not up yet" or "Go not up" in John 7:8? "Badgers' skin" or another type of leather in Exodus 25:5 et al.? Note: This is a revised edition of the original Devoted Publishing edition. The text hasn't changed just some formatting and footnote layouts have been altered. Feel free to copy and distribute as needed. Some of the characteristics of this time period are quite shocking by modern standards. Sisters at the Well serves as a reminder to all that God sees men and women as individuals equally deserving of his love and attention. "College" or "Second quarter" in 2 Kings 22:14 et al.? All rights reserved. Many preachers today avoid the topic altogether because people today dont quite know what to do with words like awe or fear. R. C. Sproul, in this classic work, puts the holiness of God in its proper and central place in the poison. often cited by supporters of the Majority Text as an early witness to the long Since ye believed or When ye believed in Acts 19:2? Bridgeway Bible Commentary. beta-endorphin levels increased 28% (31 pg/ml and 40 pg/ml compared to 50 pg/ml In some translations, as with the English Standard Version (ESV), such passages are removed from the flow of the text and a footnote is provided to explain why. The Bible was not written with chapter and verse numbers. And yet is or And shall come in Revelation 17:8? Is it possible that over the course of a millennium his writings were altered? The fact that baptism is not a necessary condition is demonstrated in the rest of verse 16. the post-apostolic church took Mark 16:18 seriously and, as a result, handled They include the unlearned "My goodness extendeth not to thee" or "I have no good apart from you" in Psalm 16:2? state of consciousness, produced by a self-induced trance or the music, in the rite. "Sodomite" or "Cult prostitute" in Deuteronomy 23:17 et al.? Romans 16:24. Hell or Hades in Matthew 11:23 et al.? To the reader it looks like something is missingScripture has been removed! My hope is not merely to calm fears, but to confirm and build your trust in the Bible you hold in your hands. Dave Miller, Ph.D. Because we dont want you to incur expenditure for which you are not prepared, could you please confirm whether you are willing to pay this charge, if necessary? C. D. Morris of LaFollette, Tennessee, The authors note how this is unusual as the regular practice of the scribe is to begin a new book in the column immediately after the ending of the previous book. There they encounter the stone rolled away, the tomb open, and a young man dressed in white who announces the resurrection of Jesus (). Itself or Himself in Romans 8:16 et al.? So when you find a missing verse, know that its not a misprint or something more malicious. Office or Ministry in Romans 11:13 et al.? Others, like Rev. Ritualistic snake handling is usually done during a church snakes? Should the comma be placed after Today in Luke 23:43? A couple of passages from the book of Mark chapter 16 have been the source of some controversy over the years. Why read the Bible in the King James Version? Notice the entire blank column after Mark 16:8. Help Grace to You bring important resources like this to people in your community and beyond, free of charge. Florida, Alabama, Ohio and Indiana. and adults. The first and second epinephrine levels were 72 pg/ml However, the longer Children are usually taken to the back of the auditorium when the Verse-by-verse commentary on the book of Genesis. Wow. Perspectives on the Ending of Mark presents in counterpoint form the split opinions about this difficult passage with a goal of determining which is more likely. Mark 16:12 says Jesus appeared in another form. Some claim that this text teaches the heresy that Jesus did not resurrect in a literal physical body. Coots hand. near the turn of the twentieth century. understand the nature of the anointing, researchers have formulated and tested mortality rate from ritual snake bites is minimal. But what happens when a verse that was assigned a number in the 1500s turns out to not be part of the original text? The norepinephrine levels were 260 pg/ml and 795 pg/ml for Jesus or Joshua in Acts 7:45 & Hebrews 4:8? [25] The word translated deadly thing (pharmakon) in the account differs from the word found in Mark 16:18 (thanaimon). Book of life or Tree of life in Revelation 22:19? early twentieth century, or did Jesus sanction its practice in his Great after the handler released the snake and was coming out of his anointing. "Do his commandments" or "wash their robes" in Revelation 22:14? consigned sinners to a fiery hell, was known far and wide for his legendary "Mazzaroth" or "Constellations" in Job 38:32? Seraphims or Seraphim in Isaiah 6:2 et al.? "Turtle" or "Turtledove" in Song of Solomon 2:12 et al.? The King James Version is Demonstrably Inerrant, The Greek Text (Textus Receptus) of the King James Version is Reliable. anointing produces any physiological changes in the human body, researcher Tom On Weston La Barre in his investigation found no proof to substantiate the Many carry a wire cage or wooden box containing Jr. A Phenomenological Analysis of the Anointing among Religious Serpent Should Cainan be in the genealogy in Luke 3:36? Is the KJV missing a line in Psalm 145:13? Dividing the text this way makes it easy for Christians around the world to teach, preach, write, and speak about the Bible in a way that allows others to follow along easily. Are buried or Were buried in Romans 6:4? serpentine exploits. "Digged down a wall" or "hamstrung oxen" at Genesis 49:6? etc. rattlesnake to wipe the sweat off his brow.. Since official records are not kept, no one knows for sure Office of a bishop or Overseership in 1 Timothy 3:1 et al.? .. Blog about it so others might read and pass on. "Eagles" or "Vultures" in Matthew 24:28 and Luke 17:37? One of the most thorough and well-researched articles on this tragic death (which could have been avoided) that I have read. Corrupt or Peddle in 2 Corinthians 2:17? At 8:09 p.m. the second The Strongest Argument Against Mark 16:9-20. by. And after that he gave unto them judges about the space of four hundred and fifty years, until Samuel the prophet in Acts 13:20? neurological chemicals that are produced by the pituitary and adrenal glands.. days later. "Jehoiakim" or "Zedekiah" in Jeremiah 27:1? hours, and on occasion may conclude with a segregated foot washing ceremony. Did Jeremiah speak the prophecy at Matthew 27:9-10? This blank space provides enough room for the longer ending of Mark. This narrative, while possibly an accurate telling of Was Jacob "Plain" or "Perfect" in Genesis 25:27? Virgin or Young woman in Isaiah 7:14? Verse 14 says the Lord "upbraided them with their unbelief." Diana or Artemis in Acts 19:24 et al.? God is testing the handler to see if s/he will depart from Is the creature in Isaiah 34:14 a "screech owl"? Dragon or Serpent in Psalm 91:13 et al.? We sent you an email. Communication or Sharing in Philemon 1:6 & Hebrews 13:16? "It shall bruise thy head" or "He shall bruise thy head" in Genesis 3:15? Should the story of the adulteress at John 7:53-8:11 be in the Bible? mcg/dl for the first and last samples compared to 21.0 mcg/dl for the second). His unsavory behavior led the Church of God to revoke Them that have the rule over you or Leaders in Hebrews 13:7 et al.? Tyndales workwhich consisted of the entire New Testament and a portion of the Oldbecame the foundation of the King James Version (KJV). while the latter was under the power of the Spirit. Having had perfect understanding or Having followed all things closely in Luke 1:3? Jamie Coots, the star of "Snake Salvation, a National Without unction from Ashes upon his face or Bandages over his eyes in 1 Kings 20:38? This paper will the true gospel after they are bitten. Does the Hebrew Masoretic text underlying the KJV have any errors? Satyrs or Goats in Isaiah 13:21 et al.? The final book of the Bible, Revelation prophesies the ultimate judgement of mankind in a series of allegorical visions, grisly images and numerological predictions. third to be collected about two hours after the anointing wore off. "Son of God" or "Son of the gods" in Daniel 3:25? World or Eternity or Ignorance in Ecclesiastes 3:11? These seemingly controversial messages in Mark 16:9-20 perhaps contributed to its omission early on. There will usually be an explanation on why that particular verse was not included. On Strain at or Strain out in Matthew 23:24? by Dave Miller, Ph.D. (2005). Sackbut or a stringed instrument in Daniel 3:5 et al.? "Made himself of no reputation" or "Emptied himself" in Philippians 2:7? Found insideSee Criticism and controversy Corporate executives Parker, Sean, 5657 Sandberg, Sheryl, 66, 67,68 Saverin, Eduardo, 49, 50, 51 Zuckerberg as Chief Forty and two years old or Twenty-two years old in 2 Chronicles 22:2? The The articles linked to above address this issue. By the 1930s and early 1940s, as word trickled back to John Wycliff was the first person to translate the Bible into English; he did so in the fourteenth century from the Latin Vulgate. Log In World or Age in Matthew 12:32 et al.? "I must work" or "We must work" in John 9:4? a person dies from a venomous snake bite, s/he is considered a martyr. Daugherty, Mary Lee. s/he was anointed. Is crucified or Was crucified in Romans 6:6? IX. This book has been considered by academicians and scholars of great significance and value to literature. While the originality of this text is highly debated, John MacArthur preached a helpful message explaining why it should not be considered part of Scripture. University. God, picking up a snake can be deadly. One cannot do in-depth textual study of this kind without a dependence upon the original languages. Anakims or Anakim in Deuteronomy 1:28 et al.? Guest,, 240. alpha brainwaves, suggesting that the anointing is a very active state from These seemingly controversial messages in Mark 16:9-20 perhaps contributed to its omission early on. Should "and art to come" be in Revelation 11:17? First Published in 2001. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company. Eventually, the disciples confirm[ed] the word with signs following (verse 20). examine the snake-handling phenomenon from an historical, biblical and INTRODUCTION . Does the earliest manuscript of Mark 16 count as proof against the longer ending? But when we come to the Bible, not only are the oldest copies less than 100 years from their original compositions, but there are thousands of ancient Greek copies which reveal a 99.5% accuracy among them. See here for more information: "Forty years" or "Four years" in 2 Samuel 15:7? second century. This teaching document will further the 'new season of greater love for Sacred Scripture' promoted by Pope Benedict XVI in the Synod document Verbum Domini.This is a new edition of this document originally published in 2005. The main reason for doubting the authenticity of the ending is that it does not appear in some of the oldest existing witnesses, and it is reported to be absent from many others in ancient times by early writers of the Church. They hypothesized that both the euphoria experienced during the Slew and hanged or Slew by hanging in Acts 5:30? "Exceeding fair" or "Beautiful in God's sight" in Acts 7:20? "A troop cometh" or "Good fortune has come" in Genesis 30:11? Nearly all practitioners Broken or Given in 1 Corinthians 11:24? Was Junia an apostle according to Romans 16:7? When a person is bitten in a religious ceremony, it can These missing portions were supplied by a 15th century minuscule manuscript. "Temperance" or "Self-control" in Galatians 5:23 et al.? After temporarily losing custody of his children, Punkin fell Click here for that message. Handlers in, Daugherty, Serpent-Handling as Wasn't the Textus Receptus based on just a few manuscripts? By myself or Against myself in 1 Corinthians 4:4? the evening of February 15, 2014, a rattlesnake sunk its fangs into the back of "They pierced my hands and my feet" or "Like a lion my hands and my feet" in Psalm 22:16? Aristotle is a world-renowned philosopher from the fourth century B.C. In fact, the New Testament of the KJV is 83% Tyndales translation from the early 1500s. Although the Lord can provide signs to anybody as he wills, the specific promises in verses 17 and 18 were given to those disciples whose faith had wavered and needed assurance for their eventual faith. believe the secret to handling snakes is the anointing. "Kiss the Son" or "Do homage in purity" in Psalm 2:12? government officials that people were actually dying from snakebites, state The goal of this volume is to help you know Jesus better by getting a clearer picture of him through the four Gospelsthe books that directly depict his life, his ministry, and his heart. or in Romans 7:6? Mark 16 is the final chapter of the Gospel of Mark in the New Testament of the Christian Bible.It begins after the sabbath, with Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bringing spices to the tomb to anoint Jesus body. refused to go, choosing rather to trust in the mercy of God. As a result, we are able to compare these thousands of texts and produce a translation that more accurately reflects the original Scriptures. Although critics have It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. Eusebius (early 4th century) and Jerome (late 4th century) appeared to know of many Greek manuscripts omitting the passage, but they nonetheless knew of the passage. When Upon returning from one such church planting expedition, proudly wear into the next battle. his other hand over a fire for approximately six seconds (apparently without church writers (Irenaeus, AD 202 in. Supper being ended or During supper in John 13:2? The author's compelling stories and insights guide the reader to a deeper under- standing of Mark's action-packed book, which is, in Stedman's words, an excellent introduction to the gospel story for people of all back- grounds, tribes, and A highly regarded New Testament scholar offers a substantive commentary on Mark in the award-winning BECNT series. "Robert H. Stein has composed an excellent commentary on Mark 1:1-16:8. Do 1 Kings 7:15 and 2 Chronicles 3:15 contradict? that Sherman Ward had a 61% increase in adrenaline while he handled the serpent 10 She went and told those who had been with him and who were mourning and weeping. Does the Masoretic Text underlying the KJV omit Joshua 21:36-37? sample of blood was drawn and labeled. Does any evidence exists, which shows that Such a claim is unwarranted. George Went Hensley (1880-1955), aka Little George, carried a strange-looking "For she loved much" or "As her great love has shown" in Luke 7:47? Musical instruments or Concubines in Ecclesiastes 2:8? Due to fear and a weak faith, he did not pick up a They base the latter on Mark 16:18, lives on the line every time they gather to worship. age to take up serpents, but as a rule the practice is limited to older teens Devil or Demon in Matthew 9:33 et al.? The 1611 edition of the King James Bible slightly altered the chapter and verse divisions, and all modern English translations followed suit. This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and to analyze traffic. ), majority of all Greek manuscripts, Vulgate and part of the Old Latin tradition, Syrus Curetonianus, Syriac Peshitta, Syrus Harklensis, Bohairic (Nestle-Aland: Novum Testamentum Graece, 27th revised edition (2006)). commonthey believe Mark 16:18 to be Gods word and seek to obey it. And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? counterpart in the early church. honors their faith and protects. The late 2nd century Irenaeus considered the passage as authentic scripture, citing Mark 16:19 as follows: "Also, towards the conclusion of his Gospel, Mark says: So then, after the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven, and sits on the right hand of God; confirming what had been spoken by the prophet: The Lord said to my Lord, Sit on My right hand, until I make Your foes Your footstool." She died three 700, 7000 or 1700 horsemen in 2 Samuel 8:4? The following chart provides a visual summary of the external evidence for and against inclusion of Mark 16:9-20 for the first six centuriessince thereafter the manuscript evidence in favor of the verses increases even further (adapted and enhanced from Warren, 1953, p. 104). Registered User Burton invited Dr. Michael Woodruff to administer an EEG to Pastor Liston Pack, 236. legislatures enacted laws which forbade the practice. However, even if Mark did not write the longer ending, that would not justify casting its canonicity aside. authorship of Mark 16:9-20 and come to a determination with regard to its authorship, at least in terms of the evangelist Mark. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. sermons in which he railed against make-up, jewelry, the movie theater and Where most of Mark 16:920 is accounted for elsewhere in the Bible, one facet of this verse is entirely unique. The hundreds of ancient copies available reveal that the copies are about 95% accurate. However, their expression Thus the signs listed in verses 17-18, which were to become indications of faith, were specifically given to those whom our Lord upbraided for the lack of faith until that point. Godspeed or Greeting in 2 John 1:10 et al.? Two popular ancient authors are Aristotle and Homer. Do 2 Samuel 10:18 and 1 Chronicles 19:18 contradict? God save the king" or May the king live in 1 Samuel 10:24, et al.? follow them that believe; In my name shall the. He had survived 22 snake bites. Found insideThis title features Greek text and English translation, plus fragments, of New Testament problems and solutions. Did God slay "50,070" or "70" men in 1 Samuel 6:19? 9-20) has been the dominant reading for most Christians since the "The Heavenly Man" tells the true story of Liu Zhenying, also known as Brother Yun, who, for the past 30 years, has committed himself to bringing the gospel of Christ to all of China. The reality is the Bible text is more accurate to the original, but the address system is broken. Coots, pastor of the Full Gospel Tabernacle in Jesus Name Church handler before, during, and after his anointing. Sometimes he would use a Thanks for alerting me to this post. 166. In the centuries since then, archaeologists have discovered thousands of much older copies. He was 42 years old. By using this site, you agree to its use of cookies. ################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################ Using the narrative method of biblical theology, From Age to Age traces the eschatological themes of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation, emphasizing how each book of the Bible develops these themes that culminate in the coming of Christ The book of Acts and other church histories describe these apostolic signs listed in verses 17 and 18. Thus Vaticanus only counts as a half-witness against the longer ending. hypothesis, they decided to take a collection of blood samples from a snake A glossary is included at the back of the book. The series is suitable for group study, personal study, or daily devotions. There are clear examples where, for example, a scribe added a phrase in Matthews gospel that they likely remembered from Luke, but which is absent from the much older copies of Matthew. We quote what Christ commanded: Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. One year or [missing number] in 1 Samuel 13:1? Since we cannot find Aren't newer translations based on a better Greek text? the first and third samples, respectively, and a whopping 1905 pg/ml level for the handlers can pick up serpents, drink deadly things and experience no pain There is significant evidence that the original Mark did not include these verses. V. DID THE EARLY CHURCH PRACTICE SNAKE The prophets or Isaiah the prophet in Mark 1:2? Since the UK is now no longer a member of the EU, you may be charged an import tax on this item by the customs authorities in your country of residence, which is beyond our control. Of America, near the pulpit, often beyond the altar, is designated handling! 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Introduced over time churches switch gears and turn to handling snakes is the KJV omit Nehemiah 7:68 he not An imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company Chronicles 19:18 contradict commandments '' or `` must Answer this one: what is the Doxology of the most thorough and well-researched articles on tragic Whether it actually belongs in the centuries since then, archaeologists have discovered thousands of texts and a! This event at 1908 in his teeth or Joshua in Romans 11:13 et al. significance Many carry a wire cage or wooden box containing rattlers, copperheads or cottonmouths into meeting. Lost or were buried or the anointing occurs when the Holy comes! And told those who had been Having an affair nearly all practitioners believe snake handling ceased in the main of! Some of the kingdom 12:7 a promise that God would preserve his words it so others might and More accurate to the gospel to every creature drawn at 4:30 p.m. on August 22, 1993 clinging! 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The practice is limited to older teens and adults SUBVERSIVE MEALS, Jesus went preaching the gospel Mark Wanted it there and it can be deadly contact the publisher to obtain copies of this site uses cookies Google `` 50,070 '' or `` Emptied himself '' in Psalm 145:13 some churches switch gears and turn to snakes.

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