Check your BMI

  What does your number mean ? What does your number mean ?

What does your number mean?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults.

BMI values are age-independent and the same for both sexes.
The health risks associated with increasing BMI are continuous and the interpretation of BMI gradings in relation to risk may differ for different populations.

As of today if your BMI is at least 35 to 39.9 and you have an associated medical condition such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure or if your BMI is 40 or greater, you may qualify for a bariatric operation.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Claros.

< 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal Weight
25 – 29.9 Overweight
30 – 34.9 Class I Obesity
35 – 39.9 Class II Obesity
≥ 40 Class III Obesity (Morbid)

What does your number mean?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify underweight, overweight and obesity in adults.

BMI values are age-independent and the same for both sexes.
The health risks associated with increasing BMI are continuous and the interpretation of BMI gradings in relation to risk may differ for different populations.

As of today if your BMI is at least 35 to 39.9 and you have an associated medical condition such as diabetes, sleep apnea or high blood pressure or if your BMI is 40 or greater, you may qualify for a bariatric operation.

If you have any questions, contact Dr. Claros.

< 18.5 Underweight
18.5 – 24.9 Normal Weight
25 – 29.9 Overweight
30 – 34.9 Class I Obesity
35 – 39.9 Class II Obesity
≥ 40 Class III Obesity (Morbid)

what to put in an author newsletter

It is far more beneficial to make sure your numbers are constantly improving.Â, You can improve your open rates and click through rates by making sure you have an engaging and entertaining email newsletter, using the strategies I’ve shared.Â, Your email list can be your biggest asset if you invest in it.Â, By keeping your subscribers engaged through your newsletter, you’ll be able to sell more books on a more consistent basis. If you add up the work required here, you have 300 words plus a picture for your main story, one sentence for your book update, and one book recommendation. (5) Social Media Links (yours). Regardless of what it ends up being, I recommend posting frequently to draw in readers and keep yourself top of mind with your readers–for a blog that means at least a week, for a newsletter, I’d recommend a minimum of once a month. wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. Say you went on a road trip through an unfamiliar state with your family and had some thoughts about that. * Sending a newsletter out monthly seems to be the sweet spot based on all of the research I’ve done. I’m going to show you a lot of different bios. Where newsletter publishers used to be the smartest people in the room, they are now the sad old fuddy-duddies of the online marketing world, hopelessly outdated, clinging desperately to a dying technology, destined to be crushed by new and savvier competitors. Put the book cover graphic up, too. Author bios and bylines have become much less distinct in the internet age, and on many websites, the two will be merged in some form or other. All of the rules that say shorter is better when it comes to email works in your favor when writing your newsletter. The best value for self-published authors. Share with them what’s working for you. If you’re using your own publishing, website, or blog name, you … Keeping an email list warm is easier said than done. Some authors choose one or the other, though I recommend taking advantage of both. And if you remember to be genuine with your readers, to share real things about yourself, to give instead of ask, then your readers will look forward to your letter every month. Most websites providers have the option to add an email newsletter or newsletter block to your webpage. A newsletter is much easier to write if you have a starting point. That’s your total newsletter writing labor — once you have laid the groundwork. Hooray! This is another part of your newsletter that doesn’t change unless, for some reason, you change the URLs of your social media. Because NO ONE EVER wants to receive long emails. If the newsletter article doesn't have a stated author (which is different than "Anonymous"), move the title of the article into the author position in the reference: Title of article. Because I have a connection with the author, and the author is important to me. Talk about the books you’re reading. If you’d like, you can have a separate, SUPER short section where you provide an update about your books. What Should You Put in Your Email Newsletter? Too much fun to call it work!”, IR Approved Author Andrew Wolfendon: “The best part [of being an indie] is that you have the freedom to color outside the genre lines.”. You’re totally not ready to do this. To develop a loyal fanbase, show off your personality to create a connection with your readers.Â. And include something fun every now and then. Spread the word! For starters, when the time comes, you’ll want your readers to click through and purchase your books. Not only is it useful to know what you need to include in an author bio, it is also useful to see examples of how your vital information should look. I always have a running list of ideas that come to me throughout the month. like you do from time to time. Newsletters, therefore, create connections with your readers. Today, author’s need to be chief cook and bottle washers, becoming more than they should be. Remember, your readers have chosen to receive these emails, so they want to hear from you on a regular basis. Follow some important tips to create the best newsletter … The title of my newsletter is “Writing Isn’t Sexy,” and the theme is how, although it may seem like the writing life is glamorous, it really is so, so not. Daniel Ruscigno is the co-founder of ClinicSense, which offers clinic management software that helps with scheduling, intake forms, SOAP notes, billing, email marketing and more.He … They don’t care that you’re selling something. A peek behind the scenes. And if you’re publishing a newsletter, you’ll probably be pulverized right along with them. This article will cover both what you need to include in your author bio and some examples of tight professional bios. Author newsletters are a great way to reach out to your readers on a regular basis and interact with them in various ways. The trick is making it as enticing as possible so visitors to your site take action. We hope these 50 email newsletter ideas put you in the fast lane for upping your email newsletter game. Wait. ), The books update is easy. Add a colon and list the page or page range using a hyphen. This article will cover both what you need to include in your author … But, an author photo is needed for your book's jacket, your website, social media and press kit (at the very least). Then, put your author media kit up on your website. Odds are that your readers will want to know what you’ve been working on for your blog, so share your work.Â, To go with your own blog content, if you write any guest posts on other websites, you should be looking to include those in your newsletters too.Â, And you can even share articles you’ve read recently that you found to be particularly helpful or inspiring. Five things you can include in your author newsletter 1. Being able to test your CTAs in your newsletters will give you the opportunity to find out what works best. Remember how your newsletter has a theme? I’d always wondered how meal delivery prices compared and thought it was a really helpful article. But an email is a letter genre. The total percentage of subscribers who open an email. So, there’s a few key numbers you’ll want to track to make sure your audience is engaged and reading your emails. Last week, we kicked off a blog series on author newsletters with “Why You Absolutely, Positively Need an Author’s Newsletter“. (4) Short Bio (of you). Here’s an off-the-wall example. This is the kind of impact you want your newsletter to have with your own audience. That’s the kind of article you might want to share if you think your readers would find it interesting — along with a story and a pic of your experience with meal kits.Â, There’s a bit of debate on if it is a good idea or not to send an entire article via email vs just linking to it; and in truth, there’s no real right or wrong answer. 1. Driving traffic back to your website/blog should be one of the main aims of your author newsletter. Many businesses rely on email newsletters to build customer relationships and keep their companies top of mind with their audiences. Forward your newsletter to the author, and you might make a new friend, too. Make your newsletter something your fans will want to read by publishing exclusive content they won’t find anywhere else. Links to every place readers can find you. We don’t have a connection. Get the best author info and savings on services when you subscribe! You’ve created a Mailchimp, Tinyletter (which is owned by Mailchimp), or other account. Something that feels special.Â, And if you’re a nonfiction author, then an informational eBook or a short video course is a great way to engage your email list in the lead up to a new book. It's probably is easy for you to remember who produces the newsletters because you value the content. Have you recently discovered the perfect way to reheat french fries? You just helped your readers find a book on sale by an author they might not know! If you send it less frequently, readers lose touch with who you are. So, getting your subscribers used to clicking through to read your blog is a way to subtly train your list to click through and make a purchase. Following that line of thinking, here are a few ideas: 1. PLUS! Links to your blog. The people benefit of newsletters. They connect you with current and potential donors by letting them know their contributions are being put … It’s important for indie authors to know how to write an author bio that tells readers: who you are, what you write, why readers should trust you, and how you stand out from other writers.. Content that’s helpful to the subscriber. If you missed it, check it out! Forward your newsletter to the author, and you might make a new friend, too. Authors are also not allowed to thank reviewers personally, or those who inspire them but cannot directly receive their appreciation – although reviewers can be thanked if they are kept anonymous. (4) Short Bio (of you) Provide your author portrait and a 1–2 sentence bio of yourself. When your audience realizes your emails are a conversation (and not a one-way broadcast), they’ll be more engaged and far more likely to open your emails regularly. This doesn’t really change much from month-to-month. When my friends have new books coming around, I want to hear about that news. Learning how to write a newsletter is relatively easy. When are we supposed to write our actual books? Creating a signature on Wisestamp makes the entire process a lot quicker. If you put a lot of original content into your email newsletter… You need to share a bit about yourself. The percentage of people who click through from a link in your email. When you are trying to draw your newsletter to a close, you don't want to end it abruptly, causing your readers to wonder where the rest of the text went. Log in once and you’ll be able to update your Amazon Author Page in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, India and Japan with biographies in each language. An engaging, well put-together newsletter is a vital part of any organization’s communications strategy. This is a small box. by Christmas w/a K | via Flickr . Or maybe you want a name for a new character. (That happened.) Include the last name and first initials of each author, with each individual separated by a comma. Tammi, before we get into that, tell us a bit more about you, and how you got into writing and publishing. You might run author Q&As if you’re a novelist, offer how-to articles and tips if you’re a nonfiction author, or share short stories, poems, or brief essays. You don’t want your readers to be distracted or over budget when it’s time for them to buy your book.Â, A cool trick that you can use to get some newsletter ideas come from this article written by Sean D’Souza. Debra Joy Groesser sells a painting off every monthly newsletter she sends out. Everyone loves to be asked for advice. Include a personal touch. If you’re stuck between two book cover ideas, let your... 2. (year, Month day). How-to … Key takeaway: Employee eyes get caught on the most important information. Also, by having readers click through to your blog posts, you’ll be able to give yourself a lot of practice in writing a range of calls to action (CTA) and hooks for your links. That’s what almost every author wants, right? If you Readers don’t want to receive long emails. Most online course platforms like Thinkific have a free plan for beginners that are definitely enough to get started.Â, This might go without saying, but remember to let your list know when something exciting is happening. Amazon Author offers a one-stop solution for personalizing your Amazon Author Profile, managing your books, and more around the world. Good luck! It is, in its very form, personal. And you can even share articles you’ve read recently that you found to be particularly helpful or inspiring. Not the market-y benefits of newsletters. For the record, this business about creating connections applies to all of your social media work. Mailchimp lets you design a newsletter by using templates, and within those templates you use drag-and-drop elements such as text boxes to create your newsletter design. The bottom row from left to right: Text Format (paragraph, header etc), Select a Font, Text Size, Text Color, Text Background Color, Horizontal Line, Anchor Link, Merge Tags (in case you want to … Include user-generated content. Author bios are not a place for you to delve into a lengthy explanation of your history. It can be the email address you used to create your MailChimp account. In fact, you’ve got enough ideas for your next ten newsletters!Â. As an author, you can also talk a bit about your writing process. If the thought of writing a personal letter every month exhausts you, though, take heart. Show some pics from a recent vacation. OK, so we have convinced you to give newsletters a go. “If you receive any queries from journalists, include a link to your media kit in any reply.” Here are three more tips for the road: Label each of your files appropriately. Now that you have an idea of what your internal audiences want, it’s time to put together a content plan. Create a graphic with all of your book covers or your latest book cover and use it in every newsletter. Say you went on a writing retreat and something silly happened, like you got inspired by an apparently unclaimed chicken wandering through a national park. By giving your newsletter a title and a theme, then you are doing yourself a favor, because you have a starting place when it comes time to write your newsletters, and you are doing your readers a favor, because they know what to expect. (The rest of the ideas I often use as blog posts. This is a medium box. You can copy these signatures to your email provider and even import them to your personal email address.Â, Everyone loves to be asked for advice. Most online course platforms like, have a free plan for beginners that are definitely enough to get started.Â, This might go without saying, but remember to let your list know when something exciting is happening. I created header art for my newsletter, and I use the same header art every month. Instead, it is far better to choose one or two that you can be consistent with over the long term.Â. Your existing client lists, for example, might be a good place to start. Every now and then, it’s a great idea to wow your readers with a free digital gift. “I Need Coffee” is a monthly column covering all sorts of writing topics, with an eye toward making a living writing. The point is to give you an idea of how many different authors did them, so you can find your own author bio writing style: Example 1 – High Status And Short: Lynn Vincent Scroll through book-deals emails and the Kindle deals. So, look through these ideas and start planning your next author newsletter. You don’t want your software to stand in the way of your newsletter success. Planning Your Newsletter Content: 20 Ideas Anyone Can Use. (You can read my previous article titled “Nearing the end of the sequel to [Book Title Here].” You hardly have to change this section at all. The most important thing with your main story, though, is that you open up to your readers. How to create an effective email newsletter. Famous Footwear uses handwritten fonts to draw readers attention. You’ve taught yourself the software. Authors are supposed to post to Facebook, Tweet, keep a blog, write guest posts, post to Instagram, and now send out newsletters, too? Be sure to include links to your most recent blog post/s in each of your newsletters. Mention any recent personal milestones or accomplishments, like birthdays, … Be sure to update it as new books come out. You’re totally ready to do this. Download a printable checklist! We'd love to help you find the best services for your book. Between all the blogging, Facebook posts, Tweets, guest posts, and email newsletters, it almost seems like you won’t have time to write books!Â, However, the return on the time you spend connecting with your list can be profitable. … You can also read about why you should start an email list and … The last author should be preceded with an ampersand. 24 Amazing Newsletter Content Ideas. Is a new book being released in your, ? Constantly generating newsletter content ideas is not. Once you have the major points in your newsletter settled, the small details can make or break the whole project. If you send it more frequently, readers feel like they’re getting spammed. To develop a loyal fanbase, show off your personality to create … Then, look through the book’s table of contents and you’ll most likely find a bunch of cool ideas.Â. As authors, we all know that your email list will help you sell more books. Here are some ideas for fresh content you can send out: News or Events related to your book topic; Author Interviews; Round-up of articles published on your blog; Fun facts about your writing process; Supplemental information about your characters or scenes in the book … Unlike university manuscripts, journal manuscripts should not include help and guidance from family and friends. Most authors are not recognized by what they look like unless they're John Grisham (who resides here in the midst of the Blue Ridge Mountains). This is a small box. 1. A lifelong lover of books, she has edited over 300 books and has launched several Amazon bestsellers for her clients. So let’s get into the 10 highly-effective trends to get your audience signing up for your email newsletter. Right now. When listing book publications, should you have any, italicize the title and do not put in quotation … wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it … Every newsletter needs an audience. About the Author. This is the third post in a series about email. Insert the italicized name of the newsletter. Under the "fair use" defense, another author may make limited use of the original author's work without asking permission. To help you make the most of your new favorite marketing channel, we’ve detailed below all you need to know to plan an effective newsletter strategy that’ll … They say you can’t improve what you can’t measure. How to Write a Good Newsletter. says that the average email open rate for any industry is around 17%. And today, we're talking about her brilliant and super useful book, “Newsletter Ninja: How to Become an Author Mailing List Expert,” which is just an amazing topic. No writing involved! There are other newsletter platforms out there that are also good.). Following someone on Twitter has really low stakes. Add a period. Newsletters are easy and exciting ways to convey information to a specific group of people. Even one dollar helps support the free writing I do for writers, disability rights, and more. Did You Catch My Cameo in The Way I See It? Ask your readers for ideas. Â, As an author, you can also talk a bit about your writing process. Manuscripts, journal manuscripts should not include help and guidance from family and friends the I! Editor, seasoned writer, and the first name, which features interviews with self-published luminaries, bestseller. Having an email list if you ’ re publishing a newsletter, you can have a major event activity! 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